出版時間:2007-1 出版社:語文教學(xué) 作者:[澳] 段立新 頁數(shù):499
Preface It is so easy to forget, in learning a foreign language, that language chiefly in its spoken form. For many students, the convenience and availability of books, the relative permanence of writing, and the authority of great literature combine to give the written language a preeminence that it does not really possess. Speech is then seen as a pale reflection of writing, and its grammar and vocabulary is judged, misleadingly, by the standards of written expression. The English language has often been taught in this way, and students who have followed a course in which the written language is the chief or only model of communication inevitably encounters great difficulties when they arrive in an English speaking country for the first time. In particular, the vocabulary of everyday speech, and the range of idioms used, is dramatically different from what is typical of writing. In informal speech as heard not only in the street but also in films and on television—there is a vast array of slang and taboo language which foreigners need every help with, if they are to interpret it correctly and use it appropriately. Alan Duan has produced a most useful compilation of the way the language is actually used, having spent several years collecting idiomatic expressions, fixed phrases, and sayings from everyday English. He paid attention to conversational style, to different levels of informality, and to impolite as well as polite colloquial vocabulary—something which cannot always be said about books which claim to be introductions to ‘real’ English. I have no doubt, therefore, that this dictionary will be of great practical assistance to Chinese learners. David Crystal 體 例 說 明 ■ 收詞范圍 本詞典只收錄英聯(lián)邦國家英語口語中使用頻率最高的習(xí)語、客套語、慣用語或慣用句,以及生活中常用的俗語,如Well, I never!I am afraid, I couldn’t agree more, Business is businesss, Love is blind等。過時語、俚語及行話則不在收錄范圍之內(nèi)?! ”驹~典還專門收錄了一般字典或參考書中不常見的、英語口語中最有代表性、最常見的粗話和臟話,如:You bastard! Oh, shit! Piss off等,供學(xué)習(xí)者鑒別、參考?! ”驹~典在附錄中收錄了一些對雅思(IELTS)口語考試有用的詞條。這些詞條也是口語交流中最常使用的功能語句?! 觥≡~條的編排 本詞典正文由兩部分組成:文明用語部分和粗臟話部分?! 刹糠衷~條均按字母順序排列,利用主詞查閱詞條,方便快捷。主詞一般為句中的名詞,無名詞的則為動詞,無動詞的則為形容詞。如果一個詞條中既沒有名詞,也沒有動詞,還沒有形容詞,那么就查找第一個單詞。如果詞條中有兩個相同詞性的主詞,查第一個。例如:Act your age! 查age; Fire away!查fire; Not too bad! 查bad; After you! 查after?! ∫粋€典型的完整詞條包括條目、注音、條目類型、使用說明、釋義、例證、注解等部分,但根據(jù)實(shí)際需要,一些詞條并不包含上述所有部分。由于大部分詞條都配有兩至三個例句,各例句句首用 ■ 標(biāo)示,以方便大家閱讀?! ∪粼~條的使用說明或注解含有兩項或多于兩項,或者當(dāng)詞條不含使用說明,但釋義不止一種時,并列各項用①②③……按序排列?! ∮行┰~條通過參見查閱,如:like anything ?誅 mad(P. 250)即like anything詞條的意思可參見250頁mad主詞下的具體詞條,查閱可知like anything與like mad意義、用法相同。但相比之下,前者不如后者常用,故提供參見方式查閱。 若部分詞條意義相近,這些詞條的用法中會注明各意義相近的詞條及頁碼,供大家參照。如:Be my guest! 用作回答Can I...? May I...?這類請求的一種相當(dāng)友好、客氣的常用語。另見feel free(P. 117)。 ■ 詞條分類 本詞典將所收錄的詞條按其不同屬性分成習(xí)語、慣用語或慣用句、客套語、俗語等幾大類別?! ×?xí)語『習(xí)』指那些由若干詞組合而成產(chǎn)生新意的短語。如:Make no bones about it! Bob is your uncle! 俗語『俗』口語中極為常用的常言、諺語或格言在詞典中均歸入俗語類。如:Love is blind. Better late than never. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 慣用語或慣用句『慣』指在口語中用法較固定的常見短語或句子。如:As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t have it if you gave it to me. 客套語『套』指口語中僅在禮節(jié)性問候等場合下固定使用的短語或句子。如:Can I help you? Correct me if I am wrong. 客套語也包括一些只在正規(guī)場合下使用的短語或句子。如:No Comment! Compliments of the season! I beg to differ. 有些來自美國英語口語的詞條,現(xiàn)已在英聯(lián)邦各國普遍使用,這樣的詞條標(biāo)明“(美)”字樣。澳大利亞英語特有的口語詞條標(biāo)明“(澳)”字樣。 ■ 發(fā)音說明 為方便讀者使用,本詞典在詞條后均標(biāo)注其在實(shí)際口語中的發(fā)音。這種發(fā)音的標(biāo)注與一般字典和發(fā)音指導(dǎo)參考書上的不大一樣。采用的是English Pronouncing Dictionary(《英語發(fā)音詞典》)第14版(J. M. Dent, 1977年由Daniel Jones教授主編,AC Gimson教授修訂)的音標(biāo)體系。許多詞條中,單詞之間在發(fā)音時發(fā)生連讀的情況,詞典則將其音標(biāo)連在一起,以示自然語流中的發(fā)音。
Preface IX序 X關(guān)于英語口語學(xué)習(xí)(代新版自序) XI體例說明 XVI詞典正文 1文明用語(A~Z) 1粗臟話 473附錄一 新增英語口語詞條 490附錄二 雅思口語考試參考詞條 4961