出版時間:2010-11 出版社:華中科技大學(xué)出版社 作者:美國南加州建筑學(xué)院 頁數(shù):670 譯者:尹希達
8So We Opened a GalleryEric 0wen MOSS12Office dAZero TolerancesMay 13-June 23,200228Zago ArchitectureCipher:A TemporaryProjectJuly 18-September 4,200244Xefirotarch:Hernan Diaz-AIonsoEmotional RescueSeptember 20-Octobe r 27,200256Michele SaeeI Broke the GlassNovember 14,2002-January 3,200372R010 ArchitectsStilI Points:A Plane VolumeFebruary 15-March 23,200584Raimund Abraham withAlexis RochasStargazerAp ril 9-Mayl8,200398Marta Male-Alemany(e)5:emergence,effect,environmentJune 12-July 13,2003112Kol/Mac StudioVertical Urbanism:Lo-res/Hi——riseAugust 8一September 7,2003124Griffin Enright ArchitectsKeep Off the G rass!PlanarLandscape PhenomenaDecember 12,2003一February 1,2004158George Yu ArchitectsBlow-UpFeb ruary 13一March 28,2004152Guy Nordenson andAssociates,StructuralEngineersCamberApril 9-May 23,2004164Darin Johnstone andScott ParkerDrop:Hi-Lo FieldingJune 4-August 8,2004178]ones,Partners:ArchitectureShuffle:An Experiment in theMechanics of Spatial AffectSeptember 17-December 17,2004194Patterns:Marcelo SpinaThe ElementFeb ruary 11-March 27,2005210CentraI Office of ArchitectureStentorian:The Terror andPleasure of LevitationApril 8-May 22,2005224Steven HolI ArchitectsPorosityJune 5-July 17 2005256Doris Sung:DolSuArchitectureCloset[ed]September 23-November 6,2005252alUm Studio:Ed Keller andCaria LeitaoSutureNovember 18,2005-January 8,2006262Florencia PitaPulse:Tendril FormationsApril 7-May 21,2006278Ne M.Denari ArchitectsFluoroscapeAugust 4-September 17 2006292Daly Genik Architects100 Rooms/5000 CellsSeptember 29-October 29,2006308Jakob+MacFarlaneBreathing WallDecember 13,2006一February 4,2007320Eisenman ArchitectsGroundedFebruary 23-April 22,2007330Emergent+Buro HappoldDragonflyMay 18-July 8,2007352Hodgetts+FungAugust 5-September 28,2007382Michael MaltzanArchitectureDark Side of the MoonOctober 19-December 9,2007408Jean Michel Crettaz/Slap!Quasa rJanuary 25-March 9,2008434Atelier ManferdiniMerlettiMa rch 28-Mayll,2008460Greg Lynn FORMBlobwalI PavilionMay 30-July 13,20084781wamotoScottArchitectureVoussoir CloudAugust 1-September 1 4.2008504Oyler Wu CollaborativeLiveWi reOctober 24-December 14,2008532Susanne ZottlA Styrofoam Lover with(E)motions of ConcreteJanuary 23-March 8,2009556Eric Owen MOSSArchitectsIf Not Now,When?May 29-September 13,2009588Joe Day/Deegan DayDesignBlow X BlowOctober 23-December 15.2009618Alexis Rochas,I/OStill RobotJanuary 22-March 7,2010658Biographies
SZ: Well, I can point out a project that wevedone. Its a museum project in Vienna. It isan existing space that was originally in theOrangerie [in the Belvedere] and we were askedto build a white cube into it. It [could be madeinto] a perfect exhibition space by blocking thewindows that are a big [feature for] the originaluse. We looked at the space and we figured thatmaking the eyes of the building blank [would]not really be what we are looking for, so wedecided to offset the exhibition hall and tocreate an interstitial space between the existingfacade and the hall. What happens in between[these walls] is actually what we are talkingabout. If you look at the model over there, yousee this condition. [In the museum project] itsmore in section, and this [installation] would beagainst the wall.