
出版時間:2009-2  出版社:華中科技大學出版社  作者:陳冬林 主編  頁數(shù):219  


  近年來,我國國民經(jīng)濟持續(xù)快速增長,為了建設(shè)能源節(jié)約型和環(huán)境友好型社會,人們對實現(xiàn)可持續(xù)的能源開發(fā)與電力生產(chǎn)提出了更高的要求,并促使能源與電力部門大量應(yīng)用最新技術(shù)和設(shè)備,為此,有相當一部分先進技術(shù)與設(shè)備需要在全球范圍內(nèi)進行招標選優(yōu)。顯然,在這種新的形勢下,我國需要大量既精通能源與電力生產(chǎn)及設(shè)備專業(yè)技術(shù),又具有用英語進行專業(yè)技術(shù)交流與溝通能力的高級專業(yè)技術(shù)人才。此書正是在此背景下組織編寫而成,它適用于能源與動力工程相關(guān)專業(yè)的在校大學生及廣大科技工作者。通過精讀與泛讀此書,可以使讀者直接掌握并熟練應(yīng)用能源與動力工程技術(shù)領(lǐng)域中最常用的專業(yè)詞匯、特有的語法現(xiàn)象、學術(shù)論文的寫作風格及翻譯技巧,并從中領(lǐng)悟?qū)I(yè)英語與普通英語文獻的差異與共同點,從而全面提升讀者的專業(yè)英語閱讀、寫作、聽說交流能力。  本書作者通過查閱眾多國內(nèi)外最新專業(yè)權(quán)威期刊、國外經(jīng)典文獻及廠家資料,根據(jù)多年教學實踐對本書內(nèi)容進行了精心選材和編排,并配置了大量精美的圖表。本書主要內(nèi)容包括:熱工理論基礎(chǔ)、燃料及燃燒理論、火力發(fā)電廠熱力設(shè)備及運行、熱交換理論及換熱器技術(shù)、新能源、內(nèi)燃料機、供熱通風與空氣調(diào)節(jié)、熱工自動控制及其應(yīng)用等。該書從取材上力圖既為在校大學生提供原汁原味的專業(yè)英語知識與素材,也為廣大一線從事能源與動力工程的科技工作者提供題材廣泛、內(nèi)容新穎的專業(yè)文獻參考。


本書由作者通過收集國外能源與動力工程領(lǐng)域的最新技術(shù)資料,并在總結(jié)多年專業(yè)英語教學經(jīng)驗的基礎(chǔ)上編寫而成。全書由熱工理論基礎(chǔ)、燃料及燃燒理論、火力發(fā)電廠熱力設(shè)備及運行、熱交換理論及換熱器技術(shù)、新能源、內(nèi)燃料機、供熱通風及空氣調(diào)節(jié)、熱工過程控制等內(nèi)容組成。全書共有12章,每章由數(shù)個單元組成,而每個單元則包含課文、詞匯表、難句注釋、問答題以及翻譯。    本書有較強的知識性和實用性,可作為高等院校能源與動力工程類、建筑環(huán)境與設(shè)備工程類、熱工自動化類以及相關(guān)專業(yè)本科生和研究生的專業(yè)英語教材,也可供從事相關(guān)專業(yè)的工程技術(shù)人員參考。


