
出版時(shí)間:2008-1  出版社:西北大學(xué)出版社  作者:馬國友,周訓(xùn)貞 編  頁數(shù):111  




Unit OneSection One Text:Dear Blog,Today ISection Two Reading Skills:Looking for the Topic SentenceSection Three Fast Reading:A Sound SleeperSection Four Practice for PRETCO Levels A&BUnit TwoSection One Text:The Importance of.Being HonestSection Two Reading Skills:Skimming by SubtitlesSection Three Fast Reading:London in FogSection Four Practice for PRETCO Levels A&BUnit ThreeSection One Text:The Lost Gold PieceSection TwO Reading Skills:Reading in Thought Groups(意群閱讀)Section Three Fast Reading:The Bermuda TriangleSection Four Practice for PRETCO Levels A&BUnit FourSection One Text:The Pleasures of ReadingSection Two Reading Skills:Identifying ReferentsSection Three Fast Reading:The Statue of LibertySection Four Practice for PRETCO Levels A&BUnit FiveSection Oue Text:Welcome to the BoRom of the WorldSection Two Reading Skills:Recognizing Signal Words(識(shí)別信號(hào)詞)(1)Section Three Fast Reading:What Does Happiness Mean?Section Four Practice for PRETCO Levels A&BUnit SixSection One Text:Valentine;'saySection Two Reading Skills:Recognizing Signal Words(識(shí)別信號(hào)詞)(2)Section Three Fast Reading:The Importance of EducationSection Four Practice for PRETCO Levels A&BUnit SevenSection One Text:The Golden BOXSection Two Reading Skills:Guessing Unfamiliar Words by Word—formation(1)Section Three Fast Reading:The Seven GiftsSection Four Practice for PRETCO Levels A&BUnit EightSection One Text:What Can Intemet Do for Us?Section Two Reading Skills:Guessing Unfamiliar Words by word-formation(2)Section Three, Fast Reading:The History Of BooksSection Four Practice for PRETCO Levels A&B參考答案參考書目



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