
出版時間:1970-1  出版社:西安交通大學出版社  作者:王宏俐,劉新法 著  頁數(shù):266  




Unit 1Text A American DreamsText B The End of Adulthood?Unit 2Text A Why Is It So Hard for Men and Women to Talk to Each Other?Text B Spatial Segregation and Gender Stratification in the WorkplaceUnit 3Text A Hospice Care or Assisted Suicide: A False DichotomyText B Give and TakeUnit 4Text A Genetic Engineering Benefits SocietyText B Genetic Engineering Could Be DangerousUnit 5Text A The Case of the Missing CarbonText B Speech on Sustainable DevelopmentUnit 6Text A Thinking asaHobby(I)Text B Thinking as a Hobby (II)Unit 7Text A Prison of SocratesText B Ideas Come FirstUnit 8Text A On National PrejudicesText B The Spirit of the English NationUnit 9Text A When Bright Girls Decide That Math Is A Wasteof TimeText B Why Boys Dont Play with DollsUnit 10Text A The Cult of BusynessText B Exercising the BrainUnit 11Text A My Friend, Albert EinsteinText B How He Got Up ThereUnit 12Text A The Future of MoneyText B Hypermediation: Commerce as ClickstreamGlossary



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