
出版時間:2009-3  出版社:西安交通大學出版社  作者:許葵花 主編  頁數(shù):296  


《國際貿(mào)易英語教程》(第2版)主要由國際貿(mào)易概論和國際貿(mào)易實用操作兩部分組成,是通俗國際貿(mào)易理論與國際貿(mào)易工作實踐的結合。該教材采用了大量來源于生活、工作中的國際貿(mào)易資料來闡明相應的國際貿(mào)易理論,理論中有實踐,實踐中又滲透出理論,充分展現(xiàn)了生活、工作中大量存在的國際貿(mào)易現(xiàn)象,從全新的角度分析了國際貿(mào)易的豐富內涵。該教材用靈活多樣的形式、地道的語言以及來源于生活、工作中的案例對國際貿(mào)易知識的普及以及解決工作中的實際問題將起到啟迪及積極的推動作用。    本書適合國際貿(mào)易專業(yè)及其他專業(yè)的學生、與國際貿(mào)易相關的工作人員及需要此方面知識的人士使用。


Unit 1  International Trade  Additional Reading  The Importance of International Trade to Developing CountriesUnit 2  Trade in Services   Additional Reading  Services: infrastructure for economic growthUnit 3  International Trade Policy  Additional Reading  World Attitudes Towards Trade and ProtectionUnit 4  Forms of International Cooperation Between Corporations  Additional Reading  Why Do Firms Undertake Inter-firm Cooperative Agreements?Unit 5  Foreign Direct Investments  Additional Reading  Multinationals and Direct Foreign I nvestmentUnit 6  International Trade  Additional Reading  Environmental Policy in the EUUnit 7  Preparation, Market Research, and kinga Sales Plan  Additional Reading  Landed Cost EstimationUnit Internatial Transportation   Additional Reading  Packaging for ExportingUnit 9  Insurance forGoods inTransit  Additional Reading  US Probing Iraqi Companies for Insurance FraudUnit 10  Better ExpoSing and ImpoSing  Additional Reading ChecklistUnit 11  Documen Us in Intematiol Trade  Additional Reading  Transport DocumentsUnit 2  International Trade Arbitration  Additional Reading  Bias in Arbitration--Three Cases Unit 13  Financing of International Trade Transmits   Additional Reading  Payment MethodsUnit 14  Licensing and Jointventures  Additional Reading  Intellectual Property Law and Licensing Opportunities in the PRCUnit 15  Electronic Commerce   Additional Reading  E-Commerce Sees Rapid GrowthAppendix Ⅰ  Reference Translation Appendix Ⅱ  Key to the Exercises Appendix Ⅲ  TapescriPtsAppendix IⅣ  Glossa



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