
出版時間:2008-2  出版社:西安交大  作者:A.K.瓊克  頁數(shù):415  


Fifty years ago, I was sitting in a class at Jiaotong University inShanghai,  China  taking  a  course  called  " DIELECTRICPHYSICS" lectured by the late Professor Chen Jidan. I was oneof the thirty students sitting in his class taking the course. Thiswas the first time DIELECTRIC study was introduced toChinese Universities. Since then, dielectric study became one ofthe major concerns of the science and technology community ofChina in developing its electrical and electronic engineering.Fifty years past, thousands of students, graduate students,professors, scientists and engineers have been engaged in thestudies and applications of dielectrics in this country. In the pastfifty years, the Xi'an Jiaotong University, Shanghai JiaotongUniversity, Electronic Science and Technological University,Shandong   University,   Zhongshan   University,   SichuanUniversity, Nanjing University,  Tongji University and theShanghai Institute of Ceramics, the Beijing Institute of Physicsof the Chinese Academy of Sciences were heavily involved indielectric studies and gave their various contributions to thedevelopment of dielectric study in China.  Now,  China isprobably one of the most important countries in dielectric studiesamong the list of the ex Soviet Union and the United Kingdom.Late  Professor  Chen  was  the  pioneer  and  founder  ofDIELECTRIC studies in China. The staidness, sureness andsolemnness of his academic attitude are the invaluable treasureof the Chinese dielectric community. I would like to take the chance of writing this preface to pay my sincere respect to the late Professor Chen.


本書是作者所著《固體中的介電弛豫》一書的姊妹篇,其內(nèi)容是前作的延續(xù)和深化,被電介質(zhì)領(lǐng)域的許多研究者奉為經(jīng)典。作者在對普適介電弛豫進行系統(tǒng)描述的基礎(chǔ)上,將其概念外推到其他傳統(tǒng)電介質(zhì)研究不涉及的弛豫過程中。書中介紹了“普適性”的含義、“平坦”的介電響應(yīng)和低頻介電彌散現(xiàn)象,討論了半導(dǎo)體中的介電響應(yīng),以及發(fā)光、化學(xué)反應(yīng)和力學(xué)弛豫等非介電過程的弛豫現(xiàn)象,并從理論角度對上述實驗現(xiàn)象進行了解釋。    本書可作為物理、電子、材料、電氣等相關(guān)專業(yè)的教師、研究生和科研人員的參考書。


A.K.瓊克(A.K.Jonscher,1922-2005),生于波蘭華沙,1949年在倫敦大學(xué)瑪麗皇后學(xué)院以一級榮譽學(xué)士學(xué)位畢業(yè),并在該校Harry Tropper教授的指導(dǎo)下于1952年獲得博士學(xué)位,1951年起在GEC研究實驗室工作,從事半導(dǎo)體器件物理原理方面的研究工作,1962年以Reader身份加入倫敦大學(xué)切爾西學(xué)院,1965年成為固態(tài)電子學(xué)教授,1987年成為倫敦大學(xué)皇家霍洛威與貝德福德斯學(xué)院榮譽教授,1990年受邀為IEEE“普適介電晌應(yīng)”杰出懷特海榮譽講席。瓊克教授在介電弛豫研究方面具有很深的造詣,他于1983年和1996年分別出版的分別出版的學(xué)術(shù)專著《固體中的介電弛豫》和《普適弛豫定律》,在國際學(xué)術(shù)界享有盛譽。


PrefaceAcknowledgementsUseful Physical ConstantsChapter 1  THE MEANING OF UNIVERSALITY  1.1  The last twelve years  1.2  Basic definitions  1.3  Empirical response functions  1.4  Calculation of total polarisation  1.5  The nature of universality  1.6  Negative capacitance  1.7  Recovery of field on open-circuit Basic equations:  1.8  Energy loss in the time domain  1.9  Concluding comments  Appendix 1.1 Integration in Logarithmic Coordinates  Appendix 1.2 Values of n and cot(nπ/2)    References to chapter 1Chapter 2  DIELECTTRIC RESPONSE OF SEMICONDUCTORS  2.1  Delayed electronic transitions  2.2  A simple barrier model  2.3  Response of Schottky diodes    Adventitious barriers on semi-insulating material  2.5  Response of p-n junctions    High-purity p-n junctions    Junctions with deep levels    Heavily doped Zener diodes    Conclusions regarding space charge region responses  2.5  Junction diffusion capacitance    a) Low-frequency response    b) High-frequency response  2.6  Volume trapping-detrapping  2.7  Hopping conduction    Electronic processes    Semi-insulating GaAs    Ionic Transport  2.8  Concluding comments    References to Chapter 2Chapter 3 LUMINESCENCE AND PHOTOCONDUCTIVITY  3.1  The relevance of the subject  3.2  Idealised light emission rates  3.3  Analytical formulation    The limit of rapid trapping  3.4  Review of luminescence data    Exponential decays    Simple power law decays    More complex behaviours  3.5  Conclusions from luminescence  3.6  Photoconductivity in the F-D    Principles of photoconductive behaviour    Analytical formulation  3.7  Conclusions    References to Chapter 3Chapter 4 "FLAS" DIELECTRIC RESPONSEChapter 5 LOW-FREQUENCY DISPERSIONChapter 6 DC AND AC CONDUCTIVITYChapter 7 CHEMICAL REACTION DINETICSChapter 8 THERMALLY STIMULATED DEPOLARISATIONChapter 9 MECHANICAL rELAXATIONChapter 10 MEASUREMENT AND PRESENTATION OF DATAChapter 11 THEORETICAL INTERPRETATIONSChapter 12 THE ENERGY CRITERIONAuthor IndexSubject Index


DIELECTRICS AND INSULATORSThe use of electrical insulation is as old as the science and technologyof electrical phenomena; it goes back at least a century and a half,while the recognition of specifically electrostatic manifestations ofelectrification goes back to antiquity. Systematic investigations ofdielectric properties may be traced back to the 1870's.The accumulated experimental and theoretical material is vast andfrom an early stage on it was possible to discern two essentiallycomplementary approaches to this wide-ranging subject- the studyand development of insulators and of dielectrics. In this classifi-cation, insulators are materials used to prevent the flow of currentwhere it is not desired, especially in the context of electrical andelectronic engineering, and the principal interest in them lies inachieving the lowest possible electrical conduction coupled with themaximum resistance to destructive breakdown in high electric fields.Other factors such as long life, low cost, chemical inertness and the ability to withstand elevated temperatures may be added to the long list of technical specifications which must be met by modern insulating materials working sometimes under extreme external stresses. It is understandable that engineers and materials scientists searching for insulating materials suitable for specific applications were less concerned with the detailed physical mechanisms gov- erning the behaviour of these materials, provided that their char- acterisation in terms of clearly defined parameters could be achieved reliably and simply. This order of priorities remains true to this day and the chief emphasis in electrical insulation science falls on the synthesis of materials and their characterisation. By contrast with the insulation aspect, dielectric phenomena are at once more general and more fundamental - after all, insulators are dielectrics - and are concerned more intimately with the micro- scopic mechanisms of dielectric polarisation and include, especially, the transient behaviour under time-varying electric fields.






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