
出版時間:2012-8  出版社:外語教學與研究出版社  作者:蔡基剛 編  頁數(shù):312  




Unit 1 Choosing a Topic
1 Deciding on a topic
Text 1 How Do Computer Hacke"Get Iide"a
Text 2 ElectronicThreats of a Computer
2 Formulating a research question
Text 3 AdvantagesofCIoud Computing
Text 4 Security Benefits of Cloud Computing
3 Writing a working title
4 Enhancing your academic language
Reading: Texts 1-4
Listening: Lectures 1-5
Unit 2 Searching for Information
1 Finding reliable and better sources
2 Scanning and skimming
Text 5 Can You Compete with A.I. for the Next
3 Identifying topic sentences for information
Text6 GameTheory
4 Guessing word meaning
From context
Text 7 Darkness on the Edge of the Univee
Through affixes and roots
Text 8 HowNanotechnologyWorks
5 Using the organization of the text
Text 9 GIobalWarming and Its Effects
6 Reading critically
Text 10 GIobalWarming
7 Taking notes
8 Writing a summary
9 Enhancing your academic language
Reading:Texts 5-10
Listening: Lectures 6-9
Unit 3 Listening to Lectures
1 Preparing for listening to a lecture
2 Paying attention to the introduction
Lecture 10
3 Undetanding the ideas through examples
Lecture 11
4 Following a lecture through signal words
Lecture 12
5 Memorizing the points by taking notes
Lecture 13
Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review
1 Writing a literature review
Text 11 Risks of Nuclear Power
Text 12 How Radiation Threate Health
Text 13 Should Nuclear Radiation Found in Domestic
Milk Come as a Surprise?
Text 14 Radiation and Health:The Aftehocks of Japan's
Nuclear Disaster
2 Writing a self-contained literature review
3 Writing a literature review as a part of an essay
4 Citation
5 Documentation
6 Avoiding plagiarism
7 Paraphrasing
8 Enhancing your academic language
Reading: Texts 11-14
Listening: Lecturest4-16
Unit 5 Writing an Academic Essay
1 Definition
Text 15 Genetically Modified Foods--Feed the
Text 16 Influence of Genetically Modified Soya on the
Birth Weight and
Survival of Rat Pups
Text 17 Clinical Risk Assessment of GM Foods
2 Two types of research paper
3 Writing an introduction
4 Writing the body of a secondary research essay
Text 18 Physical Effects of Marijuana Use
5 Writing the body of a primary research essay
Methods section
Results section
6 Writing a discussion or/and conclusion
7 Writing an abstract
8 Writing a reference list
9 Academic writing style
Text 19. Research Reports for Business and Technical
10 Proofreading
Check globally
Check grammatically
11 Enhancing your academic language
Reading:Texts 15-19
Listening: Lectures 17-20
Unit 6 Making an Oral Presentation
1 Preparing your oral presentation
2 Organizing the content
3 Using proper language
4 Delivering your presentation
5 Using visual aids
6 Dealing with Q and A
7 Raising questio in class and in the lecture
8 Participating in discussio
Appendix 1: Vocabulary
Appendix 2: A Student's Paper




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