
出版時(shí)間:2013-8  出版社:西安交通大學(xué)出版社  作者:余仁唐  




Chapter 2  Reading Section
P37 (Reading this Chapter to Learn) 1
P38-57 (Reading Questions) 1-23
P38-50 (Basic Information and Inferencing Questions) 1-21
P50-57 (Reading to Learn Questions) 21-23
P60-121 (Reading Practice Sets) 23-68
P60-68 (Practice Set 1) 23-29
P69-78 (Practice Set 2) 29-41
P79-89 (Practice Set 3) 41-51
P90-100 (Practice Set 4) 51-60
P101-111 (Practice Set 5) 60-66
P112-121 (Practice Set 6) 66-68
Chapter 3 Listening Section
P125-140 (Listening Questions) 69-77
P126-131 (Basic Comprehension Questions) 69-72
P131-134 (Pragmatic Understanding Questions) 72-73
P135-140 (Connecting Information Questions) 73-77
P143-163 (Listening Practice Sets) 77-95
P143-147 (Practice Set 1) 77-80
P148-151 (Practice Set 2) 81-84
P152-155 (Practice Set 3) 85-89
P156-159 (Practice Set 4) 89-91
P160-163 (Practice Set 5) 91-95
Chapter 4 Speaking Section
P166-186 (Speaking Question Types) 96-108
P166-170 (Independent: Questions 1 and 2) 96-97
P170-179 (Integrated Reading/Listening/Speaking: Questions 3 and 4) 97-103
P179-186 (Integrated Listening/Speaking: Questions 5 and 6) 103-108
P188-191 (Speaking Scoring Rubric) 108-114
P193-194 (Frequently Asked Questions about TOEFL Speaking) 114-116
Chapter 5 Writing Section
P195-197 (The Integrated Writing Task) 117-122
P200-206 (Integrated Writing Scoring Rubric) 122-130
P202-206 (Sample Scored Responses for the Integrated Writing Task) 124-130
P206-208 (The Independent Writing Task) 130-131
P207-208 (How Essays Are Scored) 130-131
P209-215 (Independent Writing Scoring Rubric) 131-138
P211-215 (Sample Scored Responses for the Independent Writing Task) 134-138
P216-230 (Independent Writing Topics) 138-146
Chapter 6 Authentic TOEFL iBT Practice Test 1
P233-256 (Reading) 147-167
P257-269 (Listening) 167-174
P271-276 (Speaking) 174-176
P277-282 (Writing) 176-178
P283-342 (Answers,Explanations,and Listening Scripts) 178-204
Chapter 7 Authentic TOEFL iBT Practice Test 2
P345-369 (Reading) 205-223
P371-383 (Listening) 223-229
P385-390 (Speaking) 229-230
P391-396 (Writing) 230-232
P397-458 (Answers, Explanations, and Listening Scripts) 232-257
Chapter 8 Authentic TOEFL iBT Practice Test 3
P461-484 (Reading) 258-263
P485-497 (Listening) 263
P499-504 (Speaking) 263-264
P505-510 (Writing) 264
P511-574 (Answers, Explanations, and Listening Scripts) 264-269
Chapter 9 Writer’s Handbook for English Language Learners
P575-588 (Grammar) 270-271
P588-595 (Usage) 271
P595-605 (Mechanics) 271
P605-610 (Style) 271
P610-623 (Organization and Development) 271-272
P623-629 (Advice to Writers) 272-273
P629-631 (Revising, Editing, and Proofreading) 273
Appendix: Performance Feedback for Test Takers
P637-653 (Performance Feedback for Test Takers) 274
附 錄
附錄一 Longman 2200詞匯表 275-286
附錄二 托福常見熟詞僻意表 287-290





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