
出版時間:2010-09-01  出版社:西安交大  作者:西安交通大學出版社  




《劍橋少兒英語(A)》目錄:Unit 1 Going to different places!Unit 2 What's the weather like today?Unit 3 Let's play doctors.Unit 4 I can see with my eyes.Unit 5 Simon Paul lives in the country.Unit 6 I'd like a glass of water.Unit 7 I've got to go and see!Unit 8 Who is the first?Unit 9 I Like sunny days but I don't like rainy days.Unit 10 Let's guess.Unit 11 What's your hobby?Unit 12 Animals are our good friends.Unit 13 I can spot the frog, can you?Unit 14 There isn't any bread in the kitchen!Unit 15 Let's find it quickly!Unit 16 He Can do Better than his brother!《劍橋少兒英語(B)》目錄:Unit1 I've got Many new friendsUnit2 Is this book yours?Unit 3 Our school is beautiful.Unit 4 Miss can I ask you a question?Unit 5 How about coming with us?Unit 6 He Likes reading picture booksUnit 7 You mustn't drop litter in the park!Unit 8 Who is the winner?Unit 9 Sally is taller than BenUnit 10 Did you know?Unit 11 I went to the zoo yesterday.Unit12 Has your school got a swimming pool?Unit 13 My Seven daysUnit 14 How often does he have sports?Unit 15 I enjoy reading picture stories!Unit 16 Winter fun?







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250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
