出版時(shí)間:2010-10 出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社 作者:李仙旭 頁數(shù):660
Scientists have long used genetic and archaeological evidence to determine the earlymigration of the human race. By studying bones, tools, and other fragments, scientistshave been able to trace to some extent how early humans migrated to Europe and CentralAsia from Africa. The archaeological find at Kostenski, a group of twenty-five upperPaleolithic sites on the Don River in Russia have revealed tools and implements dated42,000 to 45,000 years old. The discovery and subsequent analysis of a South Africanskull found several decades ago led some anthropologists to confirm that migration toEurasia took place between 65,000 and 25,000 years ago and that migration to Europefrom 45,000 to 35,000 years ago.Genetic studies have served to more accurately determine the routes that the migrationfrom Africa took. Modern humans, or bipedal primates belong to the mammalian speciesand possess a highly developed brain with the capacity to reason, introspect, anddevelop and use languages. They first lived in East Africas Great Rift Valley that runsthrough Kenya and Ethiopia. From this area, early Homo sapiens migrated toward theMiddle East and Europe, reaching as far as Russia, as verified by the African skull. At thetime one group of modern humans were making their way across Europe and thriving inspite of the bitter cold, another group pushed down toward the very tip of Asia. Someof them settled in the islands of Southeast Asia. Movement toward Australia took place40,000 years ago. Those that moved northeastward to Siberia crossed the Bering LandBridge to populate North America about 13,500 years ago.
Chapter 01 Question Types 第一章 題型
Unit 01 Rhetorical Purpose 第一單元 判斷意圖題
Unit 02 Vocabulary 第二單元 詞匯題
Unit 03 Reference 第三單元 指代關(guān)系題
Unit 04 Deiailed Facts 第四單元 細(xì)節(jié)題
Unit 05 Negative Facts 第五單元 錯(cuò)誤信息題
Unit 06 Inference 第六單元 推理題
Unit 07 Sentence Sireplifiqation 第七單元 句子簡化題
Unit 08 Insert Text 第八單元 句子插入題
Unit 09 Prose Summary 第九單元 文意總結(jié)題
Unit 10 Schematic Table 第十單元 信息歸類題
Chapter 02 Topic Practice 第二章 話題演練
Topic 01 Botany 話題01 植物學(xué)
Topic 02 Zoology 話題02 動(dòng)物學(xué)
Topic 03 Astronomy 話題03 天文學(xué)
Topic 04 Geology&Geography 話題04 地質(zhì)學(xué)和地理學(xué)
Topic 05 Oceanography 話題05 海洋學(xué)
Topic 06 Archeology 話題06 考古學(xué)
Topic 07 History 話題07 歷史
Topic 08 Famous Americans 話題08 美國名人
Topic 09 FineArts 話題09 藝術(shù)
Topic 10 Literature 話題10 文學(xué)
Topic 11 Music 話題11 音樂
Topic 12 Architecture 話題12 建筑
Topic 13 Chemistry 話題13 化學(xué)
Topic 14 Ecology 話題14 生態(tài)學(xué)
Topic 1 5 Sociology&Psychology 話題15 社會(huì)學(xué)和心理學(xué)
Chapter 03 Actual Tests 第三章 模擬試題
Actual Test 01模擬試題01
Actual Test 02模擬試題02
Actual Test 03
Actual Test 04
第一章 題型
第二章 話題演練
第三章 模擬試題
Animal communication is very similar to that of humans insome ways. It can be vocal, visual, or tactile. Some animalsuse chemicals to communicate, which humans are virtuallyincapable of. Animal "language" is obviously not as complexas the human language, yet only a few species do have anetwork of communication that is both comprehensive andfar-reaching. One such species is the elephant. Elephantsuse a sophisticated system made up of all four forms ofcommunication.Research into elephant communication has made certainconclusions as to the reasons for the complexity. The socialsystem of elephants is unusually intricate, necessitating amore complex level of communication. A hierarchy doesnot exist; however, there is a social structure where certainmembers of the group communicate with each other. Theyappear to cooperate with a leader, who has been observedto be the matriarch. Physically, the brain of the elephant islarge enough to allow the animals to have more complexthoughts and a greater capacity for the storage of memories.Finally, elephants have a longer lifespan and have collectedenough knowledge about life and their surroundings.