
出版時間:2010-9  出版社:同濟大學出版社  作者:陳夏南,許濤 主編  頁數(shù):286  


本書全面、詳細介紹了各種重要商務場合下的英語運用,涵蓋商務交流、商務職場、企業(yè)管理、市場營銷、人力資源和商業(yè)文化等方面。全書共16個單元,每個單元均有豐富的實務材料,并提供了較完備的各種練習模式,特別強調(diào)增強學生的互動交流能力。    本書供各類高校非英語專業(yè)作公共英語課教材,也可供其他對商務英語感興趣的所有讀者使用。


Part One Business Communication   Unit 1  Job Interviews      Text      Objective Case      Oral Practice     Supplementary Reading   Unit 2  Business Presentations     Text     Objective Case     Oral Practice     Supplementary Reading   Unit 3  Business Negotiations     Text     Objective Case     Oral Practice     Supplementary ReadingPart Two Business Career   Unit 4  Office Politics     Text     Objective Case     Oral Practice     Supplementary Reading   Unit 5  Office Etiquette     Text     Objective Case     Oral Practice     Supplementary ReadingPart Three Management   Unit 6  Effective and Efficient Management     Text     Objective Case     Oral Practice     Supplementary Reading  Unit 7  Leadership     Text     Objective Case     Oral Practice     Supplementary Reading  Unit 8  Entrepreneurship     Text     Objective Case     Oral Practice     Supplementary ReadingPart Four Marketing  Unit 9  Marketing Overview     Text     Objective Case     Oral Practice     Supplementary Reading   Unit 10  Advertisement     Text     Objective Case     Oral Practice     Supplementary Reading   Unit 11  Brands and Trademarks      Text      Objective Case      Oral Practice      Supplementary ReadingPart Five Human Resources   Unit 12  Human Resources Management      Text     Objective Case     Oral Practice     Supplementary Reading  Unit 13  Human Needs and Motivation     Text     Objective Case     Oral Practice     Supplementary ReadingPart Six Business and Culture  Unit 14  Corporate Culture     Text     Objective Case     Oral Practice     Supplementary Reading   Unit 15  International Business Culture     Text     Objective Case     Oral Practice     Supplementary Reading   Unit 16  Business Ethics and Social Responsibility      Text      Objective Case      Oral Practice      Supplementary ReadingAppendix: Guide and Samples of Business English Writing   Part 1  Principles of Business Writing   Part 2  Writing for Employment      1. Job Application Letters      2. Resumes   Part 3  Case Study Report   Part 4  Business Letters   Part 5 E-mail   Part 6  Memos   Part 7  Agendas & Minutes      1. Agendas     2. Minutes  Part 8: Business ProposalsReferences



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用戶評論 (總計9條)


  •   對于同濟大學的同學來說,選英語小課的時候是用得到的。
  •   這本書是研究生教材,寫的蠻實用的
  •   書挺好 很滿意
  •   挺好的書,上課用的。
  •   我不太喜歡這么門課,很無聊,但書不錯物流快,前面就是吐槽一下。。。。沒介意
  •   指定的教材了
  •   還沒讀,教材
  •   內(nèi)容還可以,只是里面錯誤比較多,希望改正
  •   我們學校出的

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