出版時間:2010-10 出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社 作者:《旅游漢語》節(jié)目組 編 頁數(shù):201
本系列教材以一個家庭在中國的生活為主線,強(qiáng)調(diào)語言與文化相結(jié)合,內(nèi)容充實、實用性強(qiáng),在華日常生活中的衣食住行、風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣、旅游常識、景區(qū)介紹都包含在其中,主持人大山風(fēng)趣幽默的語言也給節(jié)目增添了許多亮點。 配套教材共分五冊,每冊附DVD光盤兩張。每課正文分為以下六個主要部分:課文及英語譯文、生詞、重點詞語注釋、文化背景、語言點、句型及替換練習(xí)。本書為第五冊。
第1課 蘇州第2課 拙政嘸第3課 滄浪亭第4課 留園第5課 西湖第6課 品茶第7課 內(nèi)蒙古第8課 蒙古包第9課 火焰山第10課 葡萄溝第11課 坎兒井第12課 大巴扎第13課 桂林第14課 漓江第15課 陽朔第16課 劉三姐
插圖:An interesting bit of trivia is that Urumqi is the farthest city in theworld from the ocean, at 2.25o kilometres. However, for over two thousandyears, the area around Urumqi has been lush pasture populated by manyminorities who herded sheep and cattle. It was once an important townon the new northern route of the Silk Road, which linked central China tocentral Asia and even to the Middle East and Europe.One fun attraction in Urumqi is to go on a bazaar tour, as thisprovides a good opportunity to mingle with the different ethnic groupsand understand the life and customs of the local people. When you seethe peddlers in their embroidered caps and the women in their colourfulshawls, or hear the haunting ballads at a street-side restaurant, there isno mistaking where you are. Visitors can taste a variety of national foods,enjoy fresh fruits and shop for local Xinjiang handicrafts. ErdaoqiaoMarket is a very famous bazaar featuring ornate carpets, beautiful silks,unique medicines, traditional musical instruments and horse whips. This isa must-see destination when you get to Urumqi.
《旅游漢語(第5冊)》編輯推薦:《旅游漢語》系列教材是外語教學(xué)與研究出版社與中央電視臺聯(lián)合策劃的?!奥糜螡h語”原本是中央電視臺英語頻道特別策劃的精品漢語教學(xué)節(jié)目。該節(jié)目由經(jīng)驗豐富的對外漢語教學(xué)專家進(jìn)行內(nèi)容的設(shè)計與編寫,并邀請在中國家喻戶曉的主持人大山擔(dān)任主講。節(jié)目播出后,收視率很高,反響熱烈,很多海外觀眾希望早日出版該解密光盤及教材。應(yīng)廣大學(xué)習(xí)者要求,中央電視臺不僅在黃金時間重播節(jié)目,還與外研社一起策劃推出了這套系列教材及DVD光盤?!堵糜螡h語》系列教材以一個家庭在中國的生活為主線,強(qiáng)調(diào)語言與文化相結(jié)合,內(nèi)容充實、實用性強(qiáng),外國人在華日常生活中的衣食住行、風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣、旅游常識、景區(qū)介紹都包含其中。主持人大山風(fēng)趣幽默的語言也給節(jié)目增添了許多亮點?!堵糜螡h語》系列教材共分五冊,每冊均附有DVD光盤。每篇正文分為六大部分。與節(jié)目內(nèi)容相比,增加了句型替換的練習(xí)。教材內(nèi)容由淺入深、由易到難,難度逐級上升,適用于所有以英語為母語的初級學(xué)習(xí)者。學(xué)習(xí)者既可循序漸進(jìn)學(xué)習(xí),也可根據(jù)自己漢語水平和實際需要選擇合適的分冊。教材與DVD配合學(xué)習(xí),可在短期內(nèi)迅速提高口語水平,也可作為來華旅游的實用手冊,能給學(xué)習(xí)者帶來實際的幫助?!堵糜螡h語》建議五個系列搭配組合使用,效果更好。This series lncludos:Five textbooksTwo giftDVDs for each textbookThe futures of each series:It provides a panoramic view of real-life scenes in China, with language progressing from the very basic usages to more sophisticated communications·The DVD programme takes you on a visual trip to more than 20 picturesque tourist spots and historic sites in nine provinces in China.Detailed English instructions provide friendly and encouraging assistance for beginners and self-qearners.Rich cultural knowledge and background information blend with authentic and interesting daily Chinese expressions.About the programme:The TV programme Travel in Chinese was shot on actual sites by China Central TV the national TV network and a promise of high quality.The programme becomes so popular among learners at home and abroad that it has been rebroadcast several times since first airing.It is hosted by Mark Rowswell(Dashan),an anchorman best known in China for his humorous and accurate style.