
出版時間:2009-8  出版社:外語教學與研究出版社  作者:利內  頁數:150  


  外研社從劍橋大學出版社出版的“Cambidge Handbooks for Language Teachers”中選出10本,結成“Learning in Doing·劍橋英語課堂教學系列”,在中國大陸出版發(fā)行?! 庋猩缫覟檫@套叢書寫一個總序的要求,我通讀了全部10本書,同時看了原系列其他書的書名。我發(fā)現,在所有這些書都涉及外語教學中的重要問題的同時,編者選出目前這10本來先期出版發(fā)行,是有道理的?! ∈紫龋瑥倪@10本書的書名就可看出,它們都是關于當前外語教學中的一些最關緊要的問題。讀這套書的教師朋友們會發(fā)現,它們是如此切合我們國家當前外語教學(尤其是基礎階段外語教學)所面臨的突出問題,用一句俗語說,它們是如此符合我國的“國情”:大班教學、以學生為中心突出個性化教學、課堂設計、口語教學、詞匯教學、如何利用多媒體教學手段等等,方方面面,不一而足。


學習詞典中的海量信息經常讓學生無所適從,而如何指導學生有效使用詞典亦是每個英語教師必須面對的問題。作者Cindy Leaney借助簡潔、清晰的語言,為英語教師設計了90多個實用、易操作的課堂活動,從簡單的如何查詞典到如何通過詞典學習英語的搭配、短語、構詞法等信息,使枯燥的詞典使用教學變得活潑、有趣,在活動中讓學生領會不同詞典的設計特色,使詞典成為學生英語學習中的得力幫手。


Thanks and acknowledgementsIntroduction1   Confidence and dictionary skills-building activities 1.1  Getting to knowyour dictionary 1.2  Finding the words you want quickly 1.3  Finding the words you want quickly 2 1.4  Spellcheck 1.5  Alphabet warmer 1.6  Alphabet practice: Code breaking 1.7  Navigating the dictionary: Where is the letter? 1.8  Navigating the dictionary: Where is the word? 1.9  Is that a realword? 1.10 Navigating the dictionary: Parts of speech 1.11 Navigating the dictionary: Labels 1.12 Navigating the dictionary: Using guidewords and signposts  1.13 Navigating the dictionary: Using guidewords and signposts  1.14 Locating multi-word items 1.15 Definitions 1.16 Example sentences 1.17 Dictionary quiz2   Vocabulary-building activities 2.1  Learner training: Recording vocabulary 2.2  Definitions writing, matching and concentration 2.3  Definitions bluff 2.4  Collocations i: Make and do 2.5  Collocations z:Verb + noun 2.6  Collocations 3: Adjective + noun dominoes 2.7  Word building 1 2.8  Word building 2 2.9  Word building 3 2.10 Word building 4……3 Grammar activites4  pronunciation activites5  Reading and writing activities6  Quick activites7  CD-ROM and electroic dictionary activites8  Specialized dictionariesResourcesIndex


  Navigational devicesAll the major learner dictionaries have navigational devices to help the userfind the right sense of a word. They are called guidewords, signposts, menusor shortcuts.The first chapter in this book has activities to practise using these devicesand to help build dictionary confidence.Example sentencesExample or model sentences are usually taken from written or spokencorpora. They may be modified to make them more accessible. Whereasadvanced dictionaries opt for full sentences, on the whole, the tendency inintermediate dictionaries is to include only sentence fragments in entries forall but the most frequent words. This is simply due to lack of space -intermediate dictionary formats are smaller.  However, dictionaries on CD-ROM can hold more text and so may havean examples bank. It depends on how much space is used for sound, video,interactive exercises, etc.Style and usage labelsThese labels tell the user when, where and how words and phrases are used.They may indicate whether a word is marked as formal or informal, whetherit is used in different ways in certain contexts, and whether it is specific to avariety of English (e.g. British, American or Australian).Multi-word items and collocationsVocabulary teaching has recognized how important it is to teach (and learn?。ヽhunks of language, rather than individual words. Chunks include formulaic expressions (Have a nice day?。? sayings and catchphrases (better late than never, make my day); many idioms (a red herring, down in the dumps); phrasal verbs (to get on with, to run out of), many discourse markers (by the way, as a matter of fact), and fixed or semi-fixed collocations (wishful thinking, behind bars). The best of the dictionaries present this information clearly and efficiently.




    如何指導學生有效使用詞典 PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計9條)


  •   初學英語,正確使用詞典很重要,里面的活動不錯哦!
  •   辭典的使用在英語學習中其實是很重要的一環(huán),書里提供了適合各種英語程度學習者的活動,值得參考。
  •   書雖然不厚,是英文原版的,值得一讀,尤其是英語老師
  •   指導學生很有用。
  •   是全英的,值得一讀,我買了全套
  •   很有用的教學參考
  •   非常好,很受啟發(fā)。
  •   沒看。不過應該不錯。先贊吧
  •   書還沒讀,看著不錯!速度很快,服務好!

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網 手機版
