出版時間:2009-2 出版社:華中科技大學出版社 作者:馮寧 編 頁數(shù):143
本書編寫的目的是指導學生閱讀與機電專業(yè)相關的英語書刊、文選,使學生在將來的工作中能夠以英語為工具,獲得相關的專業(yè)知識和產(chǎn)品信患,并在完成基礎英語課程后,通過學習本教材保持英語學習的連續(xù)性,使英語水平再上一個臺階?! ”緯鶕?jù)機電專業(yè)本身的特點,在選材上注重代表性和廣泛性,涵蓋了機械工程、電子電氣、自動化控制、數(shù)控與計算機數(shù)控等幾個部分的內(nèi)容。每個部分又分為基本單元和閱讀材料兩部分,基本單元的選材主要體現(xiàn)專業(yè)英語的基本特點以及機電專業(yè)所涉及的主要專業(yè)知識和應用領域;閱讀材料部分的選材涉及機電領域的一些最新技術應用,主要是為了擴展學生的視野?! ∽鳛閷I(yè)英語教材,本書重點在于幫助學生在專業(yè)英語詞匯的學習過程中提高科技英語閱讀能力,力求做到專業(yè)性、科普性、趣味性的統(tǒng)一,盡量減少閱讀中的專業(yè)知識障礙?! ⑴c本書編寫的有廣東機電職業(yè)技術學院馮寧,廣東交通職業(yè)技術學院宋春華,武漢鐵路職業(yè)技術學院蘇雪。其中Part I、PartⅡ、PartⅢ、PartⅣ由馮寧編寫,PartV由宋春華編寫,PartⅥ由蘇雪編寫?! ”緯神T寧擔任主編。在編寫、整理和定稿過程中,得到了許多同行的指點,特別是得到了華中科技大學出版社楊鷗副編審的支持和幫助,在此表示衷心的感謝!本書參考了大量的國內(nèi)外文獻,對提供文獻的作者,我們表示最誠摯的謝意! 由于作者水平有限,本書錯誤和不當之處在所難免,敬請讀者批評指正!
本書是一本實用的機電專業(yè)英語教程,內(nèi)容涵蓋了機電專業(yè)基礎理論和應用領域的相關知識,既考慮到機電專業(yè)的基本體系結構,又體現(xiàn)了機電領域的部分最新技術及發(fā)展方向。全書共分為6個部分,包括機械基礎、機構知識、電學知識、自動化技術、數(shù)控和計算機數(shù)控等內(nèi)容。每個部分還配有相關的閱讀材料。 本書旨在提高學生的專業(yè)英語閱讀能力,掌握機電專業(yè)常用的英語詞匯,以及了解機電領域的最新技術應用。本書不但可用作高職高專機電類專業(yè)英語的教學用書,還可作為相關工程技術人員的參考用書。
Part I Fundamentals of Machinery Unit 1 Engineering Drawing Unit 2 Tolerances and Surface Roughness Unit 3 Mechanical Properties of Metals Unit 4 Hydraulic System Reading Materials I 1.Heat Treatment of Steel 2.Classification of.Steels 3.Pressure-Control Valves and Flow-Control Valves 4.Benefits of a Quality SystemPart II The Knowledge of Mechanisms Unit 5 Mechanisms Unit 6 Mechanical Components Unit 7 Engine Lathe Reading Materials II 5.Types of Gear 6.Ball and Roller Bearings 7.Milling MachinesPart III The Knowledge of Electric Circuits Unit 8 Circuit Elements and Parameters Unit 9 Alternating Current Unit 10 Types of the DC Motor Reading Materials m 8.Three-phase Circuits 9.Integrated Circuit 10.Printed CircuitPart IV Technique of Automation Unit 11 Fundamental of Computer and Networks Unit 12 Fundamentals of Single-chip Microcomputers Unit 13 Control Devices and PLC Unit 14 Sensors and Transmitters Reading Materials IV 11.Fieldbus 12.Open-Loop and ClosedoLoop Control 13.Computer-controlPart V NC and CNC Unit 15 Construction of CNC Machines Unit 16 NC Programming Unit 17 Safety and Maintenance of CNC Machine Reading Materials 14.CAD/CAM 15.Industrial Robots 16.FMS 17.CIMSPart VI Writing and Grammar for Science and Technology in English Unit 18 Writing Unit 19 Grammar 附錄 詞匯表參考文獻
Volume Controls Volume or flow control valves are used to regulate speed.The speed of an actuator depends on how much oil is pumped into it pet unit of time.It is possible to regulate flow with a variable displacement pump,but in many circuits it is more practical to use a fixed displacement pump and regulate flow with a volume control valve. There are three basic methods of applying volume control valves to control actuator speeds. They are meter-in,meter-out and bleed-off. 1.Meter-in circuit In meter-in operation,the flow control valve is placed between the pump and actuator.In this way,it controls the amount of fluid going into the actuator.Pump delivery in excess of the metered amount is diverted to tank over the relief valve. With the flow control valve installed in the cylinder line,flow is controlled in one direction.A check valve must be included in the flow control or placed in parallel with it for return flow.If it is desired to control speed in both directions,the flow control can be installed in the pump outlet line prior to the directional valve. The meter-in method is highly accurate.It is used in applications where the load continually resists movement of the actuator,such as raising a vertical cylinder finder load or pushing a load at a controlled speed. 2.Meter-out circuit Meter-out control is used where the load might tend to“run away”,11le flow control is located where it wiII restrict exhaust flow from the actuator. To regulate speed in both directions,the valve is installed in the tank line from the directional valve.More often control is needed in only one direction and it is placed in the line between the actuator and directional valve. 3.Bleed-Off circuit In a bleed-off arrangement,the flow control is teed off the supply line from the pump and determines the actuator speed by metering a portion of the pump delivery to tank.The advantage is that the pump operates at the pressure required by the work,since excess fluid returns to tank through the flow control instead ofthrough the relief valve. Its disadvantage is some loss of accuracy because the measured flow is to tank rather than into the cylinder,making the latter subject to variations in the pump delivery due to changing work loads. Bleed-off circuits should not be used in applications where there is a possibility of the load running away.