
出版時間:2009年08月  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:李嵐清  頁數(shù):453  




Preface to the English EditionA Dialog With the AuthorIntroduction1  Opening Up Becomes a Key State PolicyEmbargo and Isolation in the Early Years of New ChinaSelf-Imposed Seclusion Under Ultra-Leftist Ideology"Closed-Doorism" Sets the Economy at an ImpassePeople's Choice: Deng's Comeback to Power"Emancipating the Mind" and the "Criterion for Truth"Restoring Order and Setting Things RightSounding Out the Outside WorldA Historic Turning Point for China2  The Birth of Special Economic ZonesShekou, the Opening SalvoGuangdong and Fujian Set the PaceSetting Up a "Frontline General Staff"From Special Export Zones to Special Economic ZonesWhat Is Special About Special Economic Zones?Fording the River by Groping for StonesThe Policy for Special Economic Zones Is SoundDesigning a Framework for Opening Up Coastal Regions3  Bringing in Advanced Technology and EquipmentUninterrupted Learning Is the Key to ProgressBraving Interference to Make Foreign Things Serve ChinaBoosting Technology Importation Becomes a Major State PolicyOpening Up More Avenues to Bring in TechnologyStriving for Innovation and Transcendence4  Lessons for the Opening-Up PolicyJoint Ventures, a Pragmatic ChoiceThe First Law on Foreign Investment Is BornThe First Group of Joint VenturesOvercoming Obstacles to Success5  "Borrowing a Hen to Lay Eggs"The "Debt-Free" Era Comes to an EndBorrowing Loans From Japan, a New ExperimentRestoring China's Seat in the World BankDiversifying Sources of Foreign Loans6  Foreign Trade Reform's Rough BeginningBreaking the Monopoly Over Foreign TradeReform Brings About New VitalityGATT Membership: From Rejection to Re-entry7  Learning Along the WayLearning to Swim by SwimmingAccelerating Training for the Opening-Up EffortSending Students Abroad After a Long HiatusBorrowing Foreign Brains by Recruiting ExpertsLearning Modern Management Is a RevolutionHistoric Choice: To Establish a Market Economy by Opening UpPostscript by the TranslatorsGlossary of NamesIndex




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