出版時間:2009-11 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社 作者:羅杰斯 頁數(shù):217
新托??荚囉?004年10月在北美發(fā)布.并于2006年秋季正式登陸中國??荚嚾碳s3.5~4個小時,遠遠長于舊托??荚?。在規(guī)定時間內(nèi),考生要在模擬的真實場景下依次完成讀、聽、說、寫4個部分的測試。新托福考試除了將4個分項考試有機結(jié)合,綜合考查考生的英語語言能力外,還增加了新的試題形式,包含了考查單項能力和綜合能力的多種任務類型的測試,不僅對考生的聽力能力提出了更高的要求,還增加了口語測試部分,這都給外語學習者帶來了更大的困難。它是對考生的心理適應能力、英語語言運用能力、社會交際能力和相當程度壓力下的身體承受能力等綜合實力的巨大挑戰(zhàn)。對熟悉舊托??荚嚭拖鄳膽嚰记傻闹袊忌鷣碚f.要順利通過新托福考試,無疑難度加大了?! ♂槍@種情況,外語教學與研究出版社同圣智學習出版公司合作.聯(lián)合推出了"制勝新托福系列",旨在幫助中國考生熟悉新托福的考試形式、應試策略和考試技巧,訓練考生在真實考試情境下的應對能力,進而真正提高考生的英語語言能力。該書由美國著名的英語教學和托??荚嚺嘤枌<揖帉懚桑瑫兴械挠柧毑牧贤瑫r適用于自學備考和課堂教學。本系列圖書的主要特點: 本系列圖書主要特點: 全新的托福訓練材料 詳細介紹新托福考試,全面收錄考試題型,提供科學系統(tǒng)的應試方案和解題技巧; 提供大量典型例題、專項強化訓練和兩套完整的模擬試題; 對口語測試的逐步講解和技巧分析可幫助考生順利通過個人陳述和雙向交流部分的測試; 所有練習均為模擬訓練模式,讓考生身臨其境,提前備戰(zhàn)?! ∪?、翔實的備考指導 精心設置的詞匯訓練不僅有助于考生記憶詞匯,更有助于其改善發(fā)音; 講授考試中的重要技能——筆記的記錄方法和技巧,并提供筆記范本,能有效提高考生在聽力、口語和寫作測試中的應試能力; 針對考試中的語法重點和難點提供詳細指導,幫助考生強化語法知識。 全方位的多媒體輔助材料 互動CD-ROM提供兩套全真模擬試題,考生可以根據(jù)自身情況進行定時和非定時測驗; 試題訓練和實境測試緊密結(jié)合,圖書與MP3內(nèi)容形成互動。書中的口語和聽力試題在光盤中均有相應內(nèi)容,提供的練習時間與考試完全一致,考生能及時了解自身水平。
本系列圖書主要特點: 全新的托福訓練材料 詳細介紹新托福考試,全面收錄考試題型,提供科學系統(tǒng)的應試方案和解題技巧; 提供大量典型例題、專項強化訓練和兩套完整的模擬試題; 對口語測試的逐步講解和技巧分析可幫助考生順利通過個人陳述和雙向交流部分的測試; 所有練習均為模擬訓練模式,讓考生身臨其境,提前備戰(zhàn)?! ∪?、翔實的備考指導 精心設置的詞匯訓練不僅有助于考生記憶詞匯,更有助于其改善發(fā)音; 講授考試中的重要技能——筆記的記錄方法和技巧,并提供筆記范本,能有效提高考生在聽力、口語和寫作測試中的應試能力; 針對考試中的語法重點和難點提供詳細指導,幫助考生強化語法知識。 全方位的多媒體輔助材料 互動CD-ROM提供兩套全真模擬試題,考生可以根據(jù)自身情況進行定時和非定時測驗; 試題訓練和實境測試緊密結(jié)合,圖書與MP3內(nèi)容形成互動。書中的口語和聽力試題在光盤中均有相應內(nèi)容,提供的練習時間與考試完全一致,考生能及時了解自身水平。
PrefaceAbout the AuthorAcknowledgmentsGETTING STARTEDQuestions and Answers about the TOEFL iBTTen Keys to Better Scores on theTOEFL iBTGUIDE TO WRITINGAbout WritingThe Integrated Writing TaskAbout the Integrated Writing TaskIntegrated Writing Preview TestLESSON 1 Taking Notes and Planning the Integrated ResponseLESSON 2 Summarizing, Paraphrasing, Citing, and Synthesizing for the Integrated Writing ResponseLesson 3 Writing the Integrated ResponseLESSON 4 Checking and Editing the Integrated ResponseThe Independent Writing TaskAbout the Independent Writing TaskIndependent Writing Preview TestLesson 5 Pre-Writing the Independent ResponseLESSON 6 Giving Opinions and Connecting Ideas in the Independent ResponseLesson 7 Writing the Independent ResponseLESSON 8 Checking and Editing the Independent ResponseWriting Review TestWriting Tutorial: GrammarCommunicative Activities for WritingPRACTICE TESTSAbout Taking the Practice Writing TestsPractice Writing Test 1Practice Writing Test 2AUDIO SCRIPTS AND ANSWER KEY
Following a step-by-step preparation program for the TOEFL iBT such as the one inThe Guide will familiarize you with the test itself and with the tactics you needto raise your scores. The practice tests that are part of this program will help youpolish your test-taking techniques. But no matter how many test-taking tips you learn, you wont do well without asolid foundation of English-language study. The best way to increase your generalknowledge of English is to use English as much as possible. If you have the opportunity, taking English-language classes is an invaluableway to prepare for the test. In the past, students would sometimes say, "I cant go toEnglish class today; I have to prepare for the TOEFL test!" This is no longer a goodexcuse. The TOEFL iBT tests a greater range of English-language skills, and anyEnglish class you take will help you prepare for the test. General English classes arenow a form of TOEEL test preparation, and TOEEL test preparation classes will nowteach more general English. Conversation classes and presentation-skills classes will help you prepare forthe Speaking Section of the test. Of course, reading classes can help you prepare forthe Reading Section, listening classes for the Listening Section, and writing (compo-sition) classes for the Writing Section. Mthough there is no special grammar sectionon the TOEFL iBT, structure (grammar) classes will be useful for both Writing andSpeaking. Academic skills classes can help you with note taking, reading and writ-ing tips, and test-taking skills. Non-language classes taught in English (business or biology, for example) arealso a useful way to improve all of your skills. The TOEEL iBT was designed, after all,to measure your ability to do well in this type of class. You can also improve your English outside of the classroom. Reading English-language books, magazines, and newspapers can improve your reading skillsand build your vocabulary. So can visits to English-language Web sites. Going tolectures and movies, watching TV,, and listening to news on the radio are ways toimprove your listening skills. If you are living in an English-speaking country, takeadvantage of this fact and talk to the people around you as much and as often asyou can. If possible, join a "conversation partners" program. If you are living in anon-English-speaking country, try to find people——native or non-native speakers——that you can have conversations with. One important job is to systematically build your vocabulary. An improvedvocabulary will help you on every section of the test. You should keep a personalvocabulary list in a notebook, on index cards, or on a computer. When you comeacross an unfamiliar word, look it up and record the word and its definition.