
出版時間:2009-4  出版社:外語教研  作者:汪士彬 編  頁數(shù):240  








Section Ⅰ 英語快速閱讀 英語快速閱讀技巧 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16 Unit 17 Unit 18 Unit 19 Unit 20 Unit 21 Unit 22 Unit 23 Unit 24 Unit 25Section Ⅱ 英語仔細閱讀Key


  The impact that technology has had on the workplace andsociety in general, is undeniable.It will become even greater as computers get smarter, faster, smaller, and so inexpensive thatvirtually everyone will be able to own one.  Already, it can be seen how the nonstop, technology-driven, global economy is tearing downtraditional concepts of time and space. The Intemet permits a person to conduct business anytimeday or night with a company that might be 10 time zones away.  Portable laptop computers, cell phones, pagers, and wireless Internet connections allowpeople to work anywhere at any time, so they have more control over their schedules. As a result, many more may choose to take days off in the middle of the traditional work-week, when golf courses and shopping malls are less crowded, and work weekends instead.  In addition, technology will help businesses gain more control over hiring decisions. There currently is a service available in which a small microchip containing the owner s phone number is embedded in a pet s shoulder. The chip allows lost dogs and cats easily to be reunited with their human families. The same technology could eventually be used to screen job candidates. The embedded chip would hold an individuals entire work history. The result would be a "walking resume" that would virtually eliminate fraud and could even allow companies to identifyindividuals who might pose a threat to workplace safety.  Technology will help firms solve the labor shortages that currently plague many industries,particularly high-tech ones. The human downside, though, is that, in solving labor shortages,technology will ultimately result in job destruction.  Robotics have eliminated thousands of blue-collar jobs in Americas factories and assemblyplants. Computers have reduced the need for many white-collar managers since they allow oneperson to do the work of two or three. How long will it be before technology actually replaces the people who design, build, and program the computers?  Presently, some law firms are utilizing forms of artificial intelligence. While the software currently is unable to match the human minds flexibility, it does analyze facts, determine which rules apply, make recommendations, and draft the appropriate documents.





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