
出版時(shí)間:2008-2  出版社:西安交大  作者:郭繼榮  頁(yè)數(shù):200  


  創(chuàng)新是一個(gè)民族的靈魂,也是高層次人才水平的集中體現(xiàn)。因此,創(chuàng)新能力的培養(yǎng)應(yīng)貫穿于研究生培養(yǎng)的各個(gè)環(huán)節(jié),包括課程學(xué)習(xí)、文獻(xiàn)閱讀、課題研究等。文獻(xiàn)閱讀與課題研究無(wú)疑是培養(yǎng)研究生創(chuàng)新能力的重要手段,同樣,課程學(xué)習(xí)也是培養(yǎng)研究生創(chuàng)新能力的重要環(huán)節(jié)。通過(guò)課程學(xué)習(xí),使研究生在教師指導(dǎo)下,獲取知識(shí)的同時(shí)理解知識(shí)創(chuàng)新過(guò)程與創(chuàng)新方法,對(duì)培養(yǎng)研究生創(chuàng)新能力具有極其重要的意義。  西安交通大學(xué)研究生院圍繞研究生創(chuàng)新意識(shí)與創(chuàng)新能力改革研究生課程體系的同時(shí),開(kāi)設(shè)了一批研究型課程,支持編寫了一批研究型課程的教材,目的是為了推動(dòng)在課程教學(xué)環(huán)節(jié)加強(qiáng)研究生創(chuàng)新意識(shí)與創(chuàng)新能力的培養(yǎng),進(jìn)一步提高研究生培養(yǎng)質(zhì)量。  研究型課程是指以激發(fā)研究生批判性思維、創(chuàng)新意識(shí)為主要目標(biāo),由具有高學(xué)術(shù)水平的教授作為任課教師參與指導(dǎo),以本學(xué)科領(lǐng)域最新研究和前沿知識(shí)為內(nèi)容,以探索式的教學(xué)方式為主導(dǎo),適合于師生互動(dòng),使學(xué)生有更大的思維空間的課程。研究型教材應(yīng)使學(xué)生在學(xué)習(xí)過(guò)程中可以掌握最新的科學(xué)知識(shí),了解最新的前沿動(dòng)態(tài),激發(fā)研究生科學(xué)研究的興趣,掌握基本的科學(xué)方法,把教師為中心的教學(xué)模式轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)橐詫W(xué)生為中心教師為主導(dǎo)的教學(xué)模式,把學(xué)生被動(dòng)接受知識(shí)轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)樵谔剿餮芯颗c自主學(xué)習(xí)中掌握知識(shí)和培養(yǎng)能力。  出版研究型課程系列教材,是一項(xiàng)探索性的工作,有許多艱苦的工作。雖然已出版的教材凝聚了作者的大量心血,但畢竟是一項(xiàng)在實(shí)踐中不斷完善的工作。我們深信,通過(guò)研究型系列教材的出版與完善,必定能夠促進(jìn)研究生創(chuàng)新能力的培養(yǎng)。




Chapter 1 International Academic Conference Part 1 General Knowledge Part 2 Conference Notice Part 3 Call for Papers Part 4 Conference Program Skills WorkChapter 2 Correspondence before and after Conference Part 1 General Knowledge Part 2 Letters of Invitation and Reply Part 3 Letters of Inquiry and Reply Part 4 Letters Applying for Financial Aids Part 5 Cover Letters Part 6 Letters about Papers and Abstract Submitted Part 7 Letters of Congratulation Part 8 Letters of Thanks Skills WorkChapter 3 Academic Paper Writing Part 1 General Knowledge Part 2 Title and Author/Affiliation Part 3 Abstract and Keywords Part 4 Introduction Part 5 Materials and Methods Part 6 Result Part 7 Discussion Part 8 Conclusion Part 9 Acknowledgement Part 10 Reference/Bibliography Skills WorkChapter 4 Oral Presentation of an Academic Paper Part 1 General Knowledge Part 2 Beginning the Presentation Part 3 Developing the Presentation Part 4 Ending the Presentation Skills WorkChapter 5 General Presiding Procedures at a Meeting Part 1 General Knowledge Part 2 Opening a Conference Part 3 Introducing a Speaker Part 4 Organizing a Question&Answer Session Part 5 Closing a Conference SkillS WorkChapter 6 Other Peripheral Academic Exchange Part 1 General Knowledge Part 2 Talking with Professionals Part 3 Guiding Campus Tour Part 4 Guiding Lab Tour Part 5 Guiding City Tour Skills Work習(xí)題參考答案聽(tīng)力原文


  1. Different kinds of international meetings  International meetings can be given different names according to their owncharacteristics.  Meeting (會(huì)議的總稱) refers to various kinds of assembly or gathering ofpeople for a particular purpose, such as for a business, social, or religiouspurpose. Meeting is a general term and it can mean any kind of gathering.  Conference (大型會(huì)議) is a formal and large-scale meeting which isorganized on a particular subject to bring together people who have commoninterests.A conference usually lasts for a few days and consists of formalsessions such as panel sessions, parallel sessions, forums or workshops, postersessions and informal activities.  Congress (代表大會(huì) )isusuallyalarge-scaleformalassembly ofrepresentatives, as of various nations, to discuss issues, ideas, and policies ofpublic interest.  Convention (年會(huì) )isaformalandroutinemeetingofmembers,representatives,ordelegates,asofapoliticalparty,fraternalsociety,profession, or industry.  Forum (論壇) is a public meeting or presentation involving a discussionusually among experts and often including audience participation. At a forum,people exchange ideas and discuss issues, especially important public issues.  Seminar (討論會(huì)) is a class-like meeting, where participants discuss aparticular topic or subject that is presented by several major speakers.  Symposium (研討會(huì)) is a meeting at which experts, scholars, and otherparticipants of a particular field discuss a particular subject.A symposium isusually narrower and more specific in the range of topics than a conference andthe scale of a symposium is also usually smaller than that of a conference. Theessential characteristic of the symposium is that a few persons discuss a subject orproblem while an audience listens.





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