
出版時間:2010-4  出版社:西安交通大學出版社  作者:白金  頁數(shù):124  


  隨著近年來雅思熱潮的涌起,中國考生的人數(shù)在逐漸增加。在“烤鴨”大軍中,基礎(chǔ)較薄弱的考生比例很大,而在各項考查項目中,口語又是考生最不擅長的部分。所以我們編寫了本書,希望可以幫助廣大考生在短期內(nèi)有效地提高雅思口語的表達水平?! ∫槐竞玫难潘冀滩?,除了能夠傳達及時正確的信息之外,更加重要的是能夠針對考生在備考中的薄弱環(huán)節(jié)總結(jié)出來一套行之有效的應對技巧。本著這樣的宗旨,我們打破以往很多雅思書籍的題海戰(zhàn)術(shù),結(jié)合中國考生的需求,在內(nèi)容上進行了如下的編排設(shè)計:  本書共分為六個章節(jié)?! 〉谝徽?,針對雅思口語考試三個部分進行詳盡的介紹,并對口語的評分標準做出了解釋說明。  第二章,參照評分標準,為廣大應考的雅思考生作出了更加詳盡的解釋,同時提出一些在考場上需要注意的細節(jié)問題?! 〉谌?,作為本書的主體部分之一,在本章中對雅思口語考試的第一部分“GeneralQuestions”作了詳盡的闡述。這個章節(jié)分設(shè)六個單元,歸納總結(jié)了??荚掝},同時部分問題之后附上了參考答案,方便讀者仿照練習。


  隨著近年來雅思熱潮的涌起,中國考生的人數(shù)在逐漸增加。在“烤鴨”大軍中,基礎(chǔ)較薄弱的考生比例很大,而在各項考查項目中,口語又是考生最不擅長的部分。所以我們編寫了《雅思口語進階》,希望可以幫助廣大考生在短期內(nèi)有效地提高雅思口語的表達水平?! ∪珪卜譃榱鶄€章節(jié)。針對雅思口語考試三個部分進行詳盡的介紹,并對口語的評分標準做出了解釋說明;參照評分標準,為廣大應考的雅思考生作出了更加詳盡的解釋,同時提出一些在考場上需要注意的細節(jié)問題;針對中國考生普遍存在的詞匯匱乏現(xiàn)象,補充了考試中常用的詞匯;針對廣大雅思考生對于機經(jīng)的認識,我們總結(jié)了歷年雅思口語考試的??荚掝},以便考生回顧和總結(jié)。




  Well, the person whom I want to spend time with is my uncle who used to bean electronical worker in a state-owned company. This year, he is in his mid 60s,retired at home, but looks very young and energetic. He is an average built man.My uncle is a man having so many hobbies. He enjoyed doing many things. Forexample, fishing, watching international news programme, and sometimes listeningto pop music. I feel like that he is the man who knows everything in the world.Because whenever you ask him what is going on in the world, he can tell you whatyou want to know. The most amazing thing about him is his sense to entertainmentfield. One day, when I talked about the "American Idol" with my little brother afterhaving dinner, my uncle surprisingly made his comments on every competitor in thismatch, and told us his favorite star. It really shocked us. It was really funny that aman over 60s still enjoy those talent shows that young people should love. It totallyaltered my attitude towards him. Another interesting thing about my uncle is hecould surf on internet. Last year he began to learn how to collect information fromthe website, and now he can even use online video camera and chat with my parentswho lived in another city. He is such a good person who always has passion for life.We love him very much. So if I got my leisure time, I like to go to his home to havea chat with him. I think I can learn many things from him.



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