出版時間:2009-1 出版社:哈爾濱工業(yè)大學(xué)出版社 作者:郭靜 主編 頁數(shù):213
人的生命是有限的,真正能用于認認真真學(xué)習(xí)的時間其實并不多,你總不能用一年的時間去學(xué)一本書吧!為減輕你的學(xué)習(xí)負擔(dān),本書設(shè)計了最為便于學(xué)習(xí)的內(nèi)容架構(gòu),你只需一天學(xué)一個小時,總共花兩個月零六天就可以輕松學(xué)完本書的第一遍。 1小時1句型訓(xùn)練法: 第一步單詞點拔 先花5分鐘時間,將單詞錄音跟讀幾遍,大致掌握本課中要用到的新單詞。 第二步句型裂變 接下來的8分鐘,一口氣學(xué)完句型裂變中的前5句,兩個人練習(xí)時可以一人念英文,一人念中文,直到滾瓜爛熟后再學(xué)后5句。 第三步模仿改錯 練習(xí)對話時,最好的辦法是老師先請學(xué)生扮演角色,并指出學(xué)生發(fā)音中的錯誤和不足,然后再聽錄音,并模仿;每課5個對話大概需要25分鐘的時間。 第四步感受句型 請同學(xué)上臺再次扮演角色,讓同學(xué)們身臨其境,感受句型使用的場合,可以用10分鐘的時間來做這個練習(xí)。 第五步互動會話 剩下的12分鐘,我們要做的是:在課文中找出單詞點撥中的新單詞,并熟記這些句子;兩個人一組,請同學(xué)們把句型裂變中前5句沒有對話的句子組成對話。
UNIT 1 Simple Patterns 簡單句型 01.May I 02.Sb(l/He/She) can't stand 03.I am used to 04.I hear that 05.I wonderUNIT 2 Mailing Suggesll0ns 提建議 06.Shall we 07.Let's 08.Why don't (didn't) 09.How aboutWhat about 10.I suggest 11.(Maybe) we could 12.You shouldn't 13.You'd better (not) 14.If I were you 15.It might be a good idea / You might tryUNIT 3 Opinion 看法與意見 16.I am afraid 17.I suppose / I think 18.I am (not) sure 19.We disagree/We do not agree 20.I guess. 21.I have no idea 22.I agree 23.I must admit 24.What do you think of 25.I bet 26.I've (never) thought (of) 27.To tell you the truth 28.I suspect 29.What I'm trying to say is 30.It seems to me 31.The most adjective (interestingchallenOglngd|fficult) thlng Is/was 32.I'd rather. 33.I have (always) regretted g 34.The thing I like (most) about/The thlng I don't (least) like about 35.It's a good thing UNIT 4 Lilies and Dlslllies 喜歡和不喜歡 :gXg:g 36.I enjoy. 37.I prefer. 38.I dislike / don't like / hate 39.I am crazy aboutUNIT 5 Surprise 驚奇 40.i can't believe 41.Why hadn't I thought about / of 42.I didn't know UNIT 6 Expressing Thanlgs 表達謝意 43.i gm / wg / will be g]rateful UNIT 7 Roason 原因 44.due to 45.The reason (why) 46.There is no reason 47.Why is it that some people g 48.In order 49.I am calling.to 50.In caseUNIT 8 Feelings 感覺 51.I have no doubt/ There is no doubt 52.l'm in the mood / l'm not in the mood 53.I don't feel like 54.I am willing toUNIT 9 lilting Quosllons 提問 56.Is it all right z 57.Would it be correct 58.Have you ever seen / been to / gone / bought / lostUNIT 10 Olners 其他 59.Let me know 60.It depends on 61.I can't afford 62.It reminds me 63.It's helpful / useful / important / a good idea 64.On second thoui]ht 65.We're / I am having difficulty / had no difficulty (trouble) 66.Notuntil
目標(biāo):提高口語實戰(zhàn)能力 適用于有一定英語基礎(chǔ)但口語表達能力有待提高者。 經(jīng)典句型大收集,快速掌握!