
出版時(shí)間:2010-8  出版社:哈爾濱工業(yè)大學(xué)出版社  作者:李慧杰  頁數(shù):249  




Chapter 1  Introduction  1.1  Background: Reformation Context of EFL Testing  1.2  Reasons for Assessing Critical Reading Abilities  1.3  The Nature of Gritical Reading Test (GRT)  1.4  The Objectives of the Study  1.5  Preview of the ChaptersChapter 2  Literature Review  2.1  Definitions of Critical Reading  2.2  Critical Reading Abilities (CRA)  2.3  Theoretical Underpinnings for Critical Reading  2.4  Three Critical-reading Oriented Tests  2.5  Critique on English Reading Test Methods  2.6  Elements in Devdoping Commtmicative Reading TestsChapter 3  The Blueprint of an EFL Critical Reading Test  3.1  Framework of Being Critical in EFL Reading  3.2  Taxonomy of EFL Critical Reading Abilities  3.3  CRA Test Focus Inventory  3.4  Specification for an EFL Critical Reading Test  3.5  CRT Prototype PaperChapter 4  Research Methodology  4.1  A Three-stage Research Design Based on the CRA Blueprint  4.2  Research Questions  4.3  Subjects and Participants  4.4  Research Instruments  4.5  Research AdministrationChapter 5  Data Analysis: Results, Findings and Discussion  5.1  Qestionnaire Data  5.2  Test Score Data  5.3  Interview Data  5.4  Overall Analysis of the DataChapter 6  Conclusions, Implications, and Limitations  6.1  Necessity and Feasibility of Critical Reading Tests  6.2  Answers to the Research Questions  6.3  Modification to the CRT Specification  6.4  Implications of the Research  6.5  Contriutions of the Study  6.6  Limitations of the Study  6.7  Future Research OrientationsAppendixes



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