
出版時(shí)間:2010-11  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:(美)理查茲 等編著  頁數(shù):57  


  《劍橋國際英語教程(2)(青少版)(練習(xí)冊)》是《劍橋國際英語教程》作者杰克·C.理查茲(Jack C.Rlchards)的又一力作。它秉承了交際教學(xué)法的精髓,致力于青少年英語綜合技能的培養(yǎng),是英語教育專家們在豐富的一線教學(xué)實(shí)踐基礎(chǔ)上針對青少年的認(rèn)知特點(diǎn)編寫的教材?!”窘坛淘阱憻拰W(xué)生聽、說、讀、寫能力的同時(shí),從獨(dú)特的視角挖掘校園以外的有趣素材,鼓勵(lì)學(xué)生更好地將英語學(xué)習(xí)融入自己的生活環(huán)境。


作者:(美國)理查茲(Jack C.Richards) (烏拉圭)Carlos Barbisan (美國)Chuck Sandy 等


Unit 1 All About You and MeLesson 1 New friendsLesson 2 NeighborhoodsLessons 1&2 Mini-reviewLesson 3 TalentsLesson 4 Our petsGet Connected Unit 1Unit 1 Check YourselfUnit 2 Our Lives and RoutinesLesson 5 School daysLesson 6 Free timeLessons 5&6 Mini-reviewLesson 7 People I admireLesson 8 The weekendGet Connected Unit 2Unit 2 Check YourselfUnit 3 Sports and ActivitiesLesson 9 Sports funLesson 10 Sports equipmentLessons 9&10 Mini-reviewLesson 11 Off to campLesson 12 At campGet Connected Unit 3Unit 3 Check YourselfUnit 4 My InterestsLesson 13 I like musicLesson 14 Let's look onlineLessons 13&14 Mini-reviewLesson 15 Our interestsLesson 16 In and out of schoolGet Connected Unit 4Unit 4 Check YourselfUnit 5 Favorite ActivitiesLesson 17 In San FranciscoLesson 18 At the parkLessons 17&18 Mini-reviewLesson 19 At the beachLesson 20 At the storeGet Connected Unit 5Unit 5 Check YourselfUnit 6 EntertainmentLesson 21 Where are you goingLesson 22 Birthday partiesLessons 21&22 Mini-reviewLesson 23 Let's see a movieLesson 24 In line at the movies Get Connected Unit 6Unit 6 Check YourselfUnit 7 What We EatLesson 25. I'm hungryLesson 26 Picnic plansLessons 25&26 Mini-reviewLesson 27 A snackLesson 28 On the menuGet Connected Unit 7Unit 7 Check YourselfUnit 8 The Natural WorldLesson 29 World weatherLesson 30 Natural wondersLessons 29&30 Mini-reviewLesson 31 World of friendsLesson 32 International DayGet Connected Unit 8Unit 8 Check Yourself


插圖:Can animals think? Are they artistic7 Are they musical? Here are two stories about animals with special talents:In Thailand,there's a group of very interesting elephants.These elephants are good at drawing.They can also paint.Their pictures are beautiful and interesting.People Look at the pictures and say, “These elephants are really artistic and smart.”You can see the pictures in special stores and on the Internet.





    劍橋國際英語教程(練習(xí)冊) PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計(jì)15條)


  •   幫兒子的英語輔導(dǎo)教師購買,用于他們的課堂教學(xué)使用
  •   此練習(xí)冊與學(xué)生用書結(jié)合緊密
  •   很好............
  •   值得買起到鞏固做用
  •   這本書比較地道,學(xué)生們都很喜歡
  •   一下買了1-3級(jí),印刷,送貨都很好.
  •   課文輔導(dǎo)教材,對我的幫助很大。
  •   很不錯(cuò),印刷很贊。提醒大家:劍橋國際英語教程青少版練習(xí)冊雙色印刷,沒有聽力題和光盤,封面硬紙板。好評!但封面左下角和上部都有破損,封面顏色不正。
  •   適合初學(xué)者的好一本英語工具書。
  •   配著書用,有效果
  •   幫朋友買的,說是不錯(cuò)!
  •   沒有單獨(dú)包裝
  •   和學(xué)生用書配套使用,不錯(cuò)!
  •   價(jià)格合適,不錯(cuò),推薦
  •   最早使用《劍橋國際英語教程》的早期版,不太適合孩子學(xué)習(xí)。這套青少版,我覺得適用于孩子。

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費(fèi)下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
