出版時間:2010年4月 出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社 作者:梁漱溟,艾愷 頁數(shù):375 譯者:艾愷
I am honored to be able to write a preface to this volume.First I want to explain how this dialogue between Mr. LiangShuming and me came about.I became interested in Mr. Liang's life and career as a graduatestudent at Harvard University, and took it as the subject of myPh.D. dissertation. I gathered materials in Taiwan and Hong Kong,as well as sought out and interviewed [many of] his old friends andacquaintances. Because of the Sino-American political situation at thetime, I never had an opportunity to go to China and meet personallythe subject of my research, Mr. Liang. In the first part of 1973 I hadmy first opportunity to go to China. For an American to be able to goto China at that time was still extremely unusual. Why was I able tomake the trip? After President Nixon visited China, several Chinesedelegations visited the United States in succession, and I served astheir interpreter, and so became a channel of communication betweenthe two countries. So in 1973, my wife and I had this rare opportunityto visit China. At the time, the first request I made of the Chinese wasthat I hoped I could meet with Mr. Liang. But because it was the timeof the Cultural Revolution, and a very sensitive time, my wishes to paymy respects to Mr. Liang were not answered, so I could only returnregretfully to America.In 1979, at the same time as my study of Liang Shuming The LastConfucian was published, the Chinese political situation underwenta tremendous change.
Has Man a Future?—Dialogues with the Last Confucian根據(jù)梁漱溟先生1980年與美國艾愷教授對談錄音整理而成,并由艾愷教授親自翻譯成英文。談話中,梁漱溟先生論述了儒釋道各家的文化特點及代表人物,涉及諸多政治文化名人(陳獨秀、毛澤東、蔣介石、梁啟超等),回顧了先生一生重要活動(任教北大、從事鄉(xiāng)建運動、創(chuàng)建民主同盟等),內(nèi)容豐富,因此可作為了解與研究梁漱溟先生思想與活動及近代中國社會生活的重要參考。
PrefaceIntroductionChapter 1: August 12, 1980Chapter 2: August 13, 1980Chapter 3: August 14, 1980Chapter 4: August 15, 1980Chapter 5: August 16, 1980Chapter 6: August 17, 1980Chapter 7: August 18, 1980Chapter 8: August 19, 1980Chapter 9: August 20, 1980Chapter 10: August 21, 1980Chapter 11: August 22, 1980Chapter 12: August 24, 1980Chapter 13: August 25, 1980
Alitto: So young!Did your sister return to live in Zouping or...Liang: Yes, she retumed to Zouping, but later left for Hunan.Alitto: Did she have relatives in Hunan or...Liang: She went to her daughter and son-in-law's home. Her daughter Dehui was married to my nephew. (Alitto: Dehui was married to your nephew?) He was a distant nephew of mine, not closely related. His father was a relative of mine, older than me, so he could be considered my elder brother. But he was a Hunanese.Alitto: Oh, the person you mentioned before for whom you are writing [a biography]. (Liang: Yes.) But you didn't tell me his name. All I know is that he was surnamed Liang. What was his name?Liang: Our generation of the Liang family all has "Huan" as the first character of our given names. His name was Liang Huankui. My original name was "Huanding." Dehui was given in marriage to the son of Huankui, who could be considered my nephew. Dehui married my nephew [as it were]. She still lives in Changsha, Hunan.