
出版時間:2010-4  出版社:外語教學與研究出版社  作者:陳建平  頁數(shù):518  




Innovating English Teaching in China--An Introduction1. Keynote Speeches2. New Concepts on EFL Teaching & Learning3. Approaches and Methods4. Teaching the Skills of English5. Cultural Aspects ofELT


  English language teaching research has attracted more and more attentionfrom the academic circle in China due to the wide spread of English as aforeign language at different levels of educathm as well as a workinglanguage at many business areas in the country It is therefore not a surprisefor this conference to have witnessed the participation of over 300 EIT practitioners from all over China  including Hong Kong SAR and scholar from other countries including Austria,Singapore andtheUnitedKingdom With the theme of Innovating English Teaching in China,the conferenceattracted 288 Papers which were presented at 38 Concurrent Sessions The keynote speeches were so profound that the participants were greatly enlightened by their theories and interpretation of ELT It is our honour that Professor Henry Widdowson ,Prolessor Barbara Seidlhofer Professors Li Xiaoju&xiao Huiyun and Dr Lawrence Jun Zhang have all agreed to allow us to include their speeches in this anthology.which we believe will have  great impact on the further innovation of  EIT in China  We must also acknowledge our appreciation for the 92 paper submissions after the conference,which have provided us with good quality research papers for the selection conducted by a panel of referees Our readers may find that all the papers included here are research papers based on primary data,thanks to contribution or the relbrees in achieving the standard of excellence during the selection process Due to the limit of space,only 36 papers were selected and we believe that many other papcrs may appear in other publications We have therefore pmvided OUF readers with an appendix listing all the tides of  the presentations at the conference fortheir reference The selected papers are grouped under the headings of Keynote Speeches, New Concepts on EFT Teaching&Leanring,Approaches and Methods,Teaching the Skills of English,Cultural Aspects of ELT, which are trying to reflect a wide variety of research 1tl this field of study The following introductory sketch is all attempt to give the readers a glimpse of the selected papers and we are sure that they will be able to gain greater1nsight and mote benefits once they go further inside.  ……



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