出版時(shí)間:2009-7 出版社:外語教研 作者:王文思 頁數(shù):257
2004年2月,18歲的美籍華裔女孩兒Katharine Wang通過“Kat’s Eye”專欄走入了《英語學(xué)習(xí)》讀者們的視線。接下來的每個(gè)月,她都如約向中國的讀者講述她在大洋彼岸的生活。光陰荏苒,不知不覺問,“Kat’s Eye”陪我們一同走過了五年。應(yīng)廣大讀者之邀,我們特別將該欄目集結(jié)成本書,希望與所有喜歡她的老讀者重溫那段美好的時(shí)光,同時(shí)與更多的新讀者分享她的心情故事。 Katharine(Kat)堅(jiān)強(qiáng)上進(jìn)、樂觀開朗,但她也有沮喪,也有彷徨。初到美國,Kat由于性格內(nèi)向交不到朋友,同時(shí)遭遇語言障礙和文化沖突,備受煎熬,但她逐漸克服了這些困難,生活也變得越來越多姿多彩。這本書就如同Kat呈獻(xiàn)給我們的一個(gè)萬花筒,色彩斑斕,變幻莫測,囊括了她生活經(jīng)歷中的點(diǎn)點(diǎn)滴滴,也為讀者開辟了心靈交流的天地:如果你在生活或工作中備感壓力,Kat會(huì)向你傳授她的減壓妙招;如果你想申請美國的大學(xué),Kat會(huì)給你一些忠告;如果你同樣熱愛文學(xué)和寫作,Kat想跟你來一番“文學(xué)一夕談”;也許你有點(diǎn)兒崇拜Kat,這時(shí),Kat會(huì)告訴你她在追逐夢想的路上曾遭遇過的失敗…… 。 本書不是純粹的英語學(xué)習(xí)之書,因?yàn)闀械墓适抡鎸?shí)、親切,未經(jīng)過濾,讀起來就好比在聆聽一個(gè)鄰家女孩向你述說她的生活故事,透露她的人生小秘密。但本書確實(shí)又是一本可供學(xué)習(xí)英語之書,其語言地道、現(xiàn)代、活潑、幽默,你在咀嚼Kat的故事之時(shí),也會(huì)情不自禁喜歡上她的充滿個(gè)性的語言。 閑暇之余,泡杯咖啡,抑或沏壺好茶,掇起此書,靜靜琢磨每一幅清新幽默的小插圖,細(xì)細(xì)品味每個(gè)故事的字里行間,也應(yīng)算是一種獨(dú)特的人生體驗(yàn)吧。
隨父母移居美國。曾就讀于美國著名的斯坦福大學(xué),畢業(yè)后進(jìn)入Google Inc.工作。Kalhanne熱愛文學(xué),喜歡有創(chuàng)意的寫作。甚至夢想有朝一日能獲得“諾貝爾文學(xué)獎(jiǎng)”,她堅(jiān)信夢想的力量。2004年和2007年,她分別出版了《此時(shí),彼地》和《深紅準(zhǔn)則——我的斯坦?!穬杀緯?。從2004年開始,她還在《英語學(xué)習(xí)》雜志上開設(shè)了“Kat’s Eye”專欄,記錄自己在美國生活的點(diǎn)點(diǎn)滴滴。本書是“Kat’s Eye”專欄51篇故事的精彩輯錄,其語言生動(dòng)幽默,風(fēng)格清新雋永,像一縷清風(fēng),帶我們回首她的青春四季……
This revolution is starting in the US, aiming to change our perceptions of lifestyle and food. We have a growing trend towards organic foods. And, it makes sense; why not eat delicious and healthy food? I find that in China, most of the food and the dishes are healthy-a balance of vegetables, meats, and grains. But, there is also a growing popularity of fast food in China which could be feeding the next generations with French fries, hamburgers, and fried chicken. But, Im not advocating not eating these foods. Like what my group member said and wrote so well: The Delicious Revolution isnt asking us to start a crusade. Its asking us to enjoy our food, and giving others, especially kids, a chance to truly enjoy food as well. Its not even asking us to be selfless. But if theres one thing that would change my mind, its probably this. Dont eat something that wont make you happy. Its something that each of us can do very well. And Alice Waters and her Edible Garden show each week that eating well makes a difference. While it was difficult to start my speech, I had no trouble with the rest. It was something that I was passionate about, something that I understood. So, I forgot about fears. I forgot about those stupid jitterbugs. I wanted to talk. I wanted to share these powerful ideas and messages. I wanted to be heard. And, really, we all should.
A few weeks ago, I attended a charity fashion show in San Francisco with my old roommates. As I admired outfits after outfits, sequin after cloth, I found myself thinking about the last few years of writing for ELL. Like the models strutting down the catwalk, I have shed and changed and re-created my identity as apparent in my writing. Together, we have come across social stigmas, overcome hardships, met new friends, tackled new lifestyles, and explored new lands. I hope, with all my heart, that my writing has also helped in some way——even if just a tiny bit. I know that writing for ELL has helped me. Through writing, I have met so many readers. You have graciously shared lessons about life and love from across the ocean. It has been my absolute pleasure to write for you. I hope that we can continue to walk hand-in-hand down the Kat-walk. ——Katharine Wang