
出版時間:2012-7  出版社:西安交通大學(xué)出版社  作者:郭繼榮  頁數(shù):348  字?jǐn)?shù):543000  




Unit 1 Management
Text A International Integration and Coordination in the Global
Text B Strategic Human Resource Management as Ethical Stewardship
Unit 2 Environmental Science
Text A Beyond Predictio:Biodiveity Coervation in a Changing
Text B Ecosystem Services in the Face of Invasion:The Peistence of
Native and Nonnative Spide in an Agricultural Landscape 59
Unit 3 Food Science
Text A Eating Patter and Health Outcomes among Children and
Text B Euring Food Safety:Threats to Food Security from Disease,
Contamination and Biological Weapo
Unit 4 Linguistics
Text A The Role of Phonological Decoding in Second Language Word-
Meaning Inference
Text B Complexity,Accuracy,and Fluency in Second Language
Unit 5 Clinical Medical
Text A Genomics and the Continuum of Cancer Care
Text B Genomics,Type 2 diabetes,and Obesity
Unit 6 Education
Text A The EU aS a Norm Entrepreneur:the Case of Lifelong Learning
Text B A Comparative Approach to Lifelong Learning Policies in
Europe: the Cases of the UK,Sweden and Greece
Unit 7 Mathematics
Text A The Development of Mathematical Reasoning:Role of
M—capacity and Executive Functioning(I)
Text B The Development of Mathematical Reasoning:Role of
M——capacity and Executive Functioning(II)
Unit 8 Physics
Text A The Big Bang Theory:a Questionable Model
Text B Cosmic Structure Formation



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