出版時(shí)間:2010-1 出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社 作者:魯思·貝內(nèi)迪克特 頁數(shù):320
作者:(美國)魯思?貝內(nèi)迪克特(Ruth Benedict)
of Culture,1934年出版)一書。1940年著《種族:科學(xué)與政治》(Race:Science and
1. Assignment: Japan
2. The Japanese in the War
3. Taking One's Proper Station
4. The Meiji Reform
5. Debtor to the Ages and the World
6. Repaying One-Ten-Thousandth
7. The Repayment ‘Hardest to Bear’
8. Cleating One's Name
9. The Circle of Human Feelings
10. The Dilemma of Virtue
11. Self-Discipline
12. The Child Learns
13. The Japanese Since VJ-Day
THE JAPANESE were the most alien enemy the United Stateshad ever fought in an all-out struggle. In no other war witha major foe had it been necessary to take into account suchexceedingly different habits of acting and thinking. LikeCzarist Russia before us in 1905, we were fighting a nationfully armedand trained which did not belong to the Westerncultural tradition. Conventions of war which Western na-tions had come to accept as facts of human nature obvi-ously did not exist for the Japanese. It made the war in thePacific more than a series of landings on island beaches,more than an unsurpassed problem of logistics. It made it amajor problem in the nature of the enemy. We had to under-stand their behavior in order to cope with it. The difficulties were great. During the past seventy-fiveyears since Japans closed doors were opened, the Japanesohave been described in the most fantastic series of butalsos ever used for any nation of the world. When a seri-ous observer is writing about peoples other than the/apa-nese and says they are unprecedentedly polite, he is notlikely to add.