
出版時間:2009-11  出版社:外語教學與研究出版社  作者:顧佩婭  頁數(shù):254  


  這是一個研究我國外語教師教育和成長的專著系列。  3年前,我和北京外國語大學“中國外語教育研究中心”的同仁們啟動了教育部人文社科重點研究基地重大科研項目《高校英語教師教育與發(fā)展研究》,規(guī)劃中的研究成果是一部學術(shù)專著。那時,并沒想到要做一個以“外語教師教育與發(fā)展”為主題的系列。幾年探索中,不僅逐漸增進對外語教師教育與發(fā)展的認識,還有幸直接和間接結(jié)識了一批志同道合的教師研究者,有機會分享他們的智慧、成果和執(zhí)著的求實求是精神,最終萌生了要做一個開放系列的念頭。把不斷產(chǎn)出的研究成果奉獻給大家,引起研討,視情況而付諸于實踐,從而進一步推動我國外語教師教育與發(fā)展的研究與實踐,是發(fā)起這個系列的初衷?! 〗處熢诮逃ê虒W)中的重要地位不言自喻。沒有教師,從何而談教育?正如教育同樣離不開學生一樣。這是從教與學這對矛盾統(tǒng)一體的視角而言。更加宏觀地看,“中國的振興靠教育:教育的振興靠教師”(胡錦濤語,2004年教師節(jié))。教師在教育中的主導地位不容置疑。我國近年來教育改革的實踐說明,教育振興意味著教育必須在繼承已有優(yōu)良傳統(tǒng)的基礎(chǔ)上面向改革,而改革成敗之關(guān)鍵在于教師,在一個單位如此,在一個地區(qū)乃至全國也如此?! 〉诙Z言/外語教育研究領(lǐng)域,曾經(jīng)經(jīng)歷了為期不短的教學法辯論,終因其視野狹窄、思路拘僵、失衡而失去勢頭。隨著語言教學從以教師為中心向以學生為主體的轉(zhuǎn)型,自上世紀80年代開始,研究取向逐漸轉(zhuǎn)向?qū)W習者及其學習過程,二語習得研究曾經(jīng)經(jīng)歷了“盲人摸象”的階段,發(fā)展到現(xiàn)在研究思路日臻成熟。與之相比,對第二語言/外語教師的系統(tǒng)研究相對滯后,90年代起步,其標志為Richards&Nunan于1990年發(fā)表的Second Language Teacher Education一書的問世,二語/外語教師教育與發(fā)展一直是教師研究領(lǐng)域的核心課題。在我國,這方面的研究大致上落后十年,但我們畢竟已經(jīng)起步,一些研究取得了原創(chuàng)性成果,另一些已經(jīng)啟動或在規(guī)劃之中,有望在未來形成勢頭。




List of TablesList of FiguresChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Teacher LearningChapter 3 Teacher Professional DevelopmentChapter 4 The Case StudiesChapter 5 The Professional Development of EFL TeachersChapter 6 The Socio-Cultural Contexts of Teacher Learning.Chapter 7 Teacher Knowledge and PracticeChapter 8 Understanding Teacher Cognition and Professional GrowthChapter 9 Conclusions and RecommendationsEpilogue Reflections as an EFL Teacher ResearcherReferencesIndexAppendices


  1.2. Teacher Learning as an “Unstudied Problem”  As teacher educators, it is essential that we understand howteachers learn (Johnson, 2002), and this knowledge is prerequisite for anyteacher professional development programs to be effective. But a reviewof the literature reveals few data-based descriptions of Chinese EFLteachers as learners in their social contexts, although the problem ofteacher learning addressed in this dissertation has been widely discussedas an “unstudied problem” since the 1980s in general education (Clark &Peterson, 1986; Kennedy, 1991;NCTRE, 1988) and recently in second-language education (Freeman, 1996; Freeman & Richards, 1996; Richards& Nunan, 1990). Therefore, I will explore the phenomena in the ChineseEFL context in order to expand what is known about this “unstudiedproblem”of teacher learning and professional development.  Teacher learning is a young field of research in language education,but recent years have witnessed a growing body of literature on teacherlearning (Freeman & Richards, 1996) and a reconceptualization of theknowledge-base of language teacher professional development (e.g.Freeman & Johnson, 1998). A recent step forward in the field is theemergence of a socio-cultural perspective on teacher learning andprofessional development (Borko, 2004; Johnson & Golombek, 2003;Putnam & Borko, 2000).Thus, teacher learning has come to beunderstood as socially negotiated and contingent upon knowledge of self,students, subject matter, curricula, and setting (Cobb & Bowers, 1999;Freeman, 1996). It emerges from a process of reshaping existingknowledge and practices with the help of the resources or tools that areavailable to them. This theory enables researchers to trace the internalprocess of meaning making and to probe the phenomenon of teacherlearning at a deeper level, far beyond the simple “good practice”characteristics (e.g. Tsui, 2003).




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用戶評論 (總計6條)


  •   案例研究,寫論文用
  •   沖著作者而買的,寫得還不錯,對于要開展個案研究的老師應(yīng)該有一定的啟發(fā)作用.
  •   這是一本關(guān)于外語教師教育和成長的參考書,該書以英語寫作,論及教師學習、教師專業(yè)發(fā)展等問題,并以個案研究的方式對此進行研究,值得外語研究生和高校英語教師參考學習。
  •   來不及細看,希望有用
  •   具有一定參考價值,但是成功不能復制,每個人的情況都不一樣,可以參考
  •   也不知道出于什么心理買了這么一個純理論的書……

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
