
出版時間:2010-4  出版社:吉林大學(xué)出版社  作者:卓福寶 編  頁數(shù):308  


  要真正學(xué)會一門語言,必需要了解其所代表的文化。英語教學(xué)是語言教學(xué),當(dāng)然離不開文化教育。學(xué)習(xí)英語知識,掌握英語技能,提高英語運用能力與熟悉英美文化背景知識密不可分。  因此,英語教師要根據(jù)學(xué)生的年齡特點和認知能力,逐步擴展文化知識的內(nèi)容和范圍,教學(xué)中涉及的有關(guān)英語國家的文化知識應(yīng)與學(xué)生的日常生活,知識結(jié)構(gòu)和認知水平等密切相關(guān),并能激發(fā)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)英語文化的興趣,要擴大學(xué)生接觸異國文化的范圍,幫助學(xué)生拓展視野,發(fā)展他們的跨文化交際能力打好基礎(chǔ)。  例如英語必修l Unit 1 Friendship是一個介紹友誼的單元。它分別利用對話、短文、聽力等形式對友誼進行了比較全面的介紹。這篇文章不僅是訓(xùn)練學(xué)生的閱讀能力,也是培養(yǎng)學(xué)生跨文化交際的意識。教師可以給出與此有關(guān)的背景知識,例如:1.what is Friendship 2.Seven ways to be a better friend 3.Htow to make friends 4.Setting 1imits with f14ends 5.Historical context of the diary 0f Anne Frank…  在英語教學(xué)中,在傳授語言的同時,應(yīng)樹立文化意識,應(yīng)同步傳授文化知識。文化知識加深了學(xué)生對語言的了解。如:freeze這個詞的基本含義是“冰凍”“結(jié)冰”。而在一個私人擁有槍支的美國社會中,一位留學(xué)生因聽不懂美國人的口語Freeze?。ā罢咀 薄安辉S動”)而被槍殺。在美國社會中,F(xiàn)reeze!卻是人人皆知的日常用語。假如這位留學(xué)生有這點文化知識就不至于付出生命的代價。


  要真正學(xué)會一門語言,必需要了解其所代表的文化。英語教學(xué)是語言教學(xué),當(dāng)然離不開文化教育。學(xué)習(xí)英語知識,掌握英語技能,提高英語運用能力與熟悉英美文化背景知識密不可分?! ∫虼耍⒄Z教師要根據(jù)學(xué)生的年齡特點和認知能力,逐步擴展文化知識的內(nèi)容和范圍,教學(xué)中涉及的有關(guān)英語國家的文化知識應(yīng)與學(xué)生的日常生活,知識結(jié)構(gòu)和認知水平等密切相關(guān),并能激發(fā)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)英語文化的興趣,要擴大學(xué)生接觸異國文化的范圍,幫助學(xué)生拓展視野,發(fā)展他們的跨文化交際能力打好基礎(chǔ)。




Unit 1 FriendshipSeven Ways to be a Better Friend關(guān)于友誼的名句Friendship is very important to maintain;Best Friends Take TimeHOW to make friendsSetting limits with friendsHistorical context of the diary of Anne FrankFriends Converse:Conversations,Talking with FriendsBuilding Friendships from Casual FriendsToxic Friends-Toxic Friendships When Friends Hurt andFriendships HarmWhat Is FriendshipMaking Friends With a 6-year-old child我明白他的意思幸運的母親這就對了結(jié)婚宣言Shelley to Elizabeth HitchhikerInternational Friendship DayWhat is FriendshipCast AwayCast Away ReviewThe Story of Cast AwayThe Friends around YouTime ZonesThanks gix,ingWhat is Friendship?Friendship QuotationsThere is No Substitute for a Friend!Why Do YOH Need Friends國外著名電影譯文一覽電影中的驚人俗套場景Unit 2 English around the worldA(Very)Brief History of the English LanguageDid you knowA Brief Look at the History of EnglishHistorical Background of British and American English戲說歷代美國人英語v.S.美語英語的各種變體The English Language英語英語外來詞趣談The peoples of BritainAmerica——the Melting PotGreat Britain為什么新郎穿黑衣服For girls onlyLife together出現(xiàn)頻率最高的十大外國典故Welcome to Canada/Bien venu au CanadaAustralia and Its Land.People and History不會講英語的英國國王British EnglishLanguage LearningThe Study of LanguagesAdvice on English StudyAmerican VS British English·History of American EnglishBritish and American EnglishInfluence of American EnglishSome common Manners in the WestCharacteristics of American EnglishBritish English and American EnglishCommon Usage Errors in Learning EnglishList of words having different meanings In British andAmerican English·Social Customs and Cultural DifferencesDifferences in British English and American EnglishHalf or Five Tenths?英語書信格式美國人日常生活中常用的五星級句子Unit 3 Travel JournalTaking Your Journal on VacationJourney to Nepal··Tracing the Mekong RiverStay and Watch the World Go byAnalysis and Interpretation of the News外出旅行常見的英文標(biāo)志旅行的唯一方法是步行DalianLhasa.Tibet Autonomous RegionHikingSummer PalaceThe Great WallTemple Of HeavenTianan Men SquareTravel in BeijingThe Forbidden City(Gugong)Travel for SunshineHiking by Helicopter:Reaching the UnreachableEnglish is Widely Used·FlyingS Travelling AroundBeijing——Glimpses of HistoryHiking Can Be a Bone BoosterHoliday Travelers Head OverseasBritish Transport:“Worst in EuropeGuilin,Guangxi Zhuaug Autonomous RegionAn Overall Introduction of Summer palace關(guān)于交通工具的詞匯假期旅游Summer Holidays in EnglandHolidays in Britain and the USUnit 4 EarthquakesThe P1ate Tectonics RevolutionWhat,S inside Affects What,S outsideIs the Earth UniqueWhat is the Earth,Score Made of?A Theory of Earth,S StructureWhy the Earth MovesDo the Continents Move?What is the Interior of the Earth LikeEarthquakesRipples from an Earthquake。Quakes to ComeEarthquakes Ten Seconds of Mayhem Leaves City in ShockSan Francisco EarthquakeWhat to Do When an Earthquake Happens……


  Carole Kings song, Youve Got A Friend promises" Winter, spring, summer, or fall——all youve got to do is call——and Ill be there. " Many people expect that their friends will always be there. They expect friendship to last forever.  Yet ,friendships end and friends part company everyday. Unfortunately, even the best maintained friendships can end.  Many end because of a change in personality or lifestyle when friends just drift apart and fade away with time. There is a retreat from self-disclosure and seeking out each others company. Avoidance begins. The friendship slowly loses importance and finally disappears.  Sue said, The end of our friendship was a gradual thing. I moved from one side of the metroplex to the other. We had over an hours drive to see each other. For a year or so ,we met religiously. Then our friendship began to taper off. "  John wrote, I didnt even know the friendship was over until I caught myself thinking of Alan as a former friend. In the past tense rather than the present.  Pat explained," We started seeing each other less and less. The friendship was just over. "  Other friendships break up suddenly from a disagreement or move to another town.  Paul said, "When I moved to Seattle after college, our friendship abruptly died. We were both struggling with new jobs and didnt keep in touch. Now that friendship is so dead, I dont even call him when I go home. "  Sandy wrote, "That was the last straw for our friendship. I never spoke to Lisa again. Its like we were never friends. "





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