
出版時間:2007-12  出版社:吉林東北師范大學(xué)  作者:李郁,高陽,周澍  頁數(shù):281  


  《高等學(xué)校英語專業(yè)教學(xué)大綱》明確地把英語語言學(xué)列入高等院校英語專業(yè)必須開設(shè)的專業(yè)知識課程之一。這門課程對于提高英語專業(yè)學(xué)生的英文修養(yǎng)及專業(yè)水平至關(guān)重要。隨著英語專業(yè)學(xué)生人數(shù)的不斷增加,越來越多的本科生有想繼續(xù)攻讀碩士的愿望,而語言學(xué)的內(nèi)容也屬于必考的范圍。我國一些著名學(xué)者編寫和出版了幾種語言學(xué)教材,但針對本科學(xué)生來說,這些教材有的過于偏重理論,有的過于晦澀難懂。其中大部分教材都用英文編寫,內(nèi)容多,知識點分散,學(xué)生接觸、掌握、吸收起來比較困難。為了滿足廣大學(xué)生要擴大自己知識面及認(rèn)識深度的需求,使其能系統(tǒng)地掌握語言學(xué)知識,我們特編寫了這本《英語語言學(xué)概論》。  《英語語言學(xué)概論》汲取了語言學(xué)重要的研究成果,以國內(nèi)高等學(xué)校的英語專業(yè)本科生為教授對象,內(nèi)容針對性強,按照簡化學(xué)習(xí)程序,特別是將知識點提煉出來,結(jié)合其他同類教材進行綜合、整理的原則,利用聯(lián)想的方式加深理解記憶,幫助學(xué)生更容易、系統(tǒng)地了解語言學(xué)知識。書后提供了語言學(xué)主要術(shù)語英漢和漢英對照表及參考書目,以方便讀者在閱讀教材或其他語言學(xué)著作碰到生詞時翻閱查找。因此,《英語語言學(xué)概論》具有很強的可操作性?! ∪珪卜謨刹糠?。第一部分有十二章,既包括傳統(tǒng)的內(nèi)容:如語音學(xué),音位學(xué),形態(tài)學(xué),語義學(xué),語用學(xué),語言與社會和文化,又對一些新興的學(xué)科作了扼要的介紹,如語言習(xí)得、語篇分析等。為了方便讀者學(xué)習(xí),在每節(jié)后配有練習(xí)題。第二部分內(nèi)容與第一部分各章相對應(yīng),除用漢語給出本章的概述外,還針對學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容進行了要點分析,并配有課后練習(xí)題答案。這樣編排有利于學(xué)生對語言學(xué)知識了解得更加透徹。  《英語語言學(xué)概論》第一、三、五、七、九章由高陽完成,第二、四、六、八章由李郁完成,第十、十一和十二章由周澍完成,最終由李郁定稿。由于編者水平有限,書中難免有不妥之處,懇請讀者不吝賜教,便于以后修訂提高。