Chapter 1  Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and Fundamentals of Fluid 1.1  Thermodynamics 1.2  Heat Transfer 1.3  Fluid MechanicsChapter 2  Fuels and Combustion 2.1  A Short History of Combustion Theory 2.2  Fossil Fuels 2.3  Methods of Burning Solid Fuels 2.4  The Formation and Control of NO~ During CombustionChapter 3  Powerplants 3.1  Fossil-Fuel Power Plant 3.2  Hydroelectric Power Plant 3.3  Nuclear Power Plant 3.4  Combined Cycle Power PlantChapter 4  Boiler 4.1  Boiler Types and Applications 4.2  Furnace 4.3  Superheater and Reheater 4.4  Economizer and AirheaterChapter 5  Turbine 5.1  Principles of Steam Turbine 5.2  Gas-Turbine 5.3  Hydraulic Turbine 5.4  Wind TurbineChapter 6  Auxiliary in Power Plants 6.1  Pulverized Fuel System 6.2  Fans 6.3  Electrostatic Precipitator 6.4  Sulfur Dioxide Wet Scrubber System 6.5  Condensers 6.6  The Feed PumpsChapter 7  Operation of Boiler and Turbine 7.1  Boiler Start-Up 7.2  Boiler Normal Operation 7.3  Boiler Shutdown 7.4  Turbine OperationChapter 8  Heat Exchanger 8.1  Classification o{ Heat Exchangers 8.2  An Overview of Heat Exchanger Design Methodology 8.3  Selection of Heat Exchangers and Their Components 8.4  Heat Exchangers in Municipal Wastewater Treatment PlantsChapter 9  New Energy 9.1  The Future of Energy 9.2  Typical Solar Energy Utilization Systems 9.3  Nonwood Bioenergy 9.4  Wind Energy 9.5  Tidal EnergyChapter 10  Internal Combustion Engine 10.1  Thermodynamic Cycle for Internalcombustion 10.2  Free-Piston Engine Basics 10.3  Direct-Injection Hydrogen-Fueled Internal Combustion EngineChapter 11  Air Conditioning and Ventilation 11.1  Human Comfort 11.2  Air Conditioning Systems 11.3  Ventilation and Air Handling SystemsChapter 12  Instrumentation and Control in Coal-fired Power Plants 12.1  Introduction to Control Theory 12.2  Fundamentals of Process Control 12.3  Distributed Control Systems 12.4  Typical Control Loops in Coal-fired Power PlantsReferences


  After combustion is established,the required air-fuel rates must be maintained.Withinsufficient airflow,the formation of combustible gas pockets is possible,which creates thepotential for explosions.Air should be furnished to match the combustion requirements of thefuel.a(chǎn)nd a small amount of excess air should be used to ensure proper mixing and to promotethe correct fuelair distribution.In addition,it is important to verify boiler water levels and flows.Combustion shouldnever be established until adequate cooling water is in the tubes and steam drum.Operatingprocedures should be followed carefully based on the designer’s instructions.The set point for each safety valve is normally checked and adjusted,if necessary,immediately after reaching the operating pressure for the first time with steam.Safety valveseats are susceptible to damage from wet steam or grit.For initial operation or aftermaintenance,this potential damage to the seats is a primary reason to clean the boiler and blow Out the superheater and steam lines prior to testing the safety valves.Safety valves on drum-type boilers are normally tested for both setpoint pressure and theclosing pressure.This requires that the boiler pressure be raised until the safety valve opensand it relieves enough pressure s0 that the safety valve closes properly.





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用戶評論 (總計8條)


  •   由于開設(shè)專業(yè)英語,正好我們打算新開的專業(yè)就是能源與動力工程專業(yè),看到這本書就買來看看能不能當專業(yè)英語教程。同時還買了《能源動力類專業(yè)英語》,兩本都不錯,打算用那本當教材,這本當參考教材。
  •   感覺真不錯,為我們這個專業(yè)做了貢獻
  •   好,真心不遜,很有用!
  •   送的蠻快的,人不在家,另據(jù)代收,送貨員也短信告知了,很好的體驗!
  •   惡補大學的知識,希望能夠真真的獲取想要的東西
  •   書本對熱力發(fā)電廠過程有較為詳細的介紹
  •   從某些美國教材直接摘編而來,對于于能動專業(yè)的英語入門很不錯,唯一的缺點就是很多單位還采用英制,對于國人可能看不懂
  •   倒不是這本書不好,只是我買這本書的原因令我很郁悶。圖書館的系統(tǒng)故障導致我必須買下這本書,不提了。整本書從外觀來看還不錯,里面具體內(nèi)容沒看,只是隨便翻翻。紙質(zhì)還可以。

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