
出版時間:2009-5  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社,劍橋大學(xué)出版社  作者:魯賓遜  頁數(shù):76  


  《劍橋少兒英語:輕松奪滿盾(第3級)(學(xué)生用書)(附光盤)》是一套針對劍橋少兒英語(YLE)考試設(shè)計的備考用書,嚴格按照劍橋少兒英語考試最新考試大綱編寫全套教材與考試題型緊密結(jié)合,采用有趣的練習(xí)和活動,引導(dǎo)考生逐步熟悉考試要求,把握考試重點和難點,全面達到考綱中對聽、說、讀、寫各項能力的要求?! 〗滩墓卜秩齻€級別,與考試級別完全對應(yīng)每級教材包括學(xué)生用書(附光盤)和教師用書  學(xué)生用書特色:  涵蓋考綱中所有相關(guān)的主題、語法結(jié)構(gòu)、詞匯和題型,備考更徹底,側(cè)重訓(xùn)練考試中最容易出錯的部分,幫助考生突破難點,詞匯表按單元索引,方便學(xué)生分單元進行詞匯學(xué)習(xí)和鞏固。  教師用書特色:  分步教學(xué)指導(dǎo),包含大班教學(xué)和差異化教學(xué)的教學(xué)提示,滿足不同層次的教學(xué)需求。  “小貼士”包括考試注意事項和考生提示信息,備考更全面,包括全真模擬試題,即學(xué)即練,提供按單元主題和語法的多重索引,方便快速查詢。


Wearing and carryingSpats and stripesWith your bodyAbout animalsMy animalsAre you called Helen?Haw do you spell it?School subjectsIn my classroomPlanetsThe world around usBad weatherFood and drinkWhat they eatCooking and eatingWhat do they do?My sisters an engineerMy day at workAsk me a questionPicture differencesAt the hospitalThe time of the yearImportant numbersLeaving and arrivingWhat are they going to do?Our holidaysNicks holiday last summerAn interesting jobWhats it made of?You find them in pocketsWhats it like?Places to goThey were tired, soWhat a strange planet!Having funThe monster familys photosJohn stays in hospitalIve forgotten my umbrella!Have you ever met a famous person?What has just happened?Were moving house!When do these things happen?In the future, I might be a farmerAbout peopleYoure on TV!PostcardsHow about tennis?Its too loud!When Im sadDo you do it or make it?All about youGive me a short answerWorld riversWhos speaking?Word gamesPairwork activitiesUnit wordlistList of irregular verbs……



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