出版時間:2009-6 出版社:外語教研 作者:王燕 頁數(shù):208
實戰(zhàn),是本書最大的特點; 演練,是本書獨特的手段; 高分,是本書最終的目的。 雅思口語考試在多年的發(fā)展、完善后,話題已變得非常廣泛豐富,而且難度也在不斷提高。對考生而言,這樣的變化無疑會使考試變得更加撲朔迷離、難以把握。本書總結(jié)了2004年至2009年5月的所有口語考試話題,期望在實戰(zhàn)性的演練中幫助考生把握題目方向,有的放矢,有備而戰(zhàn)?! ≡谘潘伎荚嚨穆?、說、讀、寫四項測試中,口語考試是許多考生感覺最為棘手的。因為口語考試的話題范圍廣,從衣食住行到娛樂愛好,幾乎涉及到生活的方方面面,而且口語考試不僅要求考生描述細節(jié),在考試第三階段的深入討論部分,還要求考生闡述觀點。面對林林總總的問題,考生在復(fù)習(xí)過程中的最大難題就是不知從何下手。本書從實戰(zhàn)的角度出發(fā),總結(jié)了最近幾年的口語考試話題,并分類講解,力圖在最短的時間內(nèi)為考生提供最全面的信息?! 『芏嗫忌趥淇伎谡Z時碰到的另一個難題是“無米下炊”。因為缺乏積累,沒有豐富的詞匯和句型儲備,很多看似簡單的話題,如工作、學(xué)習(xí)、娛樂等,表達時很容易抽象籠統(tǒng),缺乏細節(jié);而考生在闡述觀點時,又苦于沒有鮮明的論點和有力的論據(jù),答案往往會顯得結(jié)構(gòu)松散,邏輯性不強。本書為考生盡可能全面地列舉出不同的觀點,并且將相關(guān)的核心詞匯和典型句式列在每節(jié)開頭部分??忌梢岳眠@些詞匯和句型,按照自己的觀點組織答案。與提供現(xiàn)成、完整的答案相比,這樣的方式更適合考生自學(xué)與練習(xí),也可避免因背誦范文而造成的答案雷同現(xiàn)象。在準備口語考試的過程中,一定的背誦是必要的,但更重要的是利用背誦的材料,尋找一切可能的機會演練,這樣才能達到真正提高口語水平的目的?! ”緯牧硪惶厣菫榭忌峁?ldquo;原汁原味”的材料,這也正是取得口語考試高分的秘訣所在。除了表達流暢連貫,口語考試的另一個高分標準是“地道自然”。本書從口頭表達的角度出發(fā),搜集整理了相關(guān)話題的句型和慣用語。希望考生從中了解到真正地道的口語是簡單明了、地道自然的語句,而不是由艱澀生僻的詞匯或復(fù)雜拗口的句型構(gòu)成的。
《劍橋雅思口語精練》特色:“劍橋雅思精練”系列是繼外研社成功推出“劍橋雅思真題精解”、“劍橋雅思精講”和“劍橋雅思詞匯專講”三大精品雅思系列備考用書之后,專門針對時間緊迫、計劃在一個月內(nèi)有效提高雅思成績的考生而編寫的。 本系列根據(jù)最新考試動向.提供了豐富的練習(xí)題和模擬題,供考生進行考前強化訓(xùn)練。 本書包含以下特點:雅思口試最新動向盡在掌握,核心詞匯典型句式系統(tǒng)學(xué)習(xí),大量真題高分范例全面提供,模擬試題實戰(zhàn)演練環(huán)環(huán)相扣。
第一章 愛好興趣類話題 話題1 一部喜歡的電影 話題2 一類廣播、電視節(jié)目或一個網(wǎng)站 話題3 一項喜歡的體育運動 話題4 一種喜歡的交通方式 話題5 一本喜歡的書/一份喜歡的報紙第二章 物品類話題 話題1 一件家具 話題2 一件工藝品 話題3 一件有用的工具/機器 話題4 一件衣服/首飾 話題5 一張照片 話題6 一種動物第三章 地點類話題 話題1 一個公園/花園 話題2 一個城市 話題3 一座圖書館/博物館 話題4 一條河流/一個湖泊 話題5 一座傳統(tǒng)建筑第四章 經(jīng)歷類話題 話題1 一次旅行/一個假期 話題2 一次特別的餐飲/婚禮/生日聚會 話題3 一個廣告 話題4 一個積極的改變/重要的決定 話題5 一條建議第五章 人物類話題 話題1 一名家庭成員/一位老人/一個孩童 話題2 一位老師/一個好朋友/一個鄰居 話題3 一名成功人士/一個喜歡冒險的人
Example 1 I seldom watch TV, because I have a computer and I spend most of my free time in front ofthe computer, browsing websites and chatting with my friends. Anyhow, I do have a favourite TVprogramme and its called Magic. Dictionary. Its a quiz show. The hostess of this programme ismy favourite. Her name is Wang Xiaoya. She is an incredible hostess. At the beginning of the programme they will introduce five participants and then ask them aquestion. The person who first answers the question correctly will be given an opportunity to takethe quiz. The quiz is divided into three or four stages. In each stage you will get a prize. The prizesare decided by the participants, e.g. a computer, laptop, digital video camera, or a free packageholiday, you know things like that. The most interesting part of the programme is the way the hostess asks these questions. Forexample, after you have given an answer she will ask whether you are sure or not about the answer,and the person starts getting confused and may change his or her right answer to a wrong one. Itsfunny and interesting. I really enjoy this part. The way the participants answer questions is unusual,too. They are given three kinds of aids: calling a friend by phone, asking the audience on the spotand letting the computer erase one of the wrong answers. They can use each way only once. The other reason why I like this programme is that it can enhance my general knowledge. Example 2 With the surge of diverse media, the radio has played a less important role in many peoples life. Idont spend much time listening to the radio, but I stick to the habit of listening to the storytellingprogramme at noon. It is a series broadcast at 12 noon each day. The contents used to be historical folk stories andclassic literature works. Nowadays new elements are added to the programme to make it moreattractive to young people, like some bestsellers or popular novels. I prefer the saga stories becausethey are based on real history but more legendary. Besides the fascinating plots of the stories, the way they are told is also engrossing. Thestorytellers are all good at using expressive and metrical language to tell stories. They are alsoadept at creating suspense at the climax point to make the audience guess. Even if they are telling afamiliar story, they can make the audience full of expectation. Liu Lanfang is one of the renownedfemale storytellers of the last two decades. The saga and war stories told by her have attractedaudiences of millions and of all ages. As a traditional form of entertainment, storytelling is appealing to audiences, especially inrural areas, where the radio is the main communication and entertainment means. The storytellingprogrammes bring people pleasure, knowledge and imagination.
購買新版:雅思8分密鑰:王燕雅思口語24天突破(附MP3光盤1張) 緊跟雅思最新考試形式,全面演練雅思常見題型,精心打造完美備考計劃,實現(xiàn)短期突破高分夢想。