
出版時(shí)間:2009-4  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:馬會娟,苗菊 編著  頁數(shù):382  


  美籍荷蘭學(xué)者詹姆斯-霍姆斯(James Htolmes)在其1972年發(fā)表的論文《翻譯研究的名與實(shí)》(“The Narne and NatLIre of TrarlslatiorlStudies”)一文中詳盡地論述了翻譯研究作為一門學(xué)科應(yīng)具有的名稱、性質(zhì)、范圍等內(nèi)容,這篇論文被翻譯界普遍認(rèn)為是“翻譯學(xué)科的創(chuàng)建宣言”(Geritzler 1993:92)。在國內(nèi)外翻譯界同仁的共同努力下,近三十年來,翻譯研究無論是在西方還是在中國都逐漸發(fā)展成為一門獨(dú)立的學(xué)科。與時(shí)共進(jìn),我國許多高等院校紛紛設(shè)立翻譯系或翻譯學(xué)院,以適應(yīng)社會對翻譯人才的需要。至2007年,我國設(shè)立翻譯系或翻譯學(xué)院的一類院校有十余所;目前更多的學(xué)校正在籌備建立翻譯系和翻譯本科專業(yè)。為進(jìn)一步推動翻譯研究作為一門獨(dú)立學(xué)科的發(fā)展,我們的翻譯系或翻譯學(xué)院以培養(yǎng)社會發(fā)展所需要的職業(yè)譯員為基本目標(biāo),力求提高學(xué)生的理論水平,為社會輸送具備一定理論基礎(chǔ)的翻譯人才?!  懂?dāng)代西方翻譯理論選讀》一書正是為了適應(yīng)目前高校翻譯理論教學(xué)的需要而撰寫的。作者根據(jù)對相關(guān)課題的調(diào)研發(fā)現(xiàn),目前國內(nèi)外市場上適合我國學(xué)生的翻譯理論選讀教材并不多見。在我國市場上,介紹西方各家翻譯流派的理論入門書有的用中文撰寫,對于中國讀者來說,雖然方便易讀,但缺點(diǎn)也顯而易見,因?yàn)樽x翻譯的內(nèi)容,總有“霧里看花”的感覺,正如意大利諺語所謂“翻譯者即叛逆者”也?! τ诜g系/翻譯學(xué)院的學(xué)生,最好是讀“原汁原味”的英文材料,從而準(zhǔn)確理解西方翻譯理論的概念、術(shù)語。有的教材雖用英文撰寫,但主要是對西方各家翻譯理論流派的評述,對于學(xué)生來說,也是隔靴搔癢,難以窺見“廬山真面目”,不利于學(xué)生對西方翻譯理論的深刻了解。有的略顯陳舊,節(jié)選多為20世紀(jì)70年代以前的翻譯理論流派,對20世紀(jì)70年代以后興起的西方諸多流派,如目的論、描寫學(xué)派、后殖民主義、女權(quán)主義、翻譯實(shí)證研究等都很少涉及。盡管目前西方翻譯理論方面的書在國內(nèi)市場上可以說是汗牛充棟,但缺乏一部集中介紹西方主要翻譯流派的代表性的論文選編。  本書主要選取自20世紀(jì)60年代以來有代表性、有影響的當(dāng)代西方翻譯理論流派的論文或理論著作,共計(jì)十六篇,分七個(gè)單元,依次是語言學(xué)派、功能學(xué)派、描寫學(xué)派、文化學(xué)派、翻譯的哲學(xué)取向派、認(rèn)知學(xué)派以及翻譯實(shí)證研究。語言學(xué)派包括奈達(dá)(Nida)的動態(tài)對等翻譯理論,紐馬克(Newmark)的語義翻譯與交際翻譯,紐伯特(NetJbert)的語篇翻譯。




Unit One Linguistic Approaches to Translation
Chapter 1 Eugene Nida
Dynamic Equivalence and Formal Equivalence
Chapter 2 Peter Newmark
Semantic and Communicative Translation
Chapter 3 Albrecht Neubert
Translation as Text
Unit Two Functionalist Approaches to Translation
Chapter 4 Hans J. Vermeer
Skopos Theory
Chapter 5 Christiane Nord
Functionality Plus Loyalty
Unit Three Descriptive Approaches to Translation
Chapter 6 Itamar Even-Zohar
Polysystem Theory
Chapter 7 Gideon Toury
Descriptive Translation Studies
Chapter 8 Andre Lefevere
Translation as Rewriting
Unit Four Cultural Studies Approaches to Translation
Chapter 9 Lawrence Venuti
Foreignizing Translation Strategy
Chapter 10 Luise von Flotow
A Feminist Perspective
Chapter 11 Douglas Robinson
Postcolonial Approach to Translation
Unit Five Philosophical Approaches to Translation...
Chapter 12 George Steiner
Hermeneutic Approach to Translation
Chapter 13 Jacques Derrida
Deconstructionist Translation Theory
Unit Six Cognitive Approaches to Translation
Chapter 14 Ernst-August Gutt
Cognitive Approach to Translation
Unit Seven Empirical Research in Translation Studies
Chapter 15 Wolfgang Lorscher
Think-aloud as a Method
Chapter 16 Mona Baker
Corpus-based Translation Studies


  Identifying the research parameters which motivate the differentmodels of translation is a first step toward clarification. Two divergentviews of translation may not really be in opposition. They may simply focuson different aspects of a larger phenomenon. Still, the broader discipline oftranslation studies needs a conceptual baseline. We argue that the textualapproach to translation can serve as that baseline.  Without an integrating concept we run the risk that translationwill be understood only in parts, and never as a whole. If there are nointegrating concepts, there can be no hope of an integrated or unifiedtheory of translation. An integrated theory would bring the various modelsof translation and the various kinds of translation together in a moreencompassing theoretical structure.  Building models without a common set of concepts has led to thefracturing of translation studies noted recently by Newmark and earlierby Savory. In a recent paper, Newmark has maintained that "an integratedtheory of translation is not feasible" (Newmark 1990:711). Newmarkcontinues to say that "all theories have their uses; when they are claimed tobe exclusive or monopolistic, they become pernicious dogma." Newmarkis fight about dogma. It has no place in translation studies and cannot existin any empirically based discipline. He goes too far when he claims that anintegrated theory of translation is not possible. Each approach to translationcan validate itself. It can achieve validity by carefully selecting its researchaims and using a rigorous method-critical system in the descriptionof the phenomenon within that selection. The scope, and therefore theexplanatory power, of the model of translation is restricted to the elementssubjected to analysis. It is not necessarily the case that an integratedtheory is impossible. Simply because some approaches to translation havedecided to focus on a restricted set of elements does not mean that a morecomprehensive and meaningful set of features cannot be constructed. Thiscould be done by merging the common conceptual elements of the variousmodels and accounting for the areas of difference.  An integrated approach requires an integrating concept. We haveproposed the text as an integrating concept. In translation we are concernedwith three incarnations of the text. There is the source text and there is thetarget text. The third text is what we call the virtual translation.




    當(dāng)代西方翻譯理論選讀 PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計(jì)20條)


  •   苗老師治學(xué)嚴(yán)謹(jǐn),上課時(shí)對其十分仰慕,可惜她的為人不像這本書那樣approachable。她的這本書比較適合初入翻譯理論學(xué)習(xí)的學(xué)生閱讀,是很好的入門之作。原文選讀之后的問題可以引導(dǎo)我們進(jìn)一步閱讀和思考。
  •   這本書是北京外國語大學(xué)研究生考試的參考書籍,很不錯(cuò),按照流派來的,有作者自己的總結(jié)和原著的節(jié)選,對翻譯專業(yè)的學(xué)生,幫助很大。
  •   這本是全英文的!需要英語基礎(chǔ)好才能讀懂。很喜歡!既可以學(xué)習(xí)翻譯理論知識,又可以提高英語水平!
  •   很好的一本翻譯理論書
  •   英文版 有點(diǎn)看不下來,還是買翻譯版的吧
  •   書挺不錯(cuò)的 翻譯這本是全英的 準(zhǔn)備好好看看
  •   還以為是中文的,仔細(xì)想想選讀當(dāng)然是英文的,慢慢看吧
  •   學(xué)校上課的教材,很好,簡單易懂
  •   說實(shí)在的,一看就是好書。北外的研究生備考書目,還要啰嗦啥?!
  •   全英文的,提高能力
  •   很適合考高翻的同學(xué)。強(qiáng)烈推薦
  •   不錯(cuò),全英有原文條例不錯(cuò)
  •   最好的地方在于有插入理論家的原作。
  •   是很好的資料書。
  •   理論性強(qiáng) 但讀的不枯燥
  •   = =書是好書 就是耐不下心。。
  •   為了考MTI準(zhǔn)備的,希望會有用。共勉。
  •   這本書就是西方原典籍理論的摘錄。英語專業(yè)研究生可以看,比較有利于翻譯理論學(xué)習(xí)。
  •   書挺不錯(cuò)的,值得一看,頂一個(gè)
  •   挺不錯(cuò)了,紙張還行,應(yīng)該是正版的

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