出版時間:2009-8 出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社 作者:厄爾 頁數(shù):288
外研社從劍橋大學(xué)出版社出版的“Cambidge Handbooks for Language Teachers”中選出10本,結(jié)成“Learning in Doing?劍橋英語課堂教學(xué)系列”,在中國大陸出版發(fā)行。 應(yīng)外研社要我為這套叢書寫一個總序的要求,我通讀了全部10本書,同時看了原系列其他書的書名。我發(fā)現(xiàn),在所有這些書都涉及外語教學(xué)中的重要問題的同時,編者選出目前這10本來先期出版發(fā)行,是有道理的。 首先,從這10本書的書名就可看出,它們都是關(guān)于當(dāng)前外語教學(xué)中的一些最關(guān)緊要的問題。讀這套書的教師朋友們會發(fā)現(xiàn),它們是如此切合我們國家當(dāng)前外語教學(xué)(尤其是基礎(chǔ)階段外語教學(xué))所面臨的突出問題,用一句俗語說,它們是如此符合我國的“國情”:大班教學(xué)、以學(xué)生為中心突出個性化教學(xué)、課堂設(shè)計(jì)、口語教學(xué)、詞匯教學(xué)、如何利用多媒體教學(xué)手段等等,方方面面,不一而足。
Thanks Acknowledgements Introduction PART ONE: GUIDELINES 1 Grammar 1 What is grammar? 2 The place of grammar in language teaching 3 What does learning grammar involve? 4 The organization of grammar teaching 2 Practice 1 Pre-learning 2 Volume and repetition 3 Success-orientation 4 Heterogeneity 5 Teacher assistance 6 Interest 3 Activities 1 The task 2 Interest 3 Learner activation 4 In the classroom 1 Practical hints 2 Getting the most out of coursebook exercises PART TWO: ACTIVITIES 1 Adjectives 2 Adverbs 3 Articles, definite and indefinite 4 Both ... and, either ... or, neither nor 5 Comparison of adjectives 6 Conditional clauses 7 'Copula' verbs 8 Countable/uncountable, singular/plural nouns 9 Future tenses 10 Future perfect tense 11 Have/has (got) 12 Imperatives 13 Indirect speech 14 ING form of the verb 15 Interrogatives 16 Is/arc, there is/there are 17 Modals 18 Negative sentences 19 Numbers 20 Passives 21 Past perfect 22 Past progressive 23 Past simple 24 Possessives 25 Prepositions 26 Present perfect 27 Present progressive 28 Present simple 29 Pronouns 30 Relative clauses 31 Short answers 32 Tag questions 33 TO form of the verb 34 Used to Bibliography Index
By volume I mean the sheer amount of (comprehensible) language thatis spoken, heard, read or written in the course of the activity. Crudelyspeaking, the more language the learners are exposed to or produce, themore they are likely to learn: this means devoting plenty of time topractice sessions, and exploiting that time efficiently. When the materialto be practised is non-specific, as in fluency exercises, this just meansspending as much time as possible using the language in general (asdistinct from talking about it). When, however, the material is specific, asin the learning of a grammatical structure, most of the volume shouldconsist of repetition of the items to be learnt. In other words, we want todesign procedures that will induce the learners to engage with the items tobe learnt as many times as possible. This does not mean mere mechanicalreiteration of forms, but repeated reception and production, in speechand writing, of different examples of the structures form and meaning. In a brief exercise where there is insufficient volume and repetition, thelearners may provide you with some feedback on what they know, or donot know, but they will not get much opportunity to consolidate theirlearning. In other words, the procedure will probably function as aninformal test rather than as a practice.In simple terms, the principle of repetition means that you have to getthe learners to produce or perceive examples of the structure - say,sentences using the present perfect tense - over and over again. Thiswould seem to be a perfect recipe for boredom. However, the twofeatures of interest and repetition, though not easily combined, are by nomeans mutually exclusive; and thinking of ways to achieve both of themsimultaneously is perhaps the central challenge facing the teacher andmaterials writer in designing effective practice techniques.