Part 0neCHAPTER ONE Introduction1.1 What is language?1.2 Design features of language1.2.1 Arbitrariness1.2.2 Duality1.2.3 Creativity1.2.4 Displacement1.2.5 Cultural Transmission1.3 Functions of language1.4 What is linguistics?1.5 Scope of linguistics1.6 Some important distinctions in linguistics1.6.1 Descriptive&Prescriptive1.6.2 Synchronic&Diachronic1.6.3 Langue&Parole1.6.4 Competence&PerformanceStudy questionsCHAPTER TWO Speech Sounds2.1 Phonetics2.1.1 Classification of English consonants2.1.2 Classification of English Vowels2.2 Orthographic representation of speech sounds——brOad and narrow transcriptionsStudy questionsCHAPTER THREE Phonology3.1 Phonemes3.2 Phones and Allophones3.3 Phonemic contrast,Complementary distribution,and Minimal pair3.4 Syllables and clusters3.5 Prosodic phonology and Suprasegmental phonology3.6 Co_articulation effects3.6.1 ASSimilation3.6.2 Ehslon3.6.3 DissimilationStudy questionsCHAPTER FOUR Morphology-Structure of Words4.1 Open class and closed class4.2 Morphology4.2.1 Morphemes4.2.2 Morphs and allomorphs4.2.3 Morpheme and phoneme4.3 Morphemic structure and phonological structure4.4 Word formation4.4.1 Derivation4.4.2 Compounding4.4.3 Inflection4.4.4 Borrowing words4.4.5 Blending4.4.6 Abbreviation4.4.7 Acronym4.4.8 Back formationStudy questionsCHAPTER FIVE Syntax-Sentence Patterns5.1 The traditional approach5.1.1 Concord and government5.2 The structural approach5.2.1 Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations5.2.2 Symbols used in syntactic description5.2.3 Labeled tree diagrams5.2.4 Phrase structure rules5.2.5 Recursion5.3 The generative approach5.3.1 Noam Chomsky5.3.2 Transformational rules5.4 The functional approach5.4.1 Functional sentence perspective5.4.2 Systemic—Functional grammarStudy questionsCHAPTER SIX Discourse Analysis6.1 Historical development of discourse analysis6.2 Definition of discourse analysis6.3 Basic framework for the study of discourse6.3.1 Language as System and as Activity6.3.2 Language use with Purpose and Function6.3.3 Language in Situation6.3.4 Community Context6.4 Cohesion6.4.1 Reference6.4.3 Ellipsis6.4.4 Coniunction6.4.5 Lexical cohesion6.4.6 Lexical net6.5 CoherenceStudy questionsCHAPTER SEVEN Semantics7.1 The meaning of“meaning”7.2 Some views concerning the study of meaning7.2.1 The naming theory7.2.2 The conceptuatist view7.2.3 Behaviorism7.3 Word meaning7.4 Conceptual vs.associative meaning7.5 Sense relations7.5.1 Synonymy7.5.2 Antonymy7.5.3 Polysemy7.5.4 Hyponymy7.5.5 Prototypes7.6 Sense relations between sentences7.6.1 Entailment7.6.2 Presupposition7.6.3 Synonymy7.6.4 Contradiction7.6.5 Tautology7.6.6 Inconsistency7.6.7 Anomaly7.7 Analysis of meaning——semantic features7.7.1 Componential analysis7.7.2 Predicational analysisStudy questionsCHAPTER EIGHT Pragmatics8.1 Sentence meaning vs.discourse meaning8.2 Presupposition8.3 Speech events8.4 Speech act theory8.5 The theory of conversational implicature8.5.1 Cooperative Principle(CP)8.5.2 Politeness Principle(PP)8.6 ConversatiOnal interactionStudy questionsCHAPTER NINE language.Culture and Society9.1 Language and culture9.1.1 Sapir-Whorf hypothesis9.2 Language and society9.2.1 Speech community and speech variety9.2.2 Varieties of language9.2.3 Register9.2.4 Standard dialect9.2.5 Pidgin and Creole9.2.6 Bilingualism and diglossiaStudy questionsCHAPTER TEN First Language Acquisition10.1 Theories of child language acquisition10.1.1 A behaviorist view of language acquisition10.1.2 An innatist view of language acquisition10.1.3 An interactionist view of language acquisition10.2 Language environment and the Critical Period Hypothesis10.3 Stages in child language development10.3.1 Phonological development10.3.2 The one—word or holophrastic stage10.3.3 TWO—word stage10.3.4 Telegraphic stage10.3.5 Atypical DevelopmentStudy questionsCHAPTER ELEVEN Second Language Acquisition11.1 Acquisition and learning11.2 The nature of second language learning11.3 Major L2 learning theories11.3.1 The interlanguage theory11.3.2 Input and output theories11.3.3 Contrastive analysis11.3.4 The affective filter hypothesis11.4 Second language acquisition and its pedagogical implicationsStudy questionsCHAPTER TWELVE Modern Linguistics Schools and Theories12.1 Ferdinand de Saussure12.2 The Prague School12.3 Functional Sentence Perspective(FSP)12.4 American structuralism12.5 Transformational-Generative Grammar12.6 Chomsky’S innateness hypothesis12.7 The London School12.8 Halliday’S functional grammarlaart TWO第一章 概述本章概述要點分析名詞解釋參考答案第二章 語音本章概述要點分析名詞解釋參考答案第三章 音系學(xué)本章概述要點分析名詞解釋參考答案第四章 形態(tài)學(xué)——單詞的結(jié)構(gòu)本章概述要點分析名詞解釋參考答案第五章 句法學(xué)——句子的模式本章概述要點分析名詞解釋參考答案第六章 話語分析本章概述要點分析名詞解釋參考答案第七章 語義學(xué)本章概述要點分析名詞解釋參考答案第八章 語用學(xué)本章概述要點分析名詞解釋參考答案第九章 語言、文化與社會本章概述要點分析名詞解釋參考答案第十章 第一語言習(xí)得本章概述要點分析名詞解釋參考答案第十一章 第二語言習(xí)得本章概述要點分析名詞解釋參考答案第十二章 現(xiàn)代語言學(xué)流派與理論本章概述要點分析GIossary語言學(xué)主要術(shù)語英漢對照表語言學(xué)主要術(shù)語漢英對照表References


  The term input is used to describe the language that the learner is exposed to.To bebeneficial for L2 learning,input has to be comprehensible. It can be madecomprehensible by being simpler in structure and vocabulary,as in the variety of speechknown as foreigner talk.  Native speakers of English may try to ask an international student"How are yougetting on in your studies?""But,if not understood,can switch to English class,youlike it?"Foreigner talk of this type may be beneficial,not only for immediatecommunicative Success,but also for providing the beginning learner with clearerexamples of the basic structure of the L2 as input.  As the learner’S interlanguage develops,however,there is a need for moreinteraction and the kind of negotiated input that arises in conversation.Negotiatedinput is L2 material that the learner can acquire in interaction through requests for clarification and active attention being focused on what is said.In the followinginteraction,notice how the learner,a non-native speaker of English,and the English native speaker negotiate meaning together.  The comprehensible input(e.g.the meaning of the word triangle)is provided ata point where the learner needs it and is paying attention to the meaning in context.  In interaction,the learner experiences the benefits of both receiving input and producing output.The opportunity to produce comprehensible output in meaningfulinteraction seems to be a crucial factor in the learner’S development of L2 abilities,yetit is the most difficult to provide in large foreign language classrooms.  One solution has been to create different types of tasks and activities in which thelearners have to interact with each other.1 1.3.3 Contrastive analysis  Influenced by the behaviorism view that second language learning was seen as the development of a new set of habits,the native language took on great significance for it was regarded as the major cause for lack of Success in learning a second language or foreign language.And a distinction was made between positive transfer and negative transfer,which the former would facilitate target language learning,the later would interfere




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