出版時間:2010-9 出版社:西安交通大學出版社 作者:劉新法,劉潔 主編 頁數(shù):238
在全球化進程快速推進的大環(huán)境下,我國對高等教育質量與人才培養(yǎng)模式提出了更高的要求。在這新的歷史轉型期,大學英語教育怎樣在各個層面與時代的發(fā)展接軌,提升廣大學生適應國際競爭的能力,發(fā)揮英語在文化交流和經(jīng)濟發(fā)展中的橋梁作用,從而滿足當前我國各項建設的迫切需要,是擺在廣大英語教育工作者面前亟待解決的問題?! ∶鎸@一時代性課題,我們需要對大學英語課程的設置進行多方位的思考。我們發(fā)現(xiàn)傳統(tǒng)的主體課程由于種種限制,造成一些學科點的缺失,難以使學生在人文精神的塑造和英語知識的應用兩方面獲得平衡,而這兩點的平衡對于培養(yǎng)時代所需要的綜合性語言人才具有重要的意義。因此,在這樣的背景下,編寫一套符合國情和學生實際的選修課教材,以此彌補當前英語教學的不足就顯得尤為必要?! 榱松钊肓私鈴V大學生在英語學習中的切實需求,陜西高等學校大學外語教學研究會聯(lián)合西安交通大學出版社首先在省內(nèi)眾多高校進行了一系列的聯(lián)合調(diào)研。調(diào)查范圍涉及了西安交通大學、西安電子科技大學、西北工業(yè)大學、陜西師范大學、西北大學、西安建筑科技大學、西安理工大學、西安科技大學、西北政法大學、西安郵電學院、西安石油大學、西安工程大學、西安工業(yè)大學、西北農(nóng)林科技大學、延安大學、陜西科技大學、陜西中醫(yī)學院等1 7所院校。通過對各個高?,F(xiàn)有的選修課進行統(tǒng)計,以及在學生中展開的問卷調(diào)查進行分析,結果顯示學生的興趣主要集中在三個方面:英語國家的歷史與文化、實用的英語寫譯技能和以歌曲、電影為代表的娛樂休閑英語。
本書是一門文化類選修課,教學重點應該從培養(yǎng)學生語言基礎知識和能力轉變?yōu)橥貙捴R、了解世界文化的素質教育,兼有工具性和人文性。因此,在課程教學過程中應當充分考慮培養(yǎng)學生的文化素質和跨文化交際能力。 針對本門課程內(nèi)容,建議課堂教學以互動形式為主。學生就教學內(nèi)容進行模擬操練,之后,根據(jù)已有的知識進行點評,最后教師總結。如果能提前準備相關道具,增加知識性和趣味性,教學效果會更好。
Unit 1 Visiting a FriendUnit 2 Hosting the Home GuestsUnit 3 DiningUnit 4 Behaving in SchoolUnit 5 Attending MeetingsUnit 6 Writing E-mailsUnit 7 Making TelephonesUnit 8 InterviewingUnit 9 Working at OfficeUnit 10 Meeting Business PartnersUnit 11 EntertainingUnit 12 Attending a Wedding CeremonyUnit 13 Attending a Formal PartyUnit 14 Touring abroadKeys to ExercisesBibliography
Upon graduation, Roger got a big gift from his grandfather——Grandpawould pay for a round-trip ticket to China. He told Li Zhang the goodnews, and the two decided to meet. Li Zhang decided to give Roger a veryspecial welcome: she and the three women students in her dormitory wouldcook him an authentic Chinese meals as Roger had told her that he lovedChinese food. However, when Roger was presented the dinner, he was almostterrified by some of the food: pork stomach soup, pig liver with ginger andspring onion, chicken with mushrooms in which the chicken had been cutto pieces with bones attached to the meal. Fortunately, there were courses like bean curd, stirred fried beef,steamed fish and vegetables that Roger loved. He tried to stick to them, butLi Zhang kept putting food he did not like on his plate. When she askedhow he liked the liver, Roger said, "Its very unusual.., and interesting."This seemed to make Li Zhang happy and she gave him more liver. Rogertried to stop her, but she would not be stopped. Roger was so frustratedthat he told her that he did not really like it that much. "But you said it was unusual and interesting!" Li Zhang said. "Well, they both mean something less than positive," Roger saidcarefully, trying not to hurt their feelings. Li Zhang and her friends became concerned at this. "So you dont likethe food?" "Im not used to eating liver, thats all. But I do like the chicken, thebeef, the bean curd, and the vegetables. I have had more than enough toeat. I never make this much food at home," Roger was eager to let themknow how much he appreciated their effort. "Trust me, Im enjoying thefood. I know what I like."