
出版時間:2008-6  出版社:山東大學(xué)出版社  作者:董寧  頁數(shù):342  


《大學(xué)英語高級讀寫教程》分為兩冊,本書為第一冊——英語句式精要,旨在加強學(xué)生英語讀寫的語句功底。 全書主要包括三部分內(nèi)容:句子結(jié)構(gòu)、修辭句式和句子技巧。第一部分對大學(xué)英語階段的書面語句法知識進行全面梳理和概括;第二部分和第三部分是建立在句法基礎(chǔ)上的高級語言現(xiàn)象——修辭句式和句子技巧。


Part One  Essential Sentences   Unit 1  Types of Sentence Structures     1.1  Classification of Sentences     1.2  Reading and Writing Activities   Unit 2  Basic Sentence Patterns     2.1  Five Basic Sentence Patterns     2.2  The Existential “There Be...”Structure     2.3  Elements of a Sentence and Their Forms     2.4  Reading and Writing Activities   Unit 3  The Essential Sentence Element--Finite Verbs     3.1  Tense and Voice     3.2  The Subjunctive Mood     3.3  Deductive “Must”     3.4  Reading and Writing Activities   Unit 4  The Important Sentence Element—Non-finites     4.1  Functions of Non-finites     4.2  Tenses and Voices of Non-finites     4.3  Commonly Used Non-finite Structures     4.4  The Idiomatic Use of Non-finites     4.5  Reading and Writing Activities   Unit 5  Sentence Combining—Co-ordination     5.1  Coordinate(Compound) Sentences     5.2  Coordinate Conjunctions     5.3  Reading and Writing Activities   Unit 6  Sentence Combining—Subordination     6.1  The Noun Clause     6.2  The Attributive Clause     6.3  The Adverbial Clause     6.4  Reading and Writing Skills     6.5  Reading and Writing ActivitiesPart Two  Effective Sentences   Unit 1  Sentence Emphasis     1.1  The Emphatic “It”     1.2  The Anticipatory “It”(The Introductory “It”)     1.3  The Auxiliary Verb “Do”     1.4  The What-clause      1.5  The Rhetorical Question      1.6  Reading and Writing Activities   Unit 2  Sentence Inversion and Cleft      2.1  Inversion      2.2  Cleft(The Split Sentence)      2.3  Reading and Writing Activities   Unit 3  Negation      3.1  Double Negation      3.2  Partial Negation(Semi-negation)      3.3  Transferred Negation      3.4  Reading and Writing Activities   Unit 4  Ellipsis      4.1  Ellipsis of the Identical Part      4.2  Ellipsis in Coordinate Sentences      4.3  Ellipsis in Adverbial Clauses      4. 4  Ellipsis in Existential “There Be ...”      4.5  Acceptable Use of Fragment      4.6  Reading and Writing Activities    Unit 5  Parallelism      5.1  The Effectiveness of the Parallel Structure      5.2  Parallel Structures      5.3  Parallelism Used in Reading and Writing      5.4  Reading and Writing Skills      5.5  Reading and Writing Activities    Unit 6  The Independent Structure--The Nominative Absolute Construction      6.1  The Effective Use of the Nominative Absolute Construction      6.2  The Formation of the Nominative Absolute Construction      6.3  Reading and Writing Activities    Unit 7  The Independent Structure--Parenthesis      7.1  The Rhetorical Use of Parenthesis     7.2  Various Parenthesis Constructions     7.3  Semi-parenthesis     7.4  Reading and Writing Activities   Unit 8  Sentences with Abstract Nouns     8.1  The Rhetorical Function of the Abstiact Noun     8.2  Commonly Used Expressions     8.3  Reading Skills     8.4  Reading and Writing Activities   General Exercises for Part TwoPart Three  Sentence Skills   Unit 1  Unity     1.1  Sentence Unity     1.2  Sentences(Paragraph) Unity     1.3  Reading and Writing Activities   Unit 2  Coherence     2.1  Sentence Coherence     2.2  Sentences(Paragraph) Coherence     2.3  Reading and Writing Activities   Unit 3  Euphony     3.1  Effective Expressions     3.2  The Employment of Rhymes   Unit 4  Conciseness     4.1  Ways to Achieve Conciseness     4.2  Reading and Writing Activities   Unit 5  Clarity   Unit 6  Variety     6.1  To Vary Sentence Length     6.2  To Vary Sentence Structures     6.3  Loose and Periodic Sentences   General Exercises for Part ThreeAppendix  Translation for ReferenceBibliography



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用戶評論 (總計6條)


  •   替表弟買的,因為他大學(xué)的選修課就是英語,全外教上課,怕有些內(nèi)容聽不懂,所以先買了復(fù)習(xí)一下。
  •   還不錯的書,有句法講解還有閱讀,這樣方便鞏固。
  •   這本書價格公道,內(nèi)容好,很值
  •   額 我不記得買過這商品了 還是同學(xué)拿我賬號買的 不過 封面我很喜歡
  •   不錯。雖然封面是舊了一些有點發(fā)黃,但是里面的內(nèi)容是全新的,價格也還比較合適,主要是這種書不太好買到····速度還不錯,沒有等很久
  •   書太舊了 像是二手的

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