出版時間:2010-12 出版社:吉林大學出版社 作者:孫萍,綦天柱 著 頁數(shù):237
這部Culture Turn&Turn to Culture是用英文撰寫的,其雛形是本書作者為英語專業(yè)碩士研究生“翻譯理論與實踐課”編寫的講義,在幾年的使用中,得到了不斷的補充、修改、更新和完善,力爭與時俱進,最終成型。 本書主要涵蓋四個方面的內(nèi)容:一、文化和語言之間的關(guān)系(其中包括文化概論、文化與語言之間的關(guān)系);二、翻譯概論(其中包括翻譯的定義、翻譯的過程和翻譯的常用策略等);三、英漢語言文化比較研究與翻譯(其中包括英漢語音比較及英源音譯詞研究、英漢詞匯比較與翻譯、英漢習語比較與翻譯、英漢句子比較與翻譯、英漢篇章比較與翻譯);四、中西譯史簡介(其中包括中國翻譯史簡介、西方翻譯史簡介)。 本書的特色主要體現(xiàn)在以下幾個方面: 一、注重引導(dǎo)使用者注意英漢兩種語言文化方面的異同,尤其注重對英漢不同的文化背景、不同的思維方式和不同的語言表達習慣進行比較研究,尋找異同,其根本目的是幫助使用者提高翻譯能力。 二、注重選材的科學性和研究價值,盡力做到英譯漢、漢譯英同行并舉。 三、許多例句或段落乃至篇章均出自作者已經(jīng)出版并獲獎的譯著或名家的名篇,并對翻譯中遇到的難點和要點進行解析和指津,形成寶貴的第一手資料。 四、書中融入了“中西譯史簡介”,這是一種全新的嘗試。搞翻譯需要對中外譯史有個大致的了解,以便對翻譯事業(yè)的發(fā)展有個總體的把握,對翻譯在歷史和現(xiàn)實中的重要作用有個正確的認識。
PART ONE Chapter 1 Conspectus of Culture 1.1 What Is Culture? 1.2 Cultural Convergence and Divergence 1.3 Relationship Between Culture and Language Chapter 2 Main Differences Between the Two Cultures 2.1 National and Cultural Psychology 2.2 Esthetic Standards 2.3 Different Associations 2.4 Ways of Thinking 2.5 Other Differences in Culture PART TWO Chapter 3 The Conspectus of Translation 3.1 Definition of Translation 3.2 Characteristic Features of Translation 3.3 Principles Criteria of Translation Chapter 4 Process of Translation 4.1 Comprehending 4.2 Expressing 4.3 Proofreading Chapter 5 Strategies for Translation 5.1 Literal Translation and Idiomatic Translation 5.2 Domesticating Translation 5.3 Foreignizing Translation 5.4 Trend from Domesticating to Foreignizing PART THREE Chapter 6 E-C Sound Comparison & English Originated Transliterated Words 6.1 E-C Sound Comparison 6.2 The Formation of English Originated Transliterated Words and the Trend of Hanization Chapter 7 E-C Words Comparison and Translation 7.1 The formation of Chinese and English Words 7.2 Differences in Word Meaning 7.3 Word Translation Chapter 8 E-C Idioms Comparison and Translation 8.1 Cultural Characteristic Features of Idioms 8.2 Cultural Divergences Reflected in Idioms 8.3 The Translation of Idioms Chapter 9 E-C Sentence Comparison and Translation 9.1 Sentence Category and Type in the Two Languages 9.2 English and Chinese Sentence Structure Chapter 10 E-C Discourse Comparison and Translation 10.1 English Discourse Structure 10.2 Chinese Discourse Structure 10.3 Translation of the English Discourse Chapter 11 E-C Writing Style Comparison and Translation 11.1 Features of Practical Writing and Its Translation 11.2 Features of Argumentative Writing and Its Translation 11.3 Features of News and Its Translation 11.4 Features of Novel and Prose and Their Translation PART FOUR Chapter 12 A Brief Introduction to China's Translation History 12.1 Translation of Buddhist Sutra 12.2 Translation of Science and Technology 12.3 Translation of Western Natural and Social Sciences 12.4 Translation after the Founding of New China 12.5 Translation Theory and Thought in Each Period of China's Translation History Chapter 13 A Brief Introduction to Western Translation History 13.1 Translation in Ancient Times 13.2 Translation in the Middle Ages 13.3 Translation in the Renaissance 13.4 Translation in Modern Times 13.5 Different Schools and Their Theories Bibliography
Language is not a culture-free code, distinct from the way people think and behave, but,rather,it plays a major role in the perpetuation of culture,particular- ly.in its printed form... Language is intimately linked not only to the culture that is and the culture that was, but also to the culture of the imagination that governs peoples decisions and actions far more than we may think. This view can account for the fact that language and culture have evolved together andhave been mutually dependent throughout history. The rise of civilization and the develop-ment of writing exhibit the same kind of mutual interdependence. Neither of them can ex-ist nor develop without the other. It is well accepted that language is not only a scientific system of linguistic symbols,but also a socio-cultural activity. Language and its cultural influence are exemplified in thetheoretical formulations of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, which in essence states that lan-guage is a guide to "social reality". This hypothesis implies that language is not simply ameans of reporting experience but,more important,it is a way of defining experience. Sapirwrites.
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