出版時間:2005-6 出版社:吉林東北師范大學(xué) 作者:魏立明 編 頁數(shù):186
Introduction on CALL In the last few years the number of teachers using Computer-assistedLanguage Learning (CALL) has increased markedly and numerous articles havebeen written about the role of technology in education in the 21st century.Although the potential of the Internet for educational use has not been fullyexplored yet and the average school still makes limited use of computers, it isobvious that we have entered a new information age in which the links betweentechnology and TEFL have already been established. In the early 90s education started being affected by the introduction of wordprocessors in schools, colleges and universities. This mainly had to do withwritten assignments. The development of the.Internet brought about a revolutionin the teachers perspective, as the teaching tools offered through the Internetwere gradually becoming more reliable. Nowadays, the Internet is gainingimmense popularity in foreign language teaching and more and more educatorsand learners are embracing it. Why use CALL? Research and practice suggest that, appropriately implemented, network-based technology can contribute significantly to: Experiential Learning The World Wide Web makes it possible for students to tackle a huge amountof human experience. In such a way, they can learn by doing things themselves.They become the creators not just the receivers of knowledge. As the wayinformation is presented is not linear, users develop thinking skills and choosewhat to explore. Motivation Computers are most popular among students either because they areassociated with fun and games or because they are considered to be fashionable.Student motivation is therefore increased, especially whenever a variety.