
出版時間:2010-4  出版社:西安交通大學(xué)出版社  作者:李維  頁數(shù):156  


  閱讀能力不是課堂上學(xué)出來的,而是來自大量的閱讀實踐。對于閱讀而言,單詞和語法雖然也是不可或缺的,但并非最有效的方法。有些英語國家的人,雖然沒有接受過高等教育,但拿起他們當(dāng)?shù)氐膱蠹垼瑯幼x得津津有味,其實他們的常用詞匯量也就幾千而已。有的考生詞匯背了近萬,可是每當(dāng)閱讀原汁原味的英文報紙,依然困難重重,不知如何下筆解題?! ⊙潘奸喿x考試堅持考試目的的實用性原則和考試題目設(shè)計的客觀性原則,旨在考察考生在有限的時間內(nèi),從大量的閱讀材料中獲取有效信息的能力,并非傳統(tǒng)意義上對英語詞匯知識和語法知識的測試。在這里,語言不再是學(xué)習(xí)的對象,而是獲取信息的工具。本書的編寫更側(cè)重閱讀本身的技能訓(xùn)練,也就是獲取信息的訓(xùn)練,以幫助考生在理解文章的基礎(chǔ)上,快速、有效地找到考題答案?! ”緯卜譃樗膫€部分,詳細(xì)介紹了雅思閱讀考試的概況,闡述了雅思閱讀的解題步驟,并對雅思閱讀考試中常見的題型做了系統(tǒng)而全面的講解。此外,書中還配有大量的練習(xí),力求通過難度適中的練習(xí),使考生迅速了解雅思閱讀考試的內(nèi)容和形式,掌握基本的應(yīng)試步驟和解題技巧?! ”緯木帉懱厣缦拢骸 】荚嚱榻B及標(biāo)準(zhǔn)套題讓考生全面了解雅思閱讀考試。本書對留學(xué)類和移民類雅思閱讀考試分別做了介紹,并附有兩套標(biāo)準(zhǔn)試題,使考生能夠?qū)ρ潘伎荚囬喿x部分產(chǎn)生直觀的認(rèn)識,并了解熟悉雅思閱讀考試。




Part 1 About IELTS ReadingⅠ.OrientationⅡ.Sample:General Training ReadingⅢ.Sample:Academic ReadingⅣ.Study ProgramPart 2 Reading StrateglesAnalysis and PracticePart 3 Question TypesⅠ.Overview QuestionsⅡ.Specific Information QuestionsⅢ.Agreement/DisagreementⅣ.Summary CompletionPart 4 Comprehensive PracticesⅠ.Practice 1Ⅱ.Practice 2Ⅲ.Practice 3Ⅳ.Practice 4


  In 1992,the devastating collapse of the cod stocks of/ the East coast ofNewfoundland forced the Canadian government to take drastic measures and closethe fishery. Over 40,000 people lost their jobs, communities are still struggling torecover and the marine ecosystem is still in a state of collapse. The disintegration ofthis vital fishery sounded a warning bell to governments around the world who wereshocked that a relatively sophisticated, scientifically based fisheries management program, not unlike their own, ould have gone so wrong. The Canadiangovernment ignored warnings that their fleets were employing destructive fishingpractices and refused to significantly reduce quotas citing the loss of jobs as too greata concern.  In the 1950s Canadian and US east coast waters provided an annual 100,000 tons incod catches rising to 800,000 by 1970. This over fishing led to a catch of only300,000 tons by 1975. Canada and the US reacted by passing legislation to extendtheir national jurisdictions over marine living resources out to 200 nautical miles andcatches naturally declined to 139,000 tons in 1980. However, the Canadian fishingindustry took over and restarted the over fishing and catches rose again until, from1985, it was the Canadians who were landing more than 250,000 tons of northerncod annually.



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