
出版時間:2001-4  出版社:山東大學(xué)出版社  作者:李玉陳 編  頁數(shù):462  字數(shù):387000  


英語語音、語法和詞匯通常被稱為英語語言“三要素”,從應(yīng)用出發(fā)考察這三要素,可以找到三者之間的交匯點,這就是句法,無論是語音、語法或詞匯,在應(yīng)用中都要向句法靠攏、被整合到句法中去,句法處于三者中的軸心位置。從應(yīng)用的角度看,句子是實現(xiàn)語言交際的基本意義單位,而句法則關(guān)系到句子的構(gòu)造和結(jié)構(gòu)模式。句法既有直接的應(yīng)用價值,也有深層的研究價值,對有志向準理論和純理論方向發(fā)展的研習(xí)者來說,句法不失為一個理想的基點:從英語句法向英語句法學(xué),從英語句法學(xué)而旁及諸如英語音位學(xué)、英語語義學(xué)、英語文體等等英語語言專論,可謂順理成章、自然進階。   本書就是基于上述“應(yīng)用為主,打好基礎(chǔ)”的認識編著的,旨在結(jié)合中國人研習(xí)和使用英語的特點,即以中國人的視角,展現(xiàn)英語句法體系,并在構(gòu)思和表述上力求有所突破和創(chuàng)新,摒棄煩瑣的空論,充實實用的內(nèi)容。


PrefaceCodes and SignsIntroductionPART ONE SYNTAX AS A LINGUISTIC SYSTEM  Chapter 1 Sentence Elements vs.word classes    1.1	Sentence Elements    1.2	Word Classes    1.3	Element Order  Chapter 2 Sentence Structures    2.1 The Nature of English Sentence    2.2 Operator,Auxiliary,and predication    2.3 Sentence Constituents or Elements    2.4 Sentence Types    2.5 The Nature of English Sentence  Chapter 3 Sentence Patterns    3.1 Patterns Inrtroduced by There    3.2 patterns Containing “S+Lv+Cs”    3.3 Intransitive Verb Patterns    3.4 Pattrns Containing”S+Vi+Cs”    3.5 Pattrns Containing”SPO”    3.6 Patterns Containing”SPOiOd”    3.7 Patterns Containing”SPOCo”    3.8 Patterns Containing”SPOCo”    3.9 Patterns Containing Continuous Tenses and Future Forms    3.10 Some Important Patterns Containing    3.11 Adjective Patterns    3.12 Patterns Introduced by it     3.13 Patterns of Co-ordination    3.14 Patterns Containing Attributive Postmodifies    3.15 Patterns Containing Restrictive    3.16 Relative Clause as Attribute    3.17 Relative Clause as Adverbial or Co-ordinate Clause    ……  Chapter 4 Pattern Transf or mationPART TWO SYNTAX AS THE PIVOT OF LANGUAGE CATEGORIES  Chapter 5 Syntax and Phonology  Chapter 6 Syntax and Vocabulary  Chapter 7 Syntax and DiscoursePART THREE SYNTAX IN ACTON  Chapter 8 Syntax and Stylistic Effects  Chapter 9 Syntax and TranslationPA RT FOUR  Chapter 10 Theoretical ExplorationsConclusionBibliography

章節(jié)摘錄 Genitive meanings  The meanings of the genitive can best be shown by sentential orphrasal analogues such as we present below.For comparison,a Cot"一responding use of the of-genitive is given where this is possible:  (1)possessive genitive:  my daughter'S husband(my daughter has a husband)  Mrs.Brown’S daughter(Mrs.Brown has a daughter)  Cf.the gravity of the earth(the earth has gravity) ?。?)subjective genitive  the girl'S protestation(the girl protested)  my brother'S agreement(my brother agreed)  Cf.the rise of the sun(the sun rose)  (3)objective genitive:  the party’S support(...supported the party)  the criminal'S trial(tried the criminal)  Cf.a statement of the facts(...stated the facts) ?。?)genitive of origin:  the mother'S letter(the mother wrote a letter)  tile old mail'8 story(the old man told a story)  Cf.the wines of France(France produce(1 the wines)  (5)descriptive genitive:  a girl'S school(a school for girls)  a winter’S day(a winter day/a day in the winter)  a doctor'S degree(a doctoral degree) ?。?)genitive of measure and portative genitive:  three days'leave(the leave lasted three days)  the length of the rope(the rope is(of)a certain   ……



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