
出版時間:2012-8  出版社:哈爾濱工業(yè)大學出版社  作者:王景惠,劉麗達 主編  頁數:226  字數:276000  




UNIT 1 Oral Presentation
 1.1 Speaker's image
 1.2 Strategy planning
 1.3 Opening and closing remarks
 1.4 Language style
 1.5 Use of notes and visuals
 1.6 Questions handling
 1.7 Delivery and evaluation
UNIT 2 Abstract Writing
 2.1 An overview of abstracts
 2.2 Key qualities of an abstract
 2.3 Different types of abstracts
 2.4 Stylistic features of abstracts
 2.5 Difference between an abstract and a summary
 2.6 How to write an abstract
UNIT 3 Research Papers
 3.1 An overview of research papers
 3.2 The Introduction section
 3.3 Writing techniques for each move
 3.4 The Materials and Methods section
 3.5 The Results section
 3.6 The Discussion/Conclusion section
 3.7 The Acknowledgments section
 3.8 The Tide
UNIT 4 Summary Writing
 4. I Purposes of summary writing
 4.2 Functions of a summary
 4.3 Strategies for summary writing
 4.4 Structure and vocabulary
  4.5 An example of summary writing process
  4.6 A sample summary with a grading scale
  4.7 Sample summaries
UNIT 5 Essay Writing
 5.1 Composing an essay
 5.2 Informative writing
 5.3 Explanatory writing
 5.4 Persuasive writing
 5.5 Argumentative writing
 5.6 Expressive writing
UNIT 6 Model Essays
 6.1 Model 1 Competitive Sports Build Character
 6.2 Model 2 Chinese Americans
 6.3 Model 3 Is true Friendship Dying Away?
 6.4 Model 4 Reflections on US Energy Challenges
 6.5 Model 5 Why Business Needs Scientists?
 6.6 Model 6 An Observation and an Explanation
 6.7 Model 7 Canada Goes Green
 6.8 Model 8 Win with Your Strengths
 6.9 Model 9 The Life of a Black Scientist
UNIT 7 Practical Writing
 7.1 Letter writing
 7.2 Writing for specific purposes
 7.3 Official document


  The usual order of presentation of methods is chronological,however related methods may need to be described together and strict chronological order cannot always be followed。If your method is new,you must provide all of the detail required。However,if a method has been previously published in a standard joumal,only the name of the method and a literature reference need to be given。  Be precise in describing measurements and include errors of measurement。Ordinary statistical methods should be used without comment; advanced or unusual methods may require a literature citation?! n fully experimental papers,the body of the paper describes the material and data used for the study,the methodologies applied to answer the research questions,and the results obtained。 It is very important that the study be described in a way that makes it possible for peers to repeat or to reproduce it?! or experimental studies,the use of modeling and simulation(M&S)within engineering is well recognized。Simulation technology belongs to the tool set of engineers of all application domains and has been included into the body of knowledge of engineering management。M&S has already helped to reduce costs and increase the quality of products and systems。M&S application domains often lead to the assumption that M&S is pure application,which is not the case and needs to be recognized by engineering management experts who want to use M&S?! or analytical simulation experimental papers,computer-based models-design,validity,and actual use of final model are to be described。Modeling and simulation(M&S)is the use of models,including emulators, prototypes, simulators,and stimulators,either statically or over time,to develop data as a basis for making managenial or technical decisions。The terms‘modeling’and ‘simulation’are often used interchangeably。One needs to bear in mind that simulation and experiment are to be separately presented。  Simulations allow setting up a coherent synthetic environment which makes it possible for the integration of simulated systems in the early analysis phase via mixed virtual systems with first prototypical components to a virtual test environment for the final system。 If managed correctly,the environment can be migrated from the development and test domain to the training and education domain in follow-on life cycle phases for the systems(including the option to train and optinuze a virtual twin of the real system under realistic constraints even before first components are being built)。Technically,simulation is well accepted。The 2006 National Science Foundation(NSF) Report on “Simulation-based Engineering Science” showed the potential of using simulation technology and methods to revolutionize the engineering science。(Source:Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia。www. yahoo.com)Organize your presentation so your reader will understand the logical flow of the experiment(s);subheadings work well for this purpose。Each experiment or procedure should be presented as a unit,even if it was broken up over time。The experimental design and procedure are sometimes most efficiently presented as an integrated unit,because otherwise it would be difficult to split them up?! escribe the organism(s)used in the study。This includes giving the source(supplier or where and how collected),size (weight,length,etc),how they were handled before the experiment,what they were fed,etc。In genetics studies include the strains or genetic stocks used。For some studies,age is important?!  ?/pre>






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