出版時間:2009-8 出版社:外語教研 作者:彭進 編 頁數(shù):228
“學習任何語言都需要大量閱讀。學習英語也需要大量閱讀。英語學得好的人,一般說來,都讀過相當數(shù)量的書;反之,也只有讀得比較多的人,才能真正學好英語。” 閱讀是獲取各種信息的主要渠道和手段,閱讀技能對學生未來的學習和生活具有實用價值。閱讀不僅是外語教學的主要目標,而且還是重要的學習手段。通過大量閱讀可以積累語言材料和豐富語言知識,還可以增強語感。閱讀量的大小很大程度上決定了英語水平的高低。根據(jù)教育部新課標的要求,中學生在初中畢業(yè)之前英語閱讀量要達到15萬詞以上。 近年來,各級各類考試中閱讀類試題所占分值逐漸增大。閱讀理解、完形填空和任務型閱讀這三種常見閱讀類試題在中考試卷中所占分值達到了50分甚至更多。在中考試卷中,閱讀類試題通常是失分最多的題,因此有人戲說“得閱讀者得高分”。做不好閱讀類試題通常有以下兩個原因:閱讀量少,缺乏語感;沒有形成良好的閱讀習慣,缺乏閱讀方面的答題技巧。中考試卷中的短文一般為5至8篇,而答題時間有限,對考生的閱讀技巧和速度都有較高的要求。 因此,選擇一本好的閱讀類圖書對于閱讀能力的培養(yǎng)非常重要。本書有以下3個特點: 一、本書所選材料新鮮、有趣、體裁豐富、涉及話題全面、可讀性強。書中每篇短文前都設置了閱讀提示,使學生對文章有個初步的了解,產生閱讀的欲望和興趣。 二、一書多用。本書的題型較多,如:閱讀理解、完形填空和任務型閱讀。本書將這3種題型放在一起,并且進行合理安排,使這3種題型都能得到訓練。 三、本書注重對閱讀技巧的培養(yǎng)。書后不僅提供了答案,而且所有題目都有解析,便于課外自學。 衷心地希望每位使用這套叢書的同學都能喜歡本套叢書,并從中受益。
第一部分 技巧解讀 完形填空技巧解讀 閱讀理解技巧解讀 任務型閱讀技巧解讀第二部分 輕松訓練 Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Exercise 5 Exercise 6 Exercise 7 Exercise 8 Exercise 9 Exercise 10 Exercise 11 Exercise 12 Exercise 13 Exercise 14 Exercise 15 Exercise 16 Exercise 17 Exercise 18 Exercise 19 Exercise 20 Exercise 21 Exercise 22 Exercise 23 Exercise 24 Exercise 25 Exercise 26 Exercise 27 Exercise 28 ……答案與解析
Sam woke up suddenly. Someone was moving around in the next room. "Maybe its Grandma, getting a drink of water." he told himself. But the next room was the living room. It wasnt near the kitchen. Sams parents were away, and there was only Grandma in the house with him. He looked at his watch, three thirty! Too early for Grandma to get up! He got out of bed and opened the door very quietly. The window was open——wide open! Standing near it was a man, looking in the desk drawers. Grandma kept her money and papers in them! He thought quickly. Yes, the radio! He turned it on and a mans voice filled the room. Frightened, the thief dropped Grandmas papers. He jumped out onto the balcony. Then he jumped down two floors to the ground. He gave a shout. His leg was broken under his body. Grandma was awake and she phoned the police at once. The thief couldnt get up, because his leg was broken. When the police came, they were very pleased. "Well done, Sam," said the police officer. "This man is a well-known thief." Then he said to Sams Grandma, "You should keep your money in a bank!"
初中英語閱讀理解與完形填空精講精練(七年級分冊) PDF格式下載