出版時間:2008-9 出版社:西安交通大學出版社 作者:黑玉琴 主編 頁數(shù):204
新世紀之初,隨著英語教育的快速發(fā)展,高等學校英語專業(yè)學生的入學英語水平在不斷提高,這對英語專業(yè)教材的時效性和適用性是一種挑戰(zhàn)。隨著新世紀的到來,中國在文化和經(jīng)濟等領域變化巨大,國際交往越來越多,網(wǎng)絡應用不斷普及,知識更新周期不斷縮短。社會的種種變化也對英語專業(yè)的教學與教材建設提出了新的任務。為了順應時代的進步,滿足不斷發(fā)展的社會對英語人才知識結(jié)構(gòu)的新要求,高等學校英語專業(yè)應在繼承優(yōu)秀教材編寫傳統(tǒng)的前提下,不斷創(chuàng)新,推出能夠反映新的教學理念、體現(xiàn)新的教學改革成果、富有時代氣息和豐富內(nèi)容、符合英語專業(yè)教學實際需要的新教材。基于以上思路,西安外國語大學英文學院將“21世紀英語專業(yè)系列教材”列為“十一五”規(guī)劃教材建設項目,統(tǒng)一策劃并組織富有教學經(jīng)驗的教師參與編寫?! ?l世紀英語專業(yè)系列教材”包括英語語音、口語、聽力、閱讀、寫作、翻譯、英美文學、語言學、英語國家社會與文化等英語專業(yè)必修課程和選修課程使用的教材。本系列教材的編寫以高等學校英語專業(yè)教學大綱為依據(jù),在全面分析我國中西部地區(qū)英語專業(yè)學生實際水平和需要的前提下,對每門課程的教材內(nèi)容進行精心篩選,有針對性地對教材的編排體例進行合理設計。專業(yè)基礎課程的教材做到有利于學生英語基本功的訓練和語言技能的全面發(fā)展;相關專業(yè)知識課程的教材旨在拓寬學生的知識范圍,提高他們的人文素養(yǎng),培養(yǎng)分析問題、解決問題的能力?! ?1世紀英語專業(yè)系列教材”在選材方面依據(jù)知識性、科學性、時代性的總原則,力圖反映該教材涉及學科新的教學與研究成果。專業(yè)基礎課程的教材選取語言知識豐富、內(nèi)容生動活潑、能夠反映現(xiàn)當代社會特征、啟迪思想并能夠調(diào)動學習自覺性的材料。
《基礎英語寫作》(Basic Enlgish Writing)以段落為主,每一章由四大部分構(gòu)成:(1)寫前階段的段落閱讀和分析;(2)寫作中在范文基礎上進行結(jié)構(gòu)、語言的詳細講解;(3)學生習作的評價;(4)寫作練習。同其他教材相比,這本教材的主要特點是在閱讀分析的基礎上,讓學生先建立起一定的認識,然后再教授具體的寫作技巧和方法。另外,學生范文的評價和分析也有助于發(fā)現(xiàn)和認識寫作中存在的問題和不足之處。課后練習的形式盡量多樣化。教材內(nèi)容以一學期的教學進行編排。
Chapter 1 Parasraph Unity Pre-writing Paragraph Unity How to Write a Unified Paragraph? Evaluation of Student Samples AssignmentsChapter 2 Paragraph Coherence Pre-writing Paragraph Coherence How to achieve coherence? Evaluation of Student Samples AssignmentsChapter 3 Paragraph Structure Pre-writing Paragraph Structure Differentiate Topic, Main Idea, and Supporting Details Evaluation of Student Samples AssignmentsChapter 4 Parasraph Development Pre-writing What is Paragraph Development? How to develop a paragraph fully? Evaluation of Student Samples AssignmentsChapter 5 Development in Time Order Pre-writing Developing A Narrative Paragraph How to Write a Narrative Paragraph? Cohesion: Connecting Words for Narration Evaluation of Student Samples AssignmentsChapter 5 Development in Spatial Order Pre-WritingChapter 6 Developing a Descriptive Paragraph in Spatial Order How to write a descriptive paragraph in spatial order? Evaluation of Student Samples AssignmentsChapter 7 Development by Illustration Pre-writing Developing a Paragraph of Illustration How to Write an Illustrative Paragraph? Cohesion: Connecting Words for Illustration Evaluation of Student Samples AssignmentsChapter 8 Development by Process Analysis Pre-writing Developing A Paragraph of Process Analysis How to Write a Process Paragraph? Cohesion: Connecting Words for Process Analysis Evaluation of Student Samples AssignmentsChapter 9 Development by Comparison and Contrast Pre-writing Developing A Paragraph of Comparison and Contrast: How to Write a Paragraph of Comparison and Contrast Cohesion: Connecting Words for Comparison and Contrast A Special Kind of Comparison: Analogy Evaluation of Student Samples: AssignmentsChapter 10 Development by Cause and Effect Pre-writing What is a cause-and-effect analysis? How to write a cause-effect paragraph? Transitions in Cause-and-Effect Writing Evaluation of Student Samples AssignmentsChapter 11 Development by Definition Pre-Writing Development by Definition How to develop your paragraph by definition? Evaluation of Student Samples AssignmentsChapter 12 Development by Classification Pre-Writing Development by Classification How to develop your paragraph by classification? Evaluation of Student Samples AssignmentsChapter 13 Note-writing (1) Pre-writing What is a Note Format of a note How to Write Personal Notes Types of notes 1. Leaving messages 2. Making and cancelling appointments 3. Making apologies AssignmentsChapter 14 Note-writins (2) Pre-writing Extending invitations Accepting or declining invitations Expressing thanks Congratulations Asking for leave AssignmentsChapter 15 Sentence Combination Skills (1) Sentence Patterns Sentence Fragments Assignments Run-ons (Fused Sentences and Comma Splices) AssignmentsChapter 16 Sentence Combination Skills (2) Modifiers Misplaced Modifiers Dangling Modifiers AssignmentsChapter 17 Sentence Combination Skills (3) Subject-Verb Agreement Lack of subject-verb agreement Assignments Pronoun Agreement & Reference AssignmentsChapter 18 Sentence Combination Skills (1) Parallelism Shift Shift in Pronoun Shift in Verb Tense Assignments
What is the topic of this paragraph?You know that it is about food because the word food is repeated many times and is the issue being discussed throughout the paragraph. The following paragraphs are written by two students as an exercise in achieving unity.They are followed by a critical analysis. Some teachers seem to be good teachers.But they are not,even though their students have no special fault to find with them.They are not good teachers because they have no social vision,no social urge,no fight. They know their respective fields well.They have orderly minds.Their courses are well planned and efficiently taught.Yet something keeps them from being a great teacher like Socrates.This kind of teacher is more interested in the subject being taught than in students or social progress. A good teacher never ceases to think of the fates and sorrows of fellow beings.A good teacher is always eager to bring about a social structure in which people will be free to be themselves.European countries seem to accept individuality much more than the United States does. This paragraph is very effective in contrasting the good teacher with the bad teacher,and except the last sentence,which is not relevant.All the other sentences support the main idea at the beginning of the paragraph.So,this paragraph is generally unified. The topic here is"teachers".a(chǎn)nd this key word is referred to and repeated frequently by the pron."they"in the following sentences.The controlling idea is "seem to be good teachers,but they are not."Then,in the rest of the paragraph, the student writer gives the detailed explanation as to why they seem to good teachers.After this,the paragraph informs readers of what good teachers are like.However,the last sentence makes readers quite confused for it suddenly .