
出版時間:2011-6  出版社:同濟大學出版社  作者:曹怡魯,李玉香,陳夏南 主編  頁數(shù):136  




Unit 1
 Part Ⅰ Text-Related Exercises
 Part Ⅱ Exercises for PRETCO
Unit 2
 Part Ⅰ Text-Related Exercises
 Part Ⅱ Exercises for PRETCO
Unit 3
 Part Ⅰ Text-Related Exercises
 Part Ⅱ Exercises for PRETCO
Unit 4
 Part Ⅰ Text-Related Exercises
 Part Ⅱ Exercises for PRETCO
Unit 5
PartⅠ Text-Related Exercises
 Part Ⅱ Exercises for PRETCO
Unit 6
 Part Ⅰ Text-Related Exercises
 Part Ⅱ Exercises for PRETCO
Unit 7
 Part Ⅰ Text-Related Exercises
 Part Ⅱ Exercises for PRETCO
Unit 8
 Part Ⅰ Text-Related Exercises
 Part Ⅱ Exercises for PRETCO
Unit 9
 Part Ⅰ Text-Related Exercises
 Part Ⅱ Exercises for PRETCO
Unit 10
 Part Ⅰ Text-Related Exercises
 Part Ⅱ Exercises for PRETCO


  Have you ever read the Globe or National Enquirer while standing at the checkout counter?   Do you religiously watch Hard Copy and Entertainment Tonight to get the latest information on your favorite celebrities? Or have you ever bought People magazine so you can show friends and families the photos of well-respected celebrities? If you confess to doing any of the three described situations, chances are that you are guilty of promoting paparazzi behavior.  Sue Cater, associate professor of journalism at Michigan State University, claims that the paparazzi is a part of journalism that is market driven, saying the larger the demand, the more aggressive the paparazzi.She added that "the people who buy paparazzi material are taking a role in the entire process."  "If readers hadn't waited in the supermarkets to get the newest tabloid issue that had her picture, there would be no group of photographers in high-speed chase to get another picture of the couple," said one student reporter at Clarkson University."We were not there, we weren't chasing them.But we do thrive on celebrities.As long as we continue to watch and read those tabloid, we are just as guilt as any of them."  1.According to the passage, what are Globe, National Enquire and People?  A.They are celebrity biographies.  B.They are tabloids and magazines that sell out celebrity photos.  C.They are TV shows that focus on celebrity topics.  D.They are fashion show magazines.  2.According to the passage, what are Hard Copy and Entertainment Tonight?  A.They are celebrity biographies.  B.They are tabloids and magazines that sell out celebrity photos.  C.They are TV shows that focus on celebrity topics.  D.They are fashion show magazines.  3.According to the passage, who is to blame for the car accident of Princess Diana?  A.Photographers.  B.Media.  C.Readers who buy those tabloids and watch those TV shows.  D.All of the above.  4.Why do some people begin to blame readers for paparazzi behavior?  A.Because they lack a sense of morality.  B.Because paparazzi work for the readers.  C.Because they show little concern about the phenomenon.  D.Because the paparazzi is market-driven.  5.What is the main idea of the passage?  A.The media are to blame for the behavior of the paparazzi because they are the ones that are selling out hundreds and thousands of dollars for those celebrity photos.  B.The photographers caused the death of Princess Diana.  C.The media are not the only ones that are to blame for the behavior of the paparazzi.The readers who keep buying those tabloids selling celebrity photos are also to blame.  D.The celebrities themselves take a role in promoting the behavior of the paparazzi.  ……





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