
出版時(shí)間:2010-8  出版社:西安交通大學(xué)出版社  作者:高廣文 編著  頁(yè)數(shù):342  




Chapter 1  Types of Poetry Geoffrey Chaucer(1342.7-1400)  From The Canterbury Tales  Mediaeval Ballad Edmund Spenser(1552-1599)  From Amoretti  Sonnet 75 William Shakespeare(1564——1616)  Spring  Winter Thomas Nashe(1567-1601)  Spring.the Sweet Spring Robert Herrick(1591-1674) To the Virgin:To Make Much of Time Alexander Pope(1688m1744) From The Rape of the Lock Robert Burns(1759-1796) Oh,My Luve Is Like a Red,Red Rose WilIiam Blake(1757-1827)  The Sick Rose William Wordsworth(1770-1850)  I Wandered Lonely as a C:loud  The Solitary Reaper John Keats(1795-1821)  La Belle Dame Sans Merci:A Ballad  To Autumn Walt Whitman(1819——-1892)  A Noiseless Patient Spider Emily Dickinson(1830m1886)  This is My Letter to the World  I heard a Fly buzz——when I died Gerard Manley Hopkins(1844-1889)  Pied Beauty WilIiam Butler Yeats(1865-1939)  The Lake Isle of Innisfree Robert Frost(1874-1963)  The Oven Bird John Crowe Ransom(1888-1974)  Bells for John Whiteside's Daughter Wilfred Owen(1893-1918)  Dulce Et Decorum Est Theodore Roethke(1908-1963)  Root Cellar Richard Wilbur(1921-)  MindChapter 2  Speaker and Tone William Shakespeare(1564——1616)  From Hamlet  Sonnet 138 John Donne(1572-1631)  The Bait  Song George Herbert(1593-1633)  The Pulley Ann Bradstreet(16127-1672)  The Author to Her Book Jonathan Swift(1667-1745)  On Stella's Birthday William Blake(1757-1827)  The Chimoey Sweeper(Songs of Innocence)  The Chimney Sweeper(Songs of Experience)  The Clod 46 the Pebble William Wordsworth(1770m1850)  A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal ……Chapter 3  Figures of Speech(1)Chapter 4  Figures of Speech(2)Chapter 5  ImageryChapter 6  SoundChapter 7  MetricsChapter 8  MeaningChapter 9  FormPoems for Further StudyGlossaryReferences





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