
出版時間:2006-8  出版社:哈工大  作者:賴一楠  頁數(shù):256  


Pro/ENGINEER是由美國參數(shù)技術(shù)公司開發(fā)的基于特征、參數(shù)化、全關(guān)聯(lián)實體建模軟件。本書主要以建模和設(shè)計的基本概念為主介紹Pro/ENGINEE R Wildfire 2.0在計算機輔助設(shè)計中的使用?! ∪珪卜譃?0章。第1章介紹軟件的特點和界面。第2章介紹草繪截面的創(chuàng)建。第3章介紹各種基準(zhǔn)特征的建立方式。第4~6章為三維實體模型的建立。第7~8章為組件裝配的基本過程。第9章介紹了工程圖的基本知識和創(chuàng)建不同視圖的方法。第10章介紹機械運動仿真設(shè)計?! ”緯m合于作為工科學(xué)生CAD雙語基礎(chǔ)教材使用,也可以作為機械工程及其他相關(guān)專業(yè)教師、學(xué)生及工程人員參考用書。


Chapter 1 Introduction to Pro/E System 1.1 Features of Pro/E 1.2 Ftmctions of Pro/E  1.2.1 Design Module  1.2.2 Piping Module  1.2.3 Electric Design Module  1.2.4 Data Exchange Module  1.2.5 Manufacturing  1.2.6 Simulation  1.2.7 Mold Design and Casting Module  1.3 Interface of Pro/E Wildfire  1.3.1 Starting Up Pro/E  1.3.2 Basic Task Interface  1.3.3 Pull-down Menu  1.3.4 Toolbar  1.3.5 Information Window  1.3.6 Navigator  1.3.7 WorkArea 1.4 Use of Mouse  1.4.1 View Model  1.4.2 Selecting a Feature 1.5 Exporting to External Formats 1.6 Importing File from External ApplicationsChapter 2 Sketcher Basics 2.1 Introduction to the Sketch Mode  2.1.1 Entering the Sketch Mode  2.1.2 Sketcher Environment 2.2 Creating a Sketch  2.2.1 Drawing a Sletcla by the Mouse  2.2.2 Drawing a Point  2.2.3 Creating a Reference Coordinate Svstem  2.2.4 Drawing a Line  2.2.5 Drawing a Rectangle  2.2.6 Drawing an Arc  2.2.7 Drawing a Circle  2.2.8 Creating a Spline  2.2.9 Creating Text 2.3 Dimensioning the Sketch  2.3.1 Dimensioning a Sketch  2.3.2 Dimensioning the Basic Sketcher Entities  2.3.3 Converting a Weak Dimension  2.3.4 Modifying Dimensions  2.3.5 Resolve Sketch Dialog Box 2.4 Working with Constraints  2.4.1 Constraints DialogBox  2.4.2 Constraints Submenu  2.4.3 Constraints and Their Symbols 2.5 Modifying the Sketcher Entities  2.5.1 Deleting the Sketcher Entities  2.5.2 Trimming the Sketcher Entities  2.5.3 Mirroring the Sketcher Entities  2.5.4 Scaling and Rotating Entities  2.5.5 Copying Drawing Entities 2.6 Drawing Display Options 2.7 Importing 2D Drawings Example ExercisesChapter 3 Dahnns 3.1 Datum Options  3.2 Datum Planes 3.3 Datum Points  3.3.1 General Point  3.3.2 Sketched Datum Points  3.3.3 Offset from a Coordinate System  3.4 Datum Axis 3.5 Datum Curves  3.5.1 Creating Datum Curve with Icon   3.5.2 Creating Datum Curve by Sketching  ExampleChapter 4 Creating Base Features 4.1 Introduction to the Part Mode  4.1.1 Entering the Part Mode  4.1.2 Introduction to Base Features 4.2 Extrude Tool 4.3 Revolve Tool  4.3.1 Creating a Revolved Feature  4.3.2 Different Types of Revolved Feature 4.4 Sweep Tool  4.4.1 Creating Swept Protrusions  4.4.2 Sketching a Trajectory  4.4.3 Creating Thin Sweep Protrusion   4.4.4 Creating a Sweep Cut 4.5 Blend Tool  4.5.1 Parallel Option  4.5.2 Rotational Blend  4.5.3 General Option  4.5.4 Using Blend Vertex Example ExercisesChapter 5 Creating F.nneering Features 5.1 Hole Tool  5.1.1 Straight Hole  5.1.2 Sketched Hole  5.1.3 Standard Hole 5.2 Round Tool 5.3 Chamfer Tool 5.4 Rib Tool 5.5 Shell Tool 5.6 Draft Tool Example Exercises Chapter 6 Oplions Aiding the Omstrmon of Parts 6.1 Copying and t'astang  6.2 Mirroring 6.3 Patterns  6.3.1 Creating a Linear Dimension Pattern  6.3.2 Creating a Rotational Pattern 6.4 Groups  6.4.1 Creating a Local Group  6.4.2 Groups Pattern 6.5 Using the Model Player 6.6 Parent-Child Relationships 6.7 Editing the Features of a Model  6.7.1 Editing  6.7.2 Reordering  6.7.3 Edit References  6.7.4 Suppressing and Deleting a Feature 6.8 Solving Failures  6.8.1 Resolve Features  6.8.2 Failed Features Example ExercisesChapter 7 Assembly Fundamentals 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Constraints for Assembly 7.3 Icons in Component Placement Dialog Box  7.4 Moving Components 7.5 Connection between Components Example ExercisesChapter 8 Working with Assembly Components 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Assembly Information 8.3 Assembly Features  8.3.1 Assembly Datum Features  8.3.2 Create an Assembly Cut Feature  8.3.3 Modify an Assembly Feature  8.3.4 Copy an Assembly Feature 8.4 Component Operations in Assembly  8.4.1 Modifying Assemblies  8.4.2 Create Component in Assembly  8.5 Modifying the Component Display  8.6 Exploding the Assembly 8.7 Assigning Colors to Components  8.8 Constraints 8.9 Regenerating Models 8.10 BOM (Bill of Materials) ExercisesChapter 9 Engineering Drawing 9.1 Engineering Drawing Fnndamentals  9.1.1 Entering the Drawing Mode  9.1.2 Environment of Drawing 9.2 Inserting Views  9.2.1 General Views  9.2.2 Projection View  9.2.3 Detailed View  9.2.4 Auxiliary View  9.2.5 Revolved View  9.2.6 Broken View 9.3 Cross Section Views  9.3.1 Full Cross Section  9.3.2 Half Cross Section  9.3.3 Local Cross Section 9.4 Modifying a View  9.4.1 Moving a View  9.4.2 Deleting a View  9.4.3 Defining a Drawing Display   9.4.4 Editing a View 9.5 Dimensioning Operations  9.5.1 Show and Era  9.5.2 Creating Dimension and Notation  9.5.3 Editing Dimension Example ExercisesChapter 10 Mechanical Motion Simulation 10.1 Introduction : 10.2 Mechanism Design Extension (MDX)   10.2.1 Overview  10.2.2 Kinematics and Dynamics Analysis 10.3 Kinetics Analysis  10.3.1 Connection  10.3.2 Drivers Definition  10.3.3 Motion Definition Example 10.4 Dynamics Analysis Example 10.5 Advanced Connection  10.5.1 Gear  10.5.2 Cam  10.5.3 Slot Exereis Appendix Comparison of English-Chinese Command in Pro/E References



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