
出版時間:2009  出版社:外語教學與研究出版社  作者:林語堂  頁數(shù):614  






FOREWORDPREFACEHUMAN LIFE1.詠悵集·集古2.幽夢影·張潮5.西廂記序·金圣嘆4.水滸傳序·金圣嘆5.華陽散稿自序·史震林6.西青散記自序·史震林7.七療·張潮8.蘭亭集序·王羲之9.春夜宴桃李園序·李白10.秋醒詞序·王閩運11.齊物論·莊子12.蝶夢·莊子15.論心·史震林14.敘陳正甫會心集·袁中郎LOVE AND DEATH15.英雄氣短說·周銓16.尼姑思凡17.李夫人臨死托武帝·班固18.閑情賦·陶淵明19.浮生六記二節(jié)·沈復20.祭震女文·沈君烈21.鶯鶯札·崔鶯鶯22.黛玉葬花詩-曹雪芹23.聲聲慢·李清照24.金石錄后序·李清照THE SEASONS25.家園之春·林語堂26.溽暑·姚穎27.西湖七月半·張岱28.記舊歷除夕·林語堂29.山中與裴秀才迪書·王維30.石鐘山記·蘇東坡31.桃花源記·陶淵明32.愚溪詩序·柳宗元33.廬山草堂記·白居易HUMAN ADJUSTMENTS34.半半歌·李密庵35.曲城說·佚名36.息機說·張鼐37.志林書札選·蘇東坡38.貨殖列傳·司馬遷39.伯夷列傳·司馬遷40.富人行樂之法·李笠翁41.貧賤行樂之法·李笠翁WOMEN42.婦人鞋襪考·余懷43.雜事秘辛·佚名44.揚州瘦馬·張岱45.說韻·李笠翁THE HOME AND DAILY LIVING46.家書·曾國藩47.園宅·陳繼儒48.瓶花譜·張謙德49.養(yǎng)鳥·鄭板橋50.茶經(jīng)·陸羽51.九喜榻·丁雄飛52.隨時即景就事行樂之法·李笠翁55.觴政·沈中楹54.三風十愆記記飲饌·佚名55.鳳姐說茄子鲞·曹雪芹ART56.紫桃軒雜綴選·李日華57.書李賀小傳后·陸龜蒙……LITERATUREAFTER TEA AND WINEANCIENT WITFOOLS TO THIS WORLDWISDOMZENEPIGRAMS AND PROVERBS中文附錄


  The mind of God is merciful. He is concerned lest men should die of the ambition-mind and the profit-mind, and lest we should neglect to direct the love of a good name toward righteousness and the love of possessions toward true riches. You cannot discuss this with those who are going to die of the struggle for fame and wealth. Nor can people understand when you speak of being dead to the ambitions for fame and worldly possessions. In the primordial time, before the universe was, I am sure there were the same manifestations of the mind as today and this must be also true of the time when the universe was formed from nebulae, except we have no way of seeing it. How can you be sure that Tsao Chenting and Shih Chenlin were not there before the universe was, although we cannot remember it? We cannot be sure, however, that there may not be other beings who remember, clearly and vividly, how many times Tsao Chenting and Shih Chenlin were born and came and went out of this world. Only those who know this can discuss with us our two minds.




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