
出版時間:2009-2  出版社:西安交通大學(xué)出版社  作者:黑玉琴 主編  頁數(shù):258  字?jǐn)?shù):307000  


  新世紀(jì)之初,隨著英語教育的快速發(fā)展,高等學(xué)校英語專業(yè)學(xué)生的入學(xué)英語水平在不斷提高,這對英語專業(yè)教材的時效性和適用性是一種挑戰(zhàn)。隨著新世紀(jì)的到來,中國在文化和經(jīng)濟等領(lǐng)域變化巨大,國際交往越來越多,網(wǎng)絡(luò)應(yīng)用不斷普及,知識更新周期不斷縮短。社會的種種變化也對英語專業(yè)的教學(xué)與教材建設(shè)提出了新的任務(wù)。為了順應(yīng)時代的進步,滿足不斷發(fā)展的社會對英語人才知識結(jié)構(gòu)的新要求,高等學(xué)校英語專業(yè)應(yīng)在繼承優(yōu)秀教材編寫傳統(tǒng)的前提下,不斷創(chuàng)新,推出能夠反映新的教學(xué)理念、體現(xiàn)新的教學(xué)改革成果、富有時代氣息和豐富內(nèi)容、符合英語專業(yè)教學(xué)實際需要的新教材?;谝陨纤悸罚靼餐鈬Z大學(xué)英文學(xué)院將“21世紀(jì)英語專業(yè)系列教材”列為“十一五”規(guī)劃教材建設(shè)項目,統(tǒng)一策劃并組織富有教學(xué)經(jīng)驗的教師參與編寫?!  ?1世紀(jì)英語專業(yè)系列教材”包括英語語音、口語、聽力、閱讀、寫作、翻譯、英美文學(xué)、語言學(xué)、英語國家社會與文化等英語專業(yè)必修課程和選修課程使用的教材。本系列教材的編寫以高等學(xué)校英語專業(yè)教學(xué)大綱為依據(jù),在全面分析我國中西部地區(qū)英語專業(yè)學(xué)生實際水平和需要的前提下,對每門課程的教材內(nèi)容進行精心篩選,有針對性地對教材的編排體例進行合理設(shè)計。專業(yè)基礎(chǔ)課程的教材做到有利于學(xué)生英語基本功的訓(xùn)練和語言技能的全面發(fā)展;相關(guān)專業(yè)知識課程的教材旨在拓寬學(xué)生的知識范圍,提高他們的人文素養(yǎng),培養(yǎng)分析問題、解決問題的能力。




Chapter 1  Overview  Warming up Exercises  Writing as a Process of Discovery  The Three Stages of Writing Process  Writing as Both a Linear and Circular Activity  The Purpose Behind Your Writing  The Audience of Your Writing  The Dynamics of Writing  AssignmentsChapter 2  Pre-writing  Assessing the Writing Situation  Generating Ideas  Organizing ideas  AssignmentsChapter 3  Composing  Drafting an Introduction with a Thesis  Drafting the Body  Drafting a Conclusion  Rule of Thumb for Composing  AssignmentsChapter 4  Revising  Global Revision  Editing  Proofreading  AssignmentsChapter 5  Titling Your EssayChapter 6  Thesis Statement  Pre-writing  Introduction to an Essay  Organization of an Essay  Thesis and Thesis Statement  How to Write a Good Thesis Statement  Evaluation of Student Samples  AssignmentsChapter 7  Introduction  Pre-writing  Introduction to an Essay  How to Write an Introduction  Evaluation of Student Samples  AssignmentsChapter 8  Body  Pre-writing  Body of an Essay  How to Write Good Body Paragraphs  Evaluation of Student Samples  AssignmentsChapter 9  Conclusion  Pre-writing  Conclusion of an Essay  How to Write a Conclusion  Evaluation of Student Samples  AssignmentsChapter 10  Narration  Pre-writing  Writing a Narrative Essay  Structure of a Narrative Essay  Evaluation of Student Samples  AssignmentsChapter 11  Description  Pre-writing  Writing a Descriptive Essay  Evaluation of Student Samples  AssignmentsChapter 12  Illustration  Pre-writing  Writing an Illustrative Essay  Structure of an Illustrative Essay  Evaluation of Student Samples  AssignmentsChapter 13  Cause-Effect  Pre-writing  Writing a Cause-and-Effect Essay  Evaluation of Student Samples  AssignmentsChapter 14  Comparison-Contrast  Pre-writing  Writing a Comparison/Contrast Essay  Evaluation of Student Samples  AssignmentsChapter 15  Process  Pre-writing  Writing a Process Essay  Structure of a Process Essay  Evaluation of Student Samples  AssignmentsChapter 16  Argumentation  Pre-writing  Writing an Argumentative Essay  Evaluation of Student Samples  Assignments


  The word prewriting, which literally means before writing, refers toeverything you do before you actually write a first draft. At this stage of yourwriting, you assess the writing situation, generate ideas, and organize them.  Assessing the Writing Sltuatlon  Any writing you do for others occurs in a context that both limits andclarifies your choices. You are communicating something about a particularsubject to a particular audience of readers for a specific reason. You may need todo research. You will probably be up against a length requirement and adeadline. And you may be expected to present your work in a certain format.  These are the elements of the writing situation, and analyzing them at the verystart of a project can tell you much about how to proceed. Answering the followingquestions in each element can help you correctly assess your writing situation.  1. What does your writing assignment instruct you towrite? If you donthave a Specific assignment, what do you want to write about?  2. What interests you about the subject? What do you already have ideasabout or want to know more about?



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