出版時間:2006-10 出版社:華中科技大學(xué)出版社 作者:曹玲芝 編 頁數(shù):224
1 Electric Devices1.1 Resistors1.2 Capacitor1.3 Inductor1.4 Diode1.5 Transistors2 Temperature Sensors2.1 Resistance-Temperature Detectors2.2 Thermistors2.3 Thermocouples3 Data Acquisition Systems3.1 Analog Signal Conditioning3.2 Digital Signal Conditioning3.3 Structure of Data Acquisition Systems4 Digital Signal Processing4.1 Introduction of DSP4.2 Digital Signal Processors4.3 DSP Software4.4 DSP Application5 Microprocessor Control Unit5.1 The Intel MCS(R) 51 Single Chip Microcontroller Family5.2 Architecture and Organization5.3 Special Peripheral Functions5.4 Instruction and Memory5.5 Interfacing AT24CXX Serial EEPROMs with AT89CX051 Microcontrollers5.6 How to Implement More than 64K in 80515.7 A Digital Thermometer Using the AT89C2051 Microcontroller6 Telecommunication6.1 What Is Telecommunication?6.2 Signals6.3 Modulation6.4 Communication Systems Components6.5 Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)7 Embedded System7.1 What Is an Embedded System?7.2 Distinguishing Between Embedded and General-Purpose Computing7.3 Characterizing Embedded System7.4 The Image Processing and Consumer Market7.5 The Communications Market and the Automotive Market7.6 A Survey of Embedded Operating System參考文獻(xiàn